I was in high school when I saw the Sound Of music Myron, and you ar right it was at the Rivoli NYC. I remember saying to myself how I would like to manage it some day….1975 I did.
RE: Ed Solero 11/25/14 Never mind the start times…with 2 ½ shows a night, in the summer could end at sunrise…When I was MGR. of Cinema Bayshore next to the Bayshore Drive-in [I was covering it for someone vacation] as the sun was on the rise Barbra was singing “On a clear day you can see forever”…made me smile as I was hanging speakers back..
If you go to google earth it will show the theatre…the apts were always there..when you go to a street view the entrance and marque was below the first apt. The lobby was under the apt.’s..the theatre it self is still as it was stores replace lobby…I ran The Playhouse for a few years under UA…the only other thing changed, was an alley that was on Middleneck Rd that theatre patrons could exit now it’s a store..
Coate..you are right, I was GM there at that time, one it had a World Premiere on the 18th or 19th…Back then there was what they called “A RED CARPET” run..then a few weeks later opened wide.
I post this story on face book with a link to this page..waybackwally/walters
PS: To the left my picture with Redford and George roy Hill…The Great Waldo Pepper.
I was in high school when I saw the Sound Of music Myron, and you ar right it was at the Rivoli NYC. I remember saying to myself how I would like to manage it some day….1975 I did.
Of all the theatres on NY why ever did they take this one down?
RE: Ed Solero 11/25/14 Never mind the start times…with 2 ½ shows a night, in the summer could end at sunrise…When I was MGR. of Cinema Bayshore next to the Bayshore Drive-in [I was covering it for someone vacation] as the sun was on the rise Barbra was singing “On a clear day you can see forever”…made me smile as I was hanging speakers back..
CBDEBILL…I’m her son, I also worked for UA. Thanks for asking. The last place she managed was Northport be for she retired..
Forgot how to ad pix.
Thanks keep us posted….PS my psge jumped and this I may have UN subscribed hope I didn’t. thanks
Miss that place.
If you go to google earth it will show the theatre…the apts were always there..when you go to a street view the entrance and marque was below the first apt. The lobby was under the apt.’s..the theatre it self is still as it was stores replace lobby…I ran The Playhouse for a few years under UA…the only other thing changed, was an alley that was on Middleneck Rd that theatre patrons could exit now it’s a store..
Coate..you are right, I was GM there at that time, one it had a World Premiere on the 18th or 19th…Back then there was what they called “A RED CARPET” run..then a few weeks later opened wide.
Rivoli has JAWS summer of 75' strating in June I think the Criterian had Mohogany at the same time…
Theater may open January 2014…. See Newsday 11/4/13
Anyone have contacts Town of Babylon or Village of Lindenhurst?
Work is on going..my mom would be proud…good job.
Thought the town didn’t want them….
Just put Great Waldo Pepper Marque photo and partial Program with guest list.
I love photos like that…thanks
I love the JAWS marque…I was MGR. during that time..My question is where did that photo come from and props to you…
Yes, I remember it..the walls looked like the inside of a poloroid [spell check if needed] camera..