Mann Plaza Theater

1067 Glendon Avenue,
Los Angeles, CA 90024

Unfavorite 16 people favorited this theater

Showing 26 - 28 of 28 comments

princess on March 14, 2003 at 2:26 pm

i think that this theatre is located in the best possible place. its quiet environment makes you come back again and again. (great for dates)

bradley on October 14, 2002 at 7:46 pm

It really wasn’t Mann that brought the Plaza down. They booked it respectfully with titles like The Unbearable Lightness of Being and such. It was the emergence of the 3rd street Promenade and AMC in Century City and all the trendy people who rather sit in closets to watch a movie than real movie theatres. The Fact that Mann has kept if open so long is amazing to me. I wish someone would take it seriously and keep it open. It is a nice screen with space and a big screen.

William on October 2, 2002 at 3:26 pm

One of the funny things about the comment below is Laemmle’s ran the theatre and Pacific theatres did some of the bookings for this theatre till Mann took over.