National Theatre

10925 Lindbrook Drive,
Los Angeles, CA 90024

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Showing 401 - 425 of 757 comments

BradE41 on August 10, 2007 at 12:42 am

The National may be able to get some decent bookings for the Fall Season. There always seems to be more films between Sept & Dec. UCLA students will return this month and hopefully the National will get some steady business. They probably should have waited for Fall to do midnight shows, students may have come to them if they advertised in the UCLA Bruin or hung up fliers around Westwood.

Pretty Much currently, The National (and the Crest)pretty much gets what MANN and AMC kicks back.

exit on August 10, 2007 at 12:30 am

If you scroll up a bit on this page to 6/14/07, you can see the sched of midnight shows that the young man had planned. I think only about 3-4 of them ran before the rest were cancelled. Nice idea, bad choices, not enough promotion, I think.

r0wr on August 10, 2007 at 12:22 am

I’m not exactly sure but I know The Exorcist played once or twice, and so did Trainspotting I believe. Neither did that great because of the lack of advertising and what not on the GM’s part (who was heading this project)

Also, 1408 didn’t do as well as Sicko in it’s first week. No where near as well, actually but maybe it would have caught on after the second week. We will never know.

markinthedark on August 9, 2007 at 11:57 pm

Too bad the National could only have “1408” for its opening week (as “Sicko” was booked for the following week). I don’t think anyone expected it to do as well as it did.

r0wr r0wr: what midnite movies played at the National prior to the plug being pulled?

r0wr on August 9, 2007 at 11:47 pm

Well, I guess I’ll stop.

The reason why Simpsons Movie didn’t play is because it was obviously booked way before the new onwers got a hold of the National Theatre. That is why there were no big summer blockbuster hits at the National.

Like I said before, this is the reason why all of National’s bookings are last minute because they are only trying to get what they can which is why they were stuck with movies (although they were great movies) such as Sicko, Paris, and Rescue Dawn.

markinthedark on August 9, 2007 at 9:30 pm

That’s why I had to stop writing.

Damon Packard
Damon Packard on August 9, 2007 at 9:09 pm

wow this board just got the attention of the guy who runs this website!!
I have noticed a pattern all over the internet, on just about every message thread that has ever existed on every subject (especially the IMDB threads) somehow they always transgress into fights and insults.

William on August 9, 2007 at 6:48 pm

The last line should have read “it puts out a very nice picture but…”.

It all depends on the original material shown. It can’t do 3D. Landmark has a few of these in operation in NYC and LA and other parts of the country.

KramSacul on August 9, 2007 at 6:25 pm

but it’s not as good as some of the 2k DLP projectors?

William on August 9, 2007 at 6:12 pm

Sure the Simpsons Movie could have played at the National, but sometimes the studios lock the theatres to a long contract. And as a single screen theatre it’s hard in that market with no place to move it over like it had with Mann Theatres.

And the Sony 4K projector will not help the business at the National. I work with one and it puts out a very picture but…

KramSacul on August 9, 2007 at 5:30 pm

Is there a reason why The Simpsons Movie couldn’t have played at the National? Besides no longer being connected to a theater chain.

Ross Melnick
Ross Melnick on August 9, 2007 at 4:44 pm

Your passion for the National is heartening and evident. However, please refrain from agitating one another. I know emotions are running high, but let’s keep our comments on the subject at hand. Thank you.

Ross Melnick
Cinema Treasures

exit on August 9, 2007 at 3:15 pm

Where did you get the idea I checked anything for Rescue Dawn?
If you knew the showtimes on Monday or Tuesday, why did you wait to post them until Thursday?
Why is knowing these things supposed to impress anyone, and why do you still feel compelled to keep coming back with “I knew that”? You’ve really just proven my point. I needn’t comment any further, bur i’m sure you will.

r0wr on August 9, 2007 at 2:44 pm

Actually, I knew on Monday, but that’s not a big deal.

I don’t need to “learn” anything. The ideas on this page are great but once again, extremely far-fetched. But then again, to you and most, I am nobody, so just flame on…

r0wr on August 9, 2007 at 2:43 pm

The National does deserve better, but as of right now.. it’s all that it can get. Yeah.. I’m nobody..

Jet Li’s “War” isn’t playing next week either, nor are the two premieres/screenings that you had nothing to comment about. And notice how you checked today for “Rescue Dawn” yet I knew on Tuesday. It’s not TOO advanced but then again.. nothing of the National’s bookings are.

Whether or not you believe me makes no difference to me. I know where I stand… and you know where you stand. You can decided whether or not I am a fake..

exit on August 9, 2007 at 2:34 pm

oh, brother… you aplogize then go right on and continue to claim that you are in on something we aren’t without offering any proof. That act is getting tired. It’s not as if the stuff you mention is Top Secret. So you know the Showtimes for Friday – they are already printed in papers and posted online. I found them on AOL City Guide minutes after reading your post, and they’re printed in a newspaper that just landed on my doorstep.

Yes I had some contact with Armand aka Phillip (same person). I’d say putting a 26 year old with very limited experience in charge of running the National was a strong indicator that its days are numbered. Nice enough kid I guess, but the midnight movies looked like they were chosen by a teenage boy without much thought as to what kind of draw they would be, which is one reason why so few of us ventured out to see them. And yeah, I did know he was gone not long after the midnight movies were cancelled. Lucky guess? Who cares?

I have worked every position (including projectionist) in movie theatres and several positions in legit houses on both coasts, as well as various positions at nearly every studio in town, and I don’t see any of that experience as particularly impressive. I’ve been employed and regarded as an expert and historian but firmly deny both labels because for all I do know there is infinitely more that I don’t know. The only self description I’ll agree to is I’m interested enough in entertainment to have learned and remembered a few things and I’m no big deal. However…

I am far beyond puberty so I’m not at all impressed with all this “hint-hint” stuff. Frankly, “I know something you don’t know” and I’ve got a secret but I’m not telling you" ranks right up there with “nyah-nyah-nyah” on the maturity scale. If you reallly were some insider and your point in being here was to learn, you wouldn’t feel the need to repeatedly try to impress us and call attention to yourself as some sort of incognito authority.

Now back to topic… booking BECOMING JANE into the National the day it opens wide after already playing in limited release isn’t much to shout about. Another little art film in a blockbuster venue. Nice enough movie and better than nothing, but not very appropriate or profitable. The National deserves better, but life isn’t fair.

r0wr on August 9, 2007 at 12:56 pm

Also, how would I know the pre-releases of the movies before hand? Did you know that there are 2 upcoming screenings and premieres this month and the next month? And how in the world did I know that “Becoming Jane” would be playing this friday at 12:00p 2:30p 5:00p 7:30p 10:00p?

Lucky guess..? I think not.

r0wr on August 9, 2007 at 12:54 pm

The point of me being here is to be “in the know”. Yes, I do apologize for my juvenile attitude but in actuality, I’m just trying to be realistic.

Do you remember Philip or Armand? Did you know that he is now gone and that his midnite movie thing was a failure in the eyes of the owners?

Don’t get me wrong, a lot of the ideas that you guys are throwing out are great, but most are very far-fetched. 4k’s projectors won’t happen for and the reason will be undisclosed as of right now.

Notice how I am not here giving out ideas.. but more just reading.. and looking around..taking in ideas.. possibly giving them to som epeople.. take a hint..

exit on August 9, 2007 at 12:39 pm

r0wr – Statements like “I know everything you don’t and more about the National in regards to it’s status as of now” and “I actually do know the grosses for both theatres and in actuality, they are non [sic] of your business” indicate a rather juvenile arrogance that’s neither appealing nor productive. You have no idea what experience or connections to the industry the rest of us may have, For someone who claims to be so “in the know” and such a well connected professional, I don’t see any real constructive ideas or action coming from your direction.

I know how much seats and draperies cost. I have dealt directly with the contractors and companies who supply them. I never said it would be cheap to renovate the National, only that it wouldn’t need any structural changes, and the fact is, if the National were to go on as a first class showcase it definitely needs some work done.

As for projection, I know of no commercial theatre in town that has installed 4k projection. 2k is not all that impressive on a large screen, so obviously twice the resolution would be an improvement. Claiming that the public wouldn’t notice or care about the difference is exactly the cynical attitude that has led movie exhibition from a memorable theatrical event to just a blank room with a bare screen where the picture just pops on like your TV at home.

If Sony were to install 4k they could promote the theatre as having the highest resolution digital picture in town. Even better if Sony bought the place to show off their own technology and their product and rent it out as a premiere venue. The point is that having significantly superior picture quality could at least give the National some bragging rights to distinguish it from the rest.

Same goes for the dine-in concept that’s been successful elsewhere. The National needs something to set it apart and draw more people (and more money) back. People who are eating and watching a movie spend more than the price of a standard movie ticket, and there is no theatre in town doing full food service. The little diner in the ArcLight lobby and the trays carried into a couple rooms in the Bridge don’t count.

Of course none of the things ANY of us has suggested are likely unless a miracle happens and a generous studio or a Paul Allen steps up to save the place. And such miracles are very rare. People have forgotten that we almost lost the Cinerama Dome as we know it, and very few realize that it was not the public outcry ot a change of heart at Pacific that saved it. It was a lawsuit filed by one smart Cinerama fan that could have halted the whole ArcLight project or added about 12 million to its cost. (I don’t like the navy blue curtains in the Dome at all, by the way.)

None of us is in any position to save the National, including one who claims to be so “iN with the Biz” but never offers any proof of his exaulted position. But demanding to keep the place open isn’t as effective without some real suggestions for how it might be made more profitable. Those of us who’ve been reaching for ideas are at least trying to be consturctive.

So what CAN we do"? Well if the unnamed source quoted in the Curbed LA article is right, then the name of the National’s owner is right there. Direct your petition and suggestions to him, ask some publications to investigate, ask studios to consider the possibilities… circulate fliers to get the word out… and anyone who is really “IN the Know” and in the industry should go talk to his connections and do something more constructive than shooting down all of our ideas.

r0wr on August 9, 2007 at 9:37 am

I actually do know the grosses for both theatres and in actuality, they are non of your business (unless you are apart of the theatre business of course). I’m sure someone who has access to them will give them to you, but I can not.

Throwing up ideas is fine, but at least make them reasonable. Believe me when I tell you that if we had a “Sicko” or something like that every month, the National would stay alive. I know this for a fact so whether or not you believe me makes no difference.

If we tried “Raiders” for one week, do you honestly believe that it would gross more than Sicko init’s first week? There would need to be LOTS AND LOTS of adverising that would need to be done.

markinthedark on August 9, 2007 at 8:31 am

r0wr r0wr. I did not try to compute in my head what percentage the Landmark made from Sicko in comparison to the National, so stop being so aggresive on this matter. Why don’t you tell us the numbers if you are privy to this knowledge? I don’t care if it is .00001%. I know, as many do here, that we cannot replace all of he National’s seats without some big money backing it. I, like others here, just want to offer ideas to help this theatre survive as long as possible in the economic envirorment it is in. And we all seem to know that will not mean going up directly against The Landmark. Kudos to the National if it didn’t do as bad as you think against the Landmark. But that alone will not keep it open. So get off our backs for putting forth ideas, as unreasonable as they might seem. “Raiders” on the National’s giant screen would have me marking my calendar. Sicko is in my Netflix queue.

r0wr on August 9, 2007 at 7:33 am

And btw I actually do know the grosses in comparison to the Landmark and the theatre actually didn’t do as bad as I thought it would. If you say landslide, how much more do you think the Landmark made in comparison to the National? 10 fold?

r0wr on August 9, 2007 at 7:31 am

I’m not trying to burst your bubble, Mark, and I am sorry if I offended you but I am just trying to tell you what’s going on. The idea of new seats and new equipment is really far-fetched and isn’t going to happen, simple as that. As longislandmovies said, 300 to replace a seat x 1000+ seats is a lot of money for a theatre that won’t even gross that much in a year.

Yes, Sicko was playing at the National and yes, the Landmark did make more. What do you expect? They are a brand new movie theatre where the parking isn’t super expensive like it is in Westwood. Sicko was a gerat film to play at the National; if they didn’t get Sicko, they would have got some other crappy moie that would have made even less. Oh yeah that’s gonna help with the grosses, right?

markinthedark on August 9, 2007 at 7:24 am

rowr rowr. One night of Raiders at the Cinematheque was very much sold out (not to mention those they were turning away when I was there). I beg you to compare the grosses of Sicko at the National vs. the new Landmark. I bet the the landmark took it by a landslide. My point is that if the National wants to stay open it should not play THE SAME FILM AS AN ARCLIGHT-TYPE PLACE DOING BOFFO BUSINESS LESS THAN 2 MILES AWAY!!! I am not trying to say I know the “exact grosses”, I just trying to offer ideas that could keep my favorite theatre open, and perhaps in a unique way that could showcase the theatre for the types of films it was meant for. So get off my case! I am just another fan out there trying to help with ideas. If I were Paul Allen and could buy and restore this theatre like the Seattle Cinerama I would, but i can’t. So I suggest you start offering ideas as well, if you really care about this theatre.