Comments from NativeForestHiller

Showing 526 - 550 of 715 comments

NativeForestHiller commented about Elmwood Theatre on Oct 10, 2006 at 8:29 am

Would the scenario be the same if “the religious volunteers” at the Rock Church broke their mother’s invaluable China set???

NativeForestHiller commented about Elmwood Theatre on Oct 10, 2006 at 8:24 am

P.S. There is no telling what will be done to the Elmwood next. First all the terra cotta lintels are carted away, then covered with stucco & “dryvit”…..and now perhaps the rooftop balustrades and stone pottery, as well as the classic Elmwood rooftop sign will be discarded. We must press the issue!!!!

NativeForestHiller commented about Elmwood Theatre on Oct 10, 2006 at 8:21 am

The author of two articles from January 2006 were Nicholas Hirshon of the Daily News & Adam Pincus of the Times Ledger. respectively, the links are as follows:

View link

View link

In the articles, references are made to religious volunteers caring for the property, quotes from Councilwoman Helen Sears, & the Community Board. Warren and I are quoted.

I will contact the media shortly. Hopefully, a follow-up story will be out, and our frustrations will be put on the table.

NativeForestHiller commented about Elmwood Theatre on Oct 10, 2006 at 7:48 am

Thanks, Ed! It would mean a lot if everyone can call in & voice your concerns and frustrations with the Elmwood’s Rock Community Church. They can be reached at (718) 651-2950.

The DOB permit below indicates that they’re “repairing” the facade with stucco & “dryvit.” I learned that if the word sounds cheap, that’s what it is!

View link

Their recent actions crushed many of our high hopes & contradicts restoration plans indicated in the Daily News article from last winter. Instead of working with the community, they’re working against them. SHAME ON THEM! Please call in & post your progress report. Thank you!

NativeForestHiller commented about Elmwood Theatre on Oct 9, 2006 at 1:11 pm

I regret to report that the historic facade details are increasingly being carted away on a daily basis, and replaced with stucco. The only part of the theater that seems to be in the process of being restored is the stage area of the auditorium. Passing by the Elmwood/Rock Community Church, is as if my heart has been pulled out. When you try contacting them, a volunteer answers. If you ask a question pertaining to the renovation work, he says it sounds suspicious, and then replies, “Well some people like modern design.” As community residents, I feel we all have a right to know what is going on, especially from a church/community center. What a shame replacing character and a true work of art with mock “finish it by Thursday” facade elements. Shame on the Rock Community Church!!!

NativeForestHiller commented about Orpheum Theater Hannibal, MO bought by Chalet Theaters (UPDATED) on Oct 6, 2006 at 3:49 pm

You have a gem in your hands. As a New York resident who values preservation & adaptive reuse of historic theaters, I am very content with the plans! Lots of luck!!! Please keep us up to date.

  • Michael
NativeForestHiller commented about Orpheum Theater on Oct 6, 2006 at 3:48 pm

You have a gem in your hands. As a New York resident who values preservation & adaptive reuse of historic theaters, I am very content with the plans! Lots of luck!!! Please keep us up to date.

  • Michael
NativeForestHiller commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Oct 3, 2006 at 9:57 am

I would be happy to give out Al’s phone # to people who are interested in Al’s campaign. You may call me at (917) 446-7775 or e-mail I am determined to see Al’s plan become a reality at the Ridgewood Theatre. Mikethemovies, according to the Landmarks Preservation Commission & city budget records, landmarking a property most often increases property values.

I would appreciate it very much if someone can post a bief history of the theater (off-hand). I would like to post it on the CT homepage as well as incorporate it into a Request For Evaluation to send to the LPC. I will also provide a link to the Daily News article on the homepage to generate more publicity.

  • Michael Perlman
NativeForestHiller commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Sep 26, 2006 at 10:11 pm

Hi “Smore!” Thank you for contributing to the Ridgewood Theatre forum, and volunteering to take photos of the theater. Can you please do so in your spare time? I recommend taking wide angles of the facade, close-ups of facade features, the entire streetscape, and side views showing the theater’s relationship to the street according to passersby. My friend is an urban planner & encouraged me to follow that procedure. Hope this helps! Please feel free to e-mail me &/or post them online. Interior views would also be of help. Thanks again! – Michael

NativeForestHiller commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Sep 26, 2006 at 9:59 pm

I encourage everyone who endorses the Ridgewood Theater plans of “Althefilmguy,” to please contact him via e-mail, and state how you’re willing to participate, or if you would like to know more. We would appreciate more Cinema Treasure members to come through. We regret to see it become another chain store. I have a feeling the theater is under renovation, to attract buyers, or it may be the owners' tactic to flee the theater of those who wish to see it preserved & adaptively reused.

Thanks for posting a scan of the Daily News article, Warren. I couldn’t find it online. The ornate portion of the lower facade that was hiding behind alumninum siding, seems to be stuccoed over now, according to the news photo. This alteration (w/o permits on DOB site) was unnecessary. If it is stucco, restoring the ornate details at a later time would require greater effort. It was intact based on the missing piece of aluminum on the right hand side, which I saw via the link a few postings above. Assemblymember Nolan is definitely an asset to Al’s plans! Landmarking is equally important to prevent the owners from damaging the intricate white glazed terra cotta facade further.

Our e-mails are:
1. Michael at
2. Al at

It is always important to plan ahead & think proactively, especialy since this theater is still in operation, unlike others (which have met an unwelcomed fate).

NativeForestHiller commented about How to increase revenue question.... on Sep 26, 2006 at 7:43 pm

Sorry for the typo. I meant to say “luck” in my opening line.

NativeForestHiller commented about How to increase revenue question.... on Sep 26, 2006 at 7:43 pm

Good lick with your project, “Butternut73!” I recommend that you contact my friend Glen Leiner of the Art Deco Society of NY. He always has wonderful suggestions when it comes to restoration & adaptive reuse. Please tell him Michael referred you. He can be reached at

NativeForestHiller commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Sep 19, 2006 at 1:02 pm

Thank you, Frankie. I will be looking forward to meeting you. I hope others come forward & join us at our meeting. We can still try to preserve the theater, even if the owners oppose our effort. I’m glad you understand my point, Mike.

Our next 2 major goals should be to: 1. Photograph & research the theater to compose a “Request For Evaluation” report to the Landmarks Preservation Commission; 2. Fill out Nat'l Register nomination forms & submit it to the State Historic Preservation Office. If the property qualifies, the owners would be eligible for grants & tax credits to restore their theater. They could also be eligible for other types of technical assistance, which would in turn initiate business. We should share #2 with them. Please refer to my 9/17 posting above for more information. My e-mail is and cell is (917) 446-7775. Please feel free to call or e-mail me.

NativeForestHiller commented about Michigan Theater on Sep 19, 2006 at 7:09 am

Another great shot!!! Thanks!

NativeForestHiller commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Sep 17, 2006 at 12:40 pm

To my understanding, Nicholas Hirshon is running another story on the Ridgewood Theatre. The missing aluminum pane is on the right hand side of the photo, directly underneath the word “furious” on the marquee. It is a small portion. I’m thankful that it’s missing, since this serves as a lens which proves the entire white glazed terra cotta facade is intact beneath the siding. This increases our chances of gaining landmark status, although the Landmarks Law does not state that an alteration wouldn’t qualify a site.

NativeForestHiller commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Sep 17, 2006 at 7:07 am

It is my pleasure to get involved and assist anyone in any way. It is very true as to what you said. Hopefully, our proactivity will ensure its preservation!

NativeForestHiller commented about Elmwood Theatre on Sep 17, 2006 at 7:06 am

Thanks for sharing this, Warren! We were all looking forward to the restoration of the Elmwood’s exterior by the Rock Community Church. In a Daily News article last winter, someone even said that it’s being prepared by some of the best architects. However, I passed by the Elmwood last week, and I was shocked and heartbroken to see the green & yellow terra cotta lentils above the windows completely carted away, and a new white facade that closely resembles stucco, concealing the tarditional colored bricks. I called in & the person who answered the phone said that the facade is being repaired & wouldn’t reveal any other information. Can everyone please call in, question what’s going on, and voice your opposition to the plans? I think I’ll call in again as well. There # is (718) 651-2950.

NativeForestHiller commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Sep 16, 2006 at 11:53 pm

I am more than happy that there are fellow enthusiasts that are willing to preserve & landmark the Ridgewood Theatre, and I am looking forward to working with all of you further!!! Thank you for your encouragement & kind words in regard to my synopsis on how to get a building landmarked.

Thanks for taking the initiative for corresponding with Nicholas Hirshon of the Daily News. He would like to interview more people on Tuesday, and might also be seeking additional comment from those he previously interviewed. Please call him at (718) 793-3328. Speaking with him over the phone is probably the best way. If you can’t call, e-mail with full name at I got in touch with him yesterday, and will correspond further as well.

We should call ourselves, “Committee To Save The Ridgewood Theatre.” Any thoughts? Besides corresponding in cyberspace, I recommend meeting in the near future at the theater, so we can brainstorm a bit more, and photograph the exterior and interior extensively. Then we’ll work on visiting archives/city agencies, and compose a mini feature story to complement our detailed photos. Our goal is to take photos of almost every view possible, to establish its relationship to the streetscape & the passersby. After an article is out in the Daily News, which should get the ball rolling, I recommend sending out a press release to as many contacts as possible, with all our names and contact info on it. Please share your thoughts.

One CT member raised a question. My reply is that we should not ask the Landmarks Preservation Commission for any advice on what to include in the Request For Evaluation form i.e. architect’s name or specific historical facts. Many Queens preservation activists find the LPC too busy to answer such questions, besides the fact that they have been ignoring Queens for quite some time. We want to come over as knowledgable and confident in our endeavors. The LPC is not so transparent as it is. As you may recall, I am a director on the board of the Four Boroughs Preservation Alliance, who is trying to reform the LPC.

Getting back to my interview with Nicholas Hirshon, I explained my reasoning for declaring it a superb candidate for landmark status. I pointed out the rich ornament of the white glazed terra cotta facade (pilasters, classic geometric patterns, the coat of arms) above the marquee. Then I explained another eye-opener, which will lead one to believe it’s completely intact (minus the doors). Check out Kencta’s June 2006 photos on View link Please note the missing generic aluminum pane on the right beneath the marquee & the detail that’s hiding underneath. (You can also scroll left &/or right to see Kencta’s other photos, some of which are of the interior). Another point in my interview was that the owner should clean up and restore the theater, as well as sponsor a celebration to honor its 90-year run. This would be a great marketing tool, since there’s no reason why it shouldn’t operate another 90 years!

I appreciate it that some of you have volunteered to contact the owner. It should be noted to him that they can make use of programs setforth by the NY State Historic Preservation Office. This is an agency that administers the Nat'l Register of Historic Places. We would have to fill out a form & submit it to the Queens representative, Virginia Bartos. If they nominate it for the State &/or National Registers, the owner could be eligible for grants, tax credits, and other technical services and benefits, which would be one of many ways they can assist him in restoring the theater. Virginia Bartos contact info is as follows: & (518) 237-8643 ext.3256, & This is a case in point that should be relayed to the owner, but all in the right timing. Who is part of the newly formed committee? What are the best days & times to meet? Thanks again, & hope to hear your thoughts.

  • Michael Perlman
NativeForestHiller commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Sep 13, 2006 at 6:01 pm

Hi Everyone! I have dedicated lots of time towards preservation of several buildings throughout Queens, as well as other boroughs on occasion. I learned never to give up, & adhere to your mission statement.

I am unfamiliar with the historical & architectural significance of the Ridgewood Theatre. However, if someone can compose a brief report that will serve as the body of an online petition, I can organize a petition on We should document the exterior & parts of the interior that are deemed landmark-worthy. It should be directed towards local councilmembers, the Landmarks Preservation Commission (LPC), and it wouldn’t hurt to aim for the Mayor & Borough Pres. Helen Marshall.

We need to build up as much support as possible in a proactive manner!!! Please e-mail me (Michael) with thoughts, suggestions, & potential text at Since we’re fighting to preserve a cinema, may I say, “Let’s get the show on the road!”

I. The Landmark Preservation Commission’s general site is:
To recommend a new landmark, access the following site & download a Request For Evaluation form (RFE):
View link

**In addition to sending in the request for evaluation form to the address specified on the (downloaded) form, it is extremely important that we also send the same letter to LPC Chair Robert Tierney’s e-mail, .gov, Dir. of Reasearch Mary Beth Betts at .gov, & .gov

II. Some press contacts if we wish to work together on sending out a press release:
To address your inquiry, Nick Hirshon of the Daily News can be reached at

Additional contacts which include the Times Ledger, Queens Ledger (two different papers), Queens Chronicle, Tribune, NY Times, Newsday, Times NewsWeekly, Gazette, Courier, & more (a few contacts may come back as undeliverable).

, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

  1. Full name (or anonymous), title/affiliation (if applicable), & residence (s)
  2. What are two (of your most memorable) experiences at the Trylon Theater?
  3. How did viewing films at an Art Deco historical building make you feel, or how did it enhance your movie-going experience?
  4. What did the Trylon mean to you, and how was it an asset to the community?
  5. What films do you recall being a major sell-out?
  6. Any additional contributions to this interview would be highly appreciated. If you can recommend someone else who may be of help, that would also be great.
NativeForestHiller commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Aug 26, 2006 at 7:05 am

Let’s hope Boymelgreen’s plans fall through in its entirety. This might be distant, but if he is willing to sell, we should find someone who’s sensible enough to restore the RKO Keith’s completely, and build above it. If everyone circled our Keith’s petition to at least 10 contacts, we would be in the thousands. Pleas help: View link If you look at the current proposal, you will see a structure that looks like a bunch of cubes randomly thrown together, and deserves a “chunk of junk” award. It will be a shameful act in history if that Lego structure is built, and remember…There will only be ONE RKO KEITH’s!!!


We should stop conversing about the theater’s fate & try our best to be more active in the political process! Maybe some orgs would help raise $$$ to restore the Keith’s interior and exterior. How about grants from the State/Nat'l Registers? Please post your thoughts &/or e-mail Michael at and Tom at

NativeForestHiller commented about Trylon Theater on Aug 20, 2006 at 3:50 pm

Thank you!

NativeForestHiller commented about Trylon Theater on Aug 20, 2006 at 1:12 pm

The following is a list of films that were shown at the Trylon from 1989-1990, provided by RobertR.

I am doing research on the Trylon. I would appreciate it very much if someone can please post a list of as many films as possible that were featured at the Trylon between Dec 26, 1939 and late Dec 1999. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks! You can also e-mail

5/5/89 Scandal
6/9 Dead Poets Society
8/25 Uncle Buck (moveover)
9/15 Shirley Valentine
10/27 Sex Lies & Videotape (moveover)
11/3 Crimes & Misdeamenors
12/15 Blaze
1/5 My Left Foot
2/2 Stanley & Iris
2/23 Where the Heart Is
3/9 Madhouse
3/23 Pretty Woman
6/15 Dick Tracy