Comments from TomStathes

Showing 26 - 50 of 56 comments

TomStathes commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Sep 12, 2006 at 9:03 am

I couldn’t help but >cringe< when I looked at the picture of the planned building [again]. It’s starting to feel like A Brave New World if this sort of architecture becomes rampant.

TomStathes commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Sep 12, 2006 at 8:44 am

Yea, Bway, another period of the theater I hadn’t seen before. Notice the big “RKO Keith’s” sign on the western end of the roof.

TomStathes commented about UA Quartet on Sep 9, 2006 at 2:08 pm

Unwanted- That sign is still behind the former “Kam Ying” building. I’d try to get it from the owners but it might help me if I were Korean or speak the language :-P


TomStathes commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Aug 28, 2006 at 1:19 pm

I’m up for taking pics as well- if anyone can think of a way how or arranged some way to do it, please let me know!

TomStathes commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Aug 28, 2006 at 9:27 am

Nyargh! Stop tempting me!

TomStathes commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Aug 26, 2006 at 12:26 pm

How about somehow coaxing a wealthy, imaginitive actor or actress (or any other theater/film related professional) who understands the importance of the Keith’s to buy it?

TomStathes commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Aug 26, 2006 at 12:23 pm

Just reading Stavisky’s comment makes me cringe. The condition of the Keith’s is an eyesore, but so will the new building be from a historical point of view.

TomStathes commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Aug 10, 2006 at 8:15 pm

Hmm…that had to be February or so.

TomStathes commented about UA Quartet on Aug 10, 2006 at 6:44 pm

Jane’s Wig City! I always loved looking at the wigs as a kid. We recently said hello to the owner who still operates a few blocks down (with the same mannequin heads in the window) :-D
She’s been there since the 60s.

TomStathes commented about UA Quartet on Aug 10, 2006 at 6:38 pm

IHOP is still there amazingly enough. Jack in the Box is long gone from NY…

TomStathes commented about UA Quartet on Aug 10, 2006 at 6:37 pm

Right on, Mike. The parking lot was the Reception House. Then next to that was Kam Ying….
Low and behold, shield your eyes:
View link

TomStathes commented about UA Quartet on Aug 10, 2006 at 6:25 pm

Actually those just might be cell phone towers on top of the apartment building——which is being converted into co-ops! (or condos? I forget)

TomStathes commented about UA Quartet on Aug 10, 2006 at 6:09 pm

That’s the thing Mike- if you can’t read it, your kind isn’t wanted there. Trust me, we’ve experienced that bias before.

TomStathes commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Aug 10, 2006 at 5:46 pm

Hi Jeffrey,
I can’t see much else in my original either. I should have taken a better picture- I saw Hebrew lettering on the side of the truck, unfortunately there’s no proof to back that up now :–/

TomStathes commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Aug 10, 2006 at 2:38 pm

Sorry for the mistake, that picture above is of the rear including the parking lot behind the building on the next street.
Here’s the picture of the storefront:
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TomStathes commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Aug 10, 2006 at 2:37 pm

Here’s an interesting pic from early this year. We drove past the theater, and the wooden blockade on the first storefront from the left was open! As you’ll see, there was a commercial van inside it. The van had Hebrew lettering on it.
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TomStathes commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Aug 10, 2006 at 2:14 pm

Hi Melissa- I should be in touch soon with a phone number :–)

TomStathes commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Aug 10, 2006 at 12:46 pm

I’m 99% sure Farrington is still there. I sometimes see vans driving around from businesses with Farrington St. addresses painted on the side.

TomStathes commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Aug 10, 2006 at 12:44 pm

Why t'anks, Al

TomStathes commented about UA Quartet on Aug 10, 2006 at 11:58 am

I just visited the site yesterday and have some new photos to post:
A 2006 view of Bobosan’s 1990 shot:
View link
(Bob- feel free to post the above on your tripod site crediting me)

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Side view, taken from front of parking lot

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Rear View

Next time we go to the adjacent bank, I’ll take a pick of the other side which still has the yellowish paint job.

-Tom Stathes

TomStathes commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Aug 10, 2006 at 11:38 am

Farrington St. is a street or two away from Main st. I live a few minutes up Northern Blvd so I dont recall exactly where it is, but this certainly does raise some questions.
Has anyone heard back from the person doing a documentary on the Keith’s? I’d love to get involved.
As for the ornamental window frame being removed, I too passed by and saw this…to say the least I was worried and shocked. I’ll see if I can take a look down there again this week.
Thank you everyone for your continuous signatures on my petition- keep up the good work, and keep forwarding it :-D
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TomStathes commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Aug 10, 2006 at 11:38 am

Farrington St. is a street or two away from Main st. I live a few minutes up Northern Blvd so I dont recall exactly where it is, but this certainly does raise some questions.
Has anyone heard back from the person doing a documentary on the Keith’s? I’d love to get involved.
As for the ornamental window frame being removed, I too passed by and saw this…to say the least I was worried and shocked. I’ll see if I can take a look down there again this week.
Thank you everyone for your continuous signatures on my petition- keep up the good work, and keep forwarding it :-D
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TomStathes commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Jan 9, 2006 at 10:00 am

The Caldor is completely vacant for the past few years. It is a great idea to have Boymelgreen move their plans to that site, though it may take another petition and much mulling. I’m not sure if it’s worth making note of publicly, but anything is possible, right?
My main hope is to convince the Landmarks commission to fully landmark the Keith’s so it WILL have to be preserved or left derelict. I’m sorry, but I’d rather see that rusting hull protruding over the sidewalk for another two decades before any part of the building is intently demolished.

TomStathes commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Jan 5, 2006 at 9:46 am

Let’s keep the race disagreements out of this fight to preserve the Keith’s. Whether a portion of the local community is apathetic about it does not make a difference in light of needing to save this building. Let’s be as optimistic as possible, since anything is possible. I’d also like to have a rally scheduled ASAP if possible.

TomStathes commented about RKO Keith's Theatre on Jan 4, 2006 at 4:02 pm

I have started an online petition located here: View link
PLEASE Sign, and forward it to everyone you can think of!
Also, this would be great as a news topic on the main page of this site.