Comments from Ross Melnick

Showing 26 - 50 of 307 comments

Ross Melnick
Ross Melnick commented about Kingsway Theatre on Oct 12, 2012 at 6:14 pm

Please note that Cinema Treasures has once again removed comments, links, etc. that refer to an ongoing feud between one party and the operators of this theater. Cinema Treasures is not a place for this conversation and will not be a venue for this kind of debate. Any additional postings about this issue will also be deleted.

Ross Melnick
Ross Melnick commented about Century Aurora & XD on Jul 26, 2012 at 5:57 pm

Thanks ‘Mikeoaklandpark’. We’re hoping to be able to add additional social media features in the near future.

For now, thank you all for your thoughtful conversation about this theater and the victims.

Ross Melnick
Ross Melnick commented about Century Aurora & XD on Jul 25, 2012 at 7:28 am

Just wanted to express my continued shock, disgust, and upset at what happened in Aurora. An unfathomable act of savagery and murder.

I also wanted to respond to those who asked that we suspend comments on this page a few days ago. Unfortunately, I have been away at a funeral since Thursday and thus away from the site. I will keep my eye on the comments from here on and hope they stay within the bounds of good taste and sensitivity.

Cinema Treasures is a place to comment on all aspects of a theater and its history. Tragically, this event is inextricably bound to the Century Aurora 16. I hope the ability to comment on this page will give us all time to reflect on what has happened and how to prevent it from ever happening again.

Ross Melnick
Ross Melnick commented about Tiki Theatre on Jul 19, 2012 at 7:11 pm

For more information on the “experience” of going to the Tiki, see this article which quotes a Yelp reviewer:

Ross Melnick
Ross Melnick commented about Warner Beverly Hills Groundbreaking on Jul 14, 2012 at 2:45 am

My pleasure. I was excited to find it. What a loss.

Ross Melnick
Ross Melnick commented about New Book about Samuel 'Roxy' Rothafel - "American Showman" 30% Discount on Apr 18, 2012 at 7:20 am

Thanks, Henry. I hope the book will be engaging for those inside and outside academe. It was certainly written with both audiences in mind. By the way, there is an examination (of course) of Roxy’s time in Carbondale and Forest City and the many other small cities and towns he lived and/or worked in before arriving in New York. I look forward to your thoughts! — Ross

Ross Melnick
Ross Melnick commented about Cinema Treasures featured in the New York Times on Aug 29, 2011 at 11:47 pm

Thanks everyone. This site is all about our users. You guys made Cinema Treasures what it is today.

Ross Melnick
Ross Melnick commented about Movie ticket price hits all-time high on Aug 5, 2011 at 5:41 pm

According to NATO, the average ticket price in 2002 was $5.80. Since 2002, the National Average Wage Index has risen from roughly $33,000 to $41,000. Both are roughly similar in percentage increases.

These are just numbers though. Millionaire CEOs don’t care about two dollar increases in ticket prices. Others whose salaries have not risen much or at all in several years may go less frequently, especially as ticket prices reach twelve or twenty dollars in some locations.

Ross Melnick
Ross Melnick commented about McDonald's Hopes to Fry the Detroit Theater on Jul 20, 2011 at 8:20 pm


Ross Melnick
Ross Melnick commented about McDonald's Hopes to Fry the Detroit Theater on Jul 20, 2011 at 5:41 pm

A good question. Better yet: why not turn the lobby into a take-out McDonald’s/concession stand and keep the theater alive? McDonald’s could also start its own cinema eatery concept with McDonald’s food matched with second-run films. Of course none of this will happen and neither are part of their business model. It would be nice, though, to see a corporation think outside the box for the sake of the community and its own brand/image.

Ross Melnick
Ross Melnick commented about UA Cinema 150 on Jul 20, 2011 at 2:56 am

There are some interior images at this site.

Ross Melnick
Ross Melnick commented about Adding Photographs / Copyright Reminder on Jul 17, 2011 at 10:57 pm

Looking forward to the day (and it’s still in the future!) when you’ll be able to take a photo with your smartphone/digital camera and upload it to the site immediately.

Ross Melnick
Ross Melnick commented about Street-scape, night on Jul 17, 2011 at 10:37 pm

Looks like a terrific Davis Cone painting …

Ross Melnick
Ross Melnick commented about Adding Photographs / Copyright Reminder on Jul 16, 2011 at 8:58 am

Chas — Thanks for the feedback!

Wgmewes — No worries. We will not be removing photos unless they are blatantly ripped off (or if we receive a notice of violation). Thanks for uploading them! Please feel free to add as many as you like. :)

Ed — hopefully a batch upload feature will be coming soon. For now, I wouldn’t worry too much about over uploading of photos. You can certainly be judicious in the future if you like. My advice is simple: if the photo strikes you as important/stylish/historic/etc., upload it. As you say, you can always remove it later.

Ross Melnick
Ross Melnick commented about Adding Photographs / Copyright Reminder on Jul 15, 2011 at 5:10 am

Thanks to you both for the comments. I have been going through the uploaded photos every day and when I see obvious violations I delete the images and email the uploader. It’s a really hard thing to patrol but I’ll keep shouting about it on the blog and patrolling the site. If you see anything else, please email me.

As for site slowdowns, we’re getting hit with Harry Potter traffic and trying to keep up. We’re working on maintaining capacity as we speak … thanks for your patience!

Ross Melnick
Ross Melnick commented about Todd Haimes Theatre on Jul 14, 2011 at 6:04 am

Great sign!!!

Ross Melnick
Ross Melnick commented about SoCal Drive-in history on Jul 12, 2011 at 7:34 pm

Just going to throw in a plug for the Mission Tiki Drive-in in Montclair as well. Just outside LA County, it’s a great place to go on a balmy night.

Ross Melnick
Ross Melnick commented about Photostream of the Week: Norman Plant on Jul 10, 2011 at 2:46 pm

Absolutely. Thanks again Norman. Fantastic collection!

And did I say 10,250 photos? I meant 10,700! CT users added nearly 500 images in the last 24 hours.

Ross Melnick
Ross Melnick commented about Richard O'Brien personal appearance on Jul 9, 2011 at 10:28 pm

Good to know! I was surprised by how young he looks. Yes, the “Taken on” info refers to the date they were shot or, in this case, digitized. Thanks for sharing this.

Ross Melnick
Ross Melnick commented about Photo of the Moment: Roxy Drive-In On the Brink on Jul 9, 2011 at 5:52 am


Ross Melnick
Ross Melnick commented about Cinema Treasures Adds 10,000 Photographs! on Jul 7, 2011 at 11:52 pm

Norman — Can’t wait to see the rest! The images you’ve uploaded so far are tremendous. The photo galleries on the site are becoming must-see attractions. I’m hooked! Thank you to you both for all of your contributions.

Ross Melnick
Ross Melnick commented about Laurelton Theatre on Jul 7, 2011 at 10:26 pm

Yikes — those Street View shots don’t look promising …

Ross Melnick
Ross Melnick commented about Five Towns Theatre on Jul 7, 2011 at 10:06 pm

Great photo!

Ross Melnick
Ross Melnick commented about Cinema Treasures Adds 10,000 Photographs! on Jul 7, 2011 at 6:17 pm

Ed — Thanks for all of your terrific photos and for getting us past 10,000! I’m not sure which one did the trick — I was on 9,997 when I reloaded and we hit 10,003. Amazing how fast it’s grown. It’s really unbelievable.

As to your questions: I’ll leave the question of batch uploading to Patrick (who’s traveling today) but, yes, we do have all of the images in their original sizes and there may be an ability to view them in higher resolution(s). Right now, the size and format is best for the site but we may be able to do that later. The great thing is because we capture the original size, we’ve future proofed the photo galleries and can be more flexible for any new versions of the site.