Comments from vokoban

Showing 301 - 325 of 859 comments

vokoban commented about Capitol Theatre on Sep 12, 2007 at 9:22 pm

This is the start of a long history of trouble and hoodoo at this theater…..

(May 7, 1904)
Never having recovered from exposure when he was found half dead in a canon back of Santa Monica, last Sunday, Jacob E. Waldeck died yesterday afternoon at his home, No. 1703 Flower street. Since Sunday Mr. Waldeck had only been able to recognize his friends at intervals. Since 5 o'clock yesterday morning he had been unconscious. Death came yesterday about 4 o'clock. Mr. Waldeck was manager of the Casino Theater, the financing of which indirectly caused his death. He was and Elk and a Mason. He was born forty-four years ago in Frankfort-on-the-Main, and came to this country while a youth. He settled in San Francisco, where he engaged in the wholesale mercantile business. About fifteen years ago he moved to Los Angeles and opened a stationery store. Six or seven years ago he bacame assistant treasurer of the Orpheum, at that time under the management of Rush Bronson. In a short time he became treasurer of the house, which position he resigned to open the Casino last December. He leaves a wido and three little boys. He had any number of friends. Many theatrical men called last night to express their condolences to the family. If Waldeck had a fault as a theatrical manager, it was his delightful generosity. He wanted to let everybody in free to his theater, and couldn’t bear to take their money. Among the newspaper men he was the most popular manager who ever had a house here. The funeral will take place Sunday afternoon, but no details have been arranged.

vokoban commented about Capitol Theatre on Sep 12, 2007 at 9:11 pm

Lost Memory…..I think you’re right in that there most likely wouldn’t have been an organ installed here initially since they had a full orchestra and it was mostly vaudeville. Maybe it had one later when they showed movies, but I haven’t seen any evidence yet.

vokoban commented about Capitol Theatre on Sep 12, 2007 at 9:08 pm

I haven’t heard of a sandbagging for a long time….

(Feb 24, 1904)
Within thirty feet of a crowded street where pedestrians were passing along by the score and at a time when the slightest outcry would have resulted in bringing help, M.B. Godsey, an employee of the Casino Theater, was sandbagged and robbed by two highwaymen last evening. The robbery was committed in the driveway between the old Downey residence on South Main street, adjoining the Van Nuys Hotel and the building of the Morgan Oyster Company……..At the Casino Theater it is not unusual for the employees to enter from the rear, and to do this it is necessary for them to pass along the driveway on Main street, and climb a fence on the old Downey place……

vokoban commented about Capitol Theatre on Sep 12, 2007 at 8:32 pm

(Dec. 23, 1903)
WALDECK’S CASINO THEATER-J.E. Waldeck, Mgr. 344 S. Spring St.
Success-A veritable triumph, tonight and all week-matinees today, saturday and sunday-extra matinee christmas day. season of Weber & Fields' Musical Burlesques
Regular Prices-25c, 35c, 50c and 75c.

vokoban commented about Capitol Theatre on Sep 12, 2007 at 8:26 pm

(Dec. 22, 1903)
CASINO. In the Casino Theater, Jacob Waldeck is filling a traditional long-felt want with a bright, clean, well-acted burlesque show. At the brilliant opening of this pretty little playhouse on South Spring street last evening the four hundred of Los Angeles were strongly represented. Not since the opening of the Mason Operahouse has there been a theatrical event so much of a “function,” per se…….The Casino Theater has been prettily decorated, cardinal tints prevailing in the scheme. The orchestra, which is a very full one, does ample justice to the music.

vokoban commented about Capitol Theatre on Sep 12, 2007 at 8:21 pm

I guess the opening would be Dec. 21, 1903:

(Dec. 03, 1903)
THE CASINO-And now Manager Jacob Waldeck proposes to start a circuit of theaters. If the amusement boom keeps up along its present lines much longer, Los Angeles must become known as a sort or theatrical center. The Casino Theater has just signed its attractions, and positve date for opening is set for Monday evening, December 21. The house will play Weber & Fields shows, on engagement of thirty weeks having been entered into. Heading the Waldeck organization will be well-known Tom Pearrse and Edith Mason, Rice and Cady, and last-but not least, Barney Bernard. Bernard has been playing at Fischer’s in San Francisco, for a long time, and has made a great hit with northern audiences. There was hot rivalry with some of t he bigger circuits to secure a contract with Bernard. A chorus of thirty-two individuals is being trained daily in San Francisco, and for the opening night the Waldeck stage will have all the people upon it that it can comfortably hold. The orchestra will be larger than that of any theater outside the Mason Operahouse. For the opening bill the choice lies between “Pousse Cafe,” and Weber & Fields' New York success of recent months, “Whirly-Twirly.” Among other things, the Casino is unique in its many features of amusement. These vary from a penny peepshow on the sidewalk to one of the finest billiard rooms in the Southwest, above the stairs. Yesterday the contractors began to lay the heavy green carpet upon the floor of this apartment, and to bring in its black-oak furniture. Admirable in lighting effects, with a special skylight for each table, there are promised all the conveniences necessary for record-breaking billiard playing. Just off this parlor opens a tiny roof garden, which will certainly be a convenience in hot weater. A similar promenade runs from the balcony of the Casino Theater. Inside the auditorium of the theater itself the last touches of decoration are being placed. The wall are frescoed in a scheme in which cardinal and blue predominate. Seats are just ready to be put in, and the finishing up of the building is only a matter of days. The last touch-the painting of scenery-is going on rapidly in the stage loft. After he has once establilshed his theater in Los Angeles Jacob Waldeck proposes to take the Casino Theater Company outside this city and establish in like manner similar houses at any point in the entire Southwest at which he may find and opening.

vokoban commented about Capitol Theatre on Sep 12, 2007 at 7:58 pm

This place sounds fun….

(Oct. 12, 1903)
Museum, Theater and Billiard Rooms in One House.
New Spring-street Amusement Resort Coming Rapidly to Competion. Carload of “Eden Musee” Material Soon to Arrive.
This week will se the arrival of more than a carload of wax figures for Waldeck’s new “Eden Musee,” located in the building of the new Casino Theater, just north of the big Hellman structure at Fourth and Spring streets. In amusement enterprises here the Eden Musee will be new, and will have the same attractions as a similar place in New York City. In fact, these models and scenic accessories now on the way come direct from New York. With them comes a corps of artists, modelers and sculptors, who will install the Los Angeles establishment. When finished, it wil be thrown open, its proprietors allege, as one of the most original and comlplete establishments of its kind on the Pacific Coast. The principal material of the place will be its wax figures and models, all of life size, properly set as to lights and surroundings. Representations are of eminent men, a group of the world’s rulers, and statuary groups. The home of the Casino Theater company, in connection with the Eden Musee, is also rushing along toward completion. The auditorium of the new house will be 60 by 72 feet in size, and will seat comfortably 1200 persons. There will be one balcony and six boxes, all of these on the lower floor. An orchestra about the size of the present Orpheum orchestra will furnish the music. The opening will be about December 1. The dimensions of the stage are even larger than those of the Orpheum, being 27 feet deep, with a width of 60 feet. There will be facilities for the latest contrivances and manipulations in the realm of stageland, according to the manager, and the house will at least not want for mechanical means wherewith to produce effects. The Casino theater will be run principally with vaudeville entertainment, but it is the idea of Manager Waldeck to branch out into other things as soon as he finds opportunity and time. For instance, he believes what is very evidently true, that one of the greatest demands in the amusement line is for a continued season of ight opera at popular prices. Rightly managed, this would doubtless prove a great success here. There have been organizations in the local field, and there are now, which aspire to professionalism. A comic opera run, with a cast of average fairness and mountings in taste and keeping, although not necessarily sumptuous, would be almost sure to pay. Contrary to the custom in most resorts of these prices, smoking will not be allowed, and no liquor will be sold on the premises. Waldeck intends to profit by the hotel trade, and says that he secured his location with that end in view. Performances will be given every day in the year, and already considerable booking has been done in the north. The present promoter says that he is backed by no circuit, and, while maybe friendly with other concerns, depends on no syndicate for attractions. It is avowed an independent undertaking of purely local interest in every way. “The Eden Musee and the theater will not be my only drawing cards for public patronage,” said Manager Waldeck last evening. “On the upper floor of my building I am planning to place the finest billiard parlor in the city.” Yet there are still other things which will be placed in this three-ring performance on Spring street. Moving-picture machines, the kind that usually operate with a nickel attachment, will be put in, but the appliances will work for a penny. There will be other things, too, and more will be added each month, says the proprietor. The organization of the Casino Theater Company, as completed, is as follows: President and general manager, J.E. Waldeck; vice-president, Maj. J.W.F. Diss; secretary, R.R. Weller; treasurer, C. Modini-Wood. The directors are M.C. Adler, C. Modini-Wood, W.R. Weller and Otto Sweet. There is a paid-up capital of $50,000.

vokoban commented about Capitol Theatre on Sep 12, 2007 at 7:32 pm

The start of this theater should be listed as 1903 with the architect as A.M. Edelman:

(July 19, 1903)
Casino Theater Building.
The contract for erecting the single-story brick theater building that is to be put up for the Casino Theater Company, on the east side of Spring street, between Third and Fourth streets, after plans of Architect A.M. Edelman, has been let to Earl F. Low, for $23,250. It is to be finished within ninety working days from July 15.

vokoban commented about Capitol Theatre on Sep 12, 2007 at 7:26 pm

Here are the first and last appearances of the Casino Theater on Central Ave….I don’t know if it’s listed under another later name.

(March 10, 1914)
4309 Central Ave.
M. GORE :: Proprietor

(Aug. 31, 1924)
CASINO THEATER, 4311 So. Central Ave.
Aug. 31-Sept. 6-James Cruze Production, “The Covered Wagon.”

vokoban commented about Capitol Theatre on Sep 12, 2007 at 6:57 pm

I think this would have been called the Capitol Theater by 1924. However, I was just looking up things on the Casino and there was one on Central Avenue in the 20’s.

vokoban commented about Capitol Theatre on Sep 12, 2007 at 5:39 pm

Here is a 1906 Sanborn map overlaid on a current satellite map showing this theater. Nos. 11, 12 & 13 are the various entrances over the years.

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vokoban commented about Astro Theatre on Sep 12, 2007 at 3:36 pm

Still looking for the DNA….I’m going to add this theater but don’t know what name to use. I guess I’ll use the Capitol since that’s the last name I’ve been able to find for the place.

vokoban commented about Astro Theatre on Sep 12, 2007 at 3:11 am

People don’t tip on the 405. Plus, your hat keeps flying off the hood of the car. So, shouldn’t this theater have a page? I’ll let Joe pipe in when he gets a chance….

vokoban commented about Astro Theatre on Sep 12, 2007 at 2:48 am

I don’t know but I make a lot of tip money by doing independent slate writing as I ride the bus to work.

vokoban commented about Astro Theatre on Sep 12, 2007 at 2:05 am

(April 17, 1920)
See Edward K. Earle, of the Angelus Spiritualist Temple, in his wonderful demonstrations of Independent Slate Writing, Sealed Questions Answered, etc., April 17, 18, 19 and 20.
NOVEL THEATER, 338 S. Spring St.

vokoban commented about Astro Theatre on Sep 12, 2007 at 1:55 am

It doesn’t look that small on the map, at least to me….

(June 3, 1907)
The little Hotchkiss theater is scarcely large enough to pay in such vaudeville as the syndicate proposes to establish. The new theater being planned by Adolph Ramish and Philip Wilson, on the site of the Panorama building, is for melodrama. John Blackwood will be the manager, and his policy is outlined.

vokoban commented about Astro Theatre on Sep 12, 2007 at 1:49 am

(May 5, 1907)
Mary A. Jauch to John Rebman, alterations to Hotchkiss Theater, $5100.

vokoban commented about Astro Theatre on Sep 12, 2007 at 1:34 am

Joe, this might be an example of musical doors again. Here are dates and names for the other addresses in front of the auditorium. I can’t imagine that the Empress & Los Angeles would have been as small as they appear on my map (nos. 12 & 13). From what you said above, I think these were entrances to the large balconied area that says Hotchkiss at various times. Something strange…in 1916 338 S. Spring shows up as the Empress under motion picture theaters and 340 S. Spring shows up as Quinn’s Empress under ‘theaters’. Maybe they had two entrances. One for stage shows and the other for movies. Also note that other than 1916, none of the names or dates overlap and there is no Hotchkiss or Casino. I have a feeling that all of these theaters are the same place with many different front doors.

338 S. Spring
Novel [1920 City Directory]
Capitol [1925 City Directory]
Empress [1916 City Directory]
340 S. Spring
Los Angeles Theatre [1909 City Directory]
Loewe’s Empress [1915 City Directory]
Quinn’s Empress [1916 City Directory]

vokoban commented about Astro Theatre on Sep 11, 2007 at 9:42 pm

I still don’t know if there is a page for the Casino/Hotchkiss but here’s a map showing the entrance. It’s hard to see but it was most likely at 344 S. Spring. There are newspaper articles listing it there also. Its misleading because the entrance was to the south of the auditorium.

View link

vokoban commented about Lyceum Theatre on Sep 11, 2007 at 8:11 pm

I know this isn’t the correct page, but does anyone know on which page I can find the Hotchkiss, Waldeck’s Casino at 344 S. Spring? I know I’ve posted comments on the Hotchkiss but I can’t find it.

vokoban commented about Olympic Theatre on Sep 6, 2007 at 10:55 pm

I saw them working on the place on Saturday. Did you go inside? I wonder if there is anything left of the ceiling.

vokoban commented about Regent Theatre on Sep 5, 2007 at 9:27 pm

Does anybody know which theater would be at 4th & Spring with Gore’s name attached also? Could it be the Hotchkiss?

(June 29, 1921)
Gores’s Capitol Theater-Spring and Fourth
“Zig Zag Land"
Armstrong’s Baby Dolls
Friday Nite: Chorus Girls' Contest.

vokoban commented about Hippodrome Theater on Sep 5, 2007 at 2:12 am

I just buy my bus pass and I’m happy.

vokoban commented about Hippodrome Theater on Sep 5, 2007 at 1:06 am

All those ghosts probably ran across the street to the Turkish Baths.

vokoban commented about Carthay Circle Theatre on Sep 2, 2007 at 7:17 pm

(July 31, 1934)
….At Lucerne Boulevard it will connect with Country Club Drive, which is to become Olympic Boulevard, and will extend sixteen miles farther to the west city limit of Beverly Hills. So, in fact, the project is to provide a great traffic artery clear through the city and down to the sea, twenty-two miles in all. The entire project is to cost $4,500,000.