Comments from William Dakota

Showing 26 - 42 of 42 comments

William Dakota
William Dakota commented about Hollywood Theatre on Mar 25, 2009 at 4:11 pm

Vampira, Maila Nurmi, who died last year, said she had snipped a
piece of the paint off of it.

The blond haired guy in the last scene of GIANT driving a sports car, looking over at Hudson’s daughter in their car, claimed he had one of the rear tail lights. He also had owned Hitler’s Touring Car, A real collector-smile!

William Dakota
William Dakota commented about Cinema Theatre on Mar 15, 2009 at 1:40 pm

These Independent persons who always helped Federici and other Independent operators, never got the respect that is owed to them. If Conrad Button hadn’t always been there, when I needed him, the State theater in Pasadena, would have been in bad trouble. He worked with a few others who would always be available when a theater was in trouble. They would have and sell, very reasonably, parts for old projectors that would often break down. Most of them have now passed on. They did it because the theater operations were in their blood. They were never really retired. I don’t remember all of their names because Conrad was my main helper. A candy bar would be his reward, even though he was diabetic. From the beginning when I first met him, we were close friends.

William Dakota
William Dakota commented about Hollywood Theatre on Mar 15, 2009 at 11:00 am

I get the Academy and The Admiral mixed up. I never went to either one very often, if ever. Being a theater employee I got free passes to all of the Fox West Coast theaters on my days off. I think the Paramount was downtown across from Pershing Square. James Dean’s wrecked Porsche was in front for the James Dean Story. It was roped off and people could get close enough to see the blood stains. Someone later stole the car when it was being transferred to another venue. Rumor is that is was crushed up and made into a coffee table. I wish I had lived in Los Angeles during the forties. Seems like it was a very nice and exciting place to be. I guess certain sections have already been built with new theaters, apartments, etc.

William Dakota
William Dakota commented about Hollywood Theatre on Mar 14, 2009 at 12:26 pm

The post on Zimbio has to read

William Dakota
William Dakota commented about Hollywood Theatre on Mar 14, 2009 at 12:25 pm

The Hollywood theater was a successful, although small, theater. I recall lines around the corner on Highland on weekends. Actor, Tommy Kirk, (OLD YELLER) was going to Hollywood High and he used to cruise the theater-smile! Elvis came there, Natalie Wood, Nick Adams, Fred Astaire, Jack Lemmon with his son, Jayne Mansfield and Mickey Hargitay, Joey Bishop, who loved horror films, James McArthur, David Nelson, and too many to list here. I am listed at is bill-dakota? My manuscript of my life. The main projectionist at the Hollywood was Kelly who was related to the partner/owner with Fox West Coast theaters. He was best. The other ones needed glasses, I guess.

William Dakota
William Dakota commented about Hollywood Theatre on Mar 14, 2009 at 12:13 pm

When Dave James left the Hollywood he was transferred to Westwood. I went there a couple of times to see him. Carol Burnette was also an usher at the FOX! I never owned a car then. I was 19 years old. I lived on Orchid Ave. by Grauman’s. My single at the Commodore Gardens (now a hotel) was $24.50 a week. Food budget was $7.50 weekly on a pay check for $40.00. Maid service daily and towels changed weekly. I was happier then, than I am now. Charlton Heston lived there three years before me, in a one bedroom. There were no tall buildings in Hollywood in those days. Capitol Records was the newest that opened when I first moved there. A wonderful Italian Restaurant was next door to the Hollywood. And a hotdog stand later by the parking lot.

William Dakota
William Dakota commented about Hollywood Theatre on Mar 13, 2009 at 8:48 pm

The adult CAVE is now an adult theater. They used to show x-rated films, and maybe still do. Before that, years ago, it was a nightclub, called SARDI’s, like the famous one in New York. I saw THE TRENIERS there in person. The CAVE is located close to the Vine theater with another adult business next door.

William Dakota
William Dakota commented about Hollywood Theatre on Mar 13, 2009 at 8:25 pm

The Admiral theater was a few blocks west of the Vine. They had a long run on CALIGULA with Peter O'Toole. It was considered as a Roadshow engagement. I don’t recall if the Academy is now the Vine, or if it has always been the Vine. The Vine/Academy is where Nick Adams worked as a doorman. He was fired when he put his name on the marquee as an actor in the film that was playing there at that time. The HAWAII theater was down the Boulevard past the Pantages. It had a large auditorium. It was later bought and set up with two screens playing adult films. I believe it is now a warehouse. I moved from Hollywood in 2005.

William Dakota
William Dakota commented about Hollywood Theatre on Mar 13, 2009 at 2:06 pm

Unknown to the general public, the police had installed a two way mirror in the men’s room. They would go into the projection booth on the other side to try to catch gay guys putting the make on guys. Bugliosi said there were several bloody fights that took place. The New View theatre later the Pussycat down the street, also had a two way mirror installed so the Vice could catch any gay activity that took place. This Hollywood Vice harassment is what created West Hollywood as the gay center of Los Angeles. The Sheriff’s department was more lenient. Today, the downtown Los Angeles theaters, are the cruising places.

William Dakota
William Dakota commented about Hollywood Theatre on Mar 13, 2009 at 1:56 pm

The doorman that took my place was called “Slim.” He later was doorman at the FOX down the street. Mr. Quann had finally bought me a doorman’s uniform. Slim wore it after I left. It was rather short in the pants for him. Slim wanted to be in the movies. He studied acting, dancing, etc. He just didn’t have any talent. After he retired he moved to another state. One woman came into the theater with three kids. She wanted to sleep in the theater. Bugliosi asked her what she was doing in Hollywood? She said she came to get into movies. Jack Chaplain was an usher before he was contracted with Nick Adams for the REBEL TV show. He too slept in the theatre. I was Nick’s secretary before he had the REBEL series. I worked nights at the theater and answered his fanmail days.

William Dakota
William Dakota commented about Hollywood Theatre on Mar 13, 2009 at 1:48 pm

Mr. Quann told me Marjorie Main came by the theater when a “Ma & Pa Kettle” movie was showing. She asked Mr. Quann if she could go in just to see her part? Jayne Mansfield phoned to see if her and Mickey Hargitay could get in free to see “WILL SUCCESS SPOIL ROCK HUNTER,” that she starred in. The New York baseball team had moved to Los Angeles. The team came by bus and they sat in a row about ten rows behind Jayne. They were yelling at her on the screen and was unaware she was sitting in front of them. Johnny (Tarzan) Weismuller used to come and sit in the lobby talking with Mr. Quann. Howard Hughes sent a motorcycle to pick up reels of “THE THREE FACES OF EVE” as they came off the projector. Then the cyclist would return it when he viewed it at home. He paid the manager and the projectionist.

William Dakota
William Dakota commented about Hollywood Theatre on Mar 13, 2009 at 8:08 am

Addendum: There was no air-conditioning at the theater in those days. At night we went up on the roof to open it up so the cool California air could be drawn into the theater by the fans. Sagedy was an usher. He worked there the two years I had. I heard he later became a teacher.Bob was the assistant manager. I have forgotten his last name? He was in his fifties and a real nice, but secretive, guy. Rocky changed the marquee until the studios made up special marquees for the films. Kelly was the projectionist. It was half Fox West Coast and half co-owned. Gangster Mickey Cohen came in one time. I was approched by two suits who asked “Where did he go?” I didn’t know whom they were looking for. Mickey had walked down the aisle and out the rear exit.

William Dakota
William Dakota commented about Hollywood Theatre on Mar 13, 2009 at 7:15 am

I worked at the Hollywood theater in 1957 and 1960. Mr. Bill Quann was the manager. He had worked at the studios until he retired to manage the theater. He always was dressed in a suit and parked his car in the parking space at the curb. Kathy McRae was the theater cashier. She was a theater cashier in Hollywod until she passed away. Victor Bugliosi was the night manager. He is the brother of Vincent Bugliosi who prosecuted Charles Manson. I worked nights. We had double features. A first run with a B feature. Many clebrities came to the theater after the Sunset clubs closed. Coffee Dan’s was located next door. It had an all gay clientel after the gay bars closed. It was exciting to work there. It was a Fox West Coast theater at that time and later Mann’s took it over.

William Dakota
William Dakota commented about Star Theatre on Mar 13, 2009 at 6:14 am

This is where I worked when I met Louis Federici. It was named the Star at that time. We were exhibiting nudist films and had a sell out audience on weekends. It was owned by an attorney and another “gentle"man, that I could never stand. They phoned the theater hourly to see how many tickets had been sold. I finally got fed up with the "gentle"man and quit. And was hired at the Hollywood Theater for the second time. This was around 1959-1960.

William Dakota
William Dakota commented about Cinema Theatre on Mar 13, 2009 at 6:02 am

This is Friday the 13th. Federici is watching me goof with his name. I used to like to hear him talk about the celebrities who came into his theater. Nick Adams came with Natalie Wood, without any money. Nick said he would pay Federici later, but he didn’t. Nick had rented an apartment from Federici and James Dean used to visit Nick on several occasions.

William Dakota
William Dakota commented about Cinema Theatre on Mar 13, 2009 at 5:51 am

The above was posted by William Dakota, not Federici. I goofed!

William Dakota
William Dakota commented about Cinema Theatre on Mar 13, 2009 at 5:50 am

I met Louis Federici when I was a doorman at the Apollo Theater. He Wused to stop by after he left the Cinema theater. We would talk until I closed and then we would go out and he would buy me a hamburger. I think he was just curious to see how much business we were doing. Years later, I would manage the State theater in Pasadena, that he was leasing. He was old now and couldn’t properly take care of business properly. Through him I met a wonderful person, who was a retired projectionist, Conrad Button. If I had any problems with the theater projectors, he would drive over and help me out. He was a wonderful, kind, person who died of a heart attack a few years ago. I miss him still today. Federici is also gone now.