Comments from robboehm

Showing 3,001 - 3,025 of 3,411 comments

robboehm commented about Montauk Playhouse on Aug 27, 2010 at 9:59 pm

OK it was the Community Theatre. Thank you.

robboehm commented about Casino Theater on Aug 27, 2010 at 9:53 pm

Shelter Island in the 1930s didn’t support a lot of business. There were several seasonal hotels. The locals usually had to go off the island for shopping. The Greenport Theatre was only steps from the ferry. This leads me to believe that a Casino outdoor theatre was associated with some touristy place. What more logical one than the Casino.

robboehm commented about Casino Theater on Aug 27, 2010 at 8:27 pm

It’s rare that a community, particularly one which was mostly seasonal, would have any old directories. The thing would be to find any writeups about the nightclub and see if there is any mention of an adjacent theatre space. It just seems unlikely that there would be two business with the name Casino.

robboehm commented about Montauk Playhouse on Aug 27, 2010 at 8:22 pm

There is no US theatre on CT with the word Tennis in it’s name. There are a number of theatres listed in Hudson, NY. Is it one of them, if so which? If not we need a new CT entry.

robboehm commented about AMC Loews Paramus Route 4 Tenplex on Aug 22, 2010 at 2:11 pm

Unless you ever did the line for the Radio City Music Hall in the good old non-reserved days you’ve never seen a line. And when they opened the house the line vanished. Amazing.

robboehm commented about Argo Theater on Aug 21, 2010 at 8:26 pm

What about the pundit who says there are currently 40,000 screens in the USA but there will only be 1,000 in ten years because of all the hand held gagetry.

robboehm commented about Bellerose Theater on Aug 17, 2010 at 11:25 pm

Nice to see the image but, unfortunately the marquee had seen better days by then having been hit by a truck and having much of the neon covered over. But what I still long for is a photo of the original marquee. So many of the theatres on CT have them. What surprises me is that so many of them had verticals in the beginning which were long gone before I started getting interested in them. In my youth I only remember verticals on the Fantasy, Floral and Mineola in Nassau and the Valencia, Astoria, Queens and Triboro in Queens.

robboehm commented about Suffolk Theater on Aug 16, 2010 at 10:34 pm

According to one of the workmen on the site all the seats have been removed. The new space will have chairs around tables, like the old Hollyrock in Bay Shore or Studio 54 in Msnhattan. However, unlike Studio 54 the table and chair concept will be continued in the balcony. It would seem to me that this type of seating, particularly in a space that is long and fairly narrow, is going to severely limit the type of entertainment booked. The old Westhampton, now the Westhampton Beach Performing Arts Center kept the old seating plan and offers independent movies, concerts and specialty programs. The future form of the Plaza in Patchogue will break it up into a series of venues for screenings, classes etc..

robboehm commented about Majestic Theater on Aug 14, 2010 at 8:50 pm

There is a commercial on TV purportedly set in Vernon, Texas which has a very prominent shot of the facade of a Plaza Theatre. Is/was there a Plaza Theatre in Vernon, because none is listed on CT, or is this just a little bending of the facts?

robboehm commented about Radio City Music Hall on Aug 13, 2010 at 11:10 pm

On TMC they also mentioned, and showed pictures of, Disney artists at the LA Zoo sketching fawns. They also showed the child actor who voiced Thumper, with the rabbit they presented to him. Because of the anny this will probably air some more. I don’t have to go to the movies to see deer, they’re in the back of my property, together with ground hogs, rabbits and wild turkeys.

robboehm commented about Radio City Music Hall on Aug 13, 2010 at 10:44 pm

According to Robert Osborne on TCM about the anny of Bambi, it didn’t start out that strong even though it was later considered a classic and probably the the best animated feature ever made.

robboehm commented about Bellerose Theater on Aug 10, 2010 at 7:02 pm

To change anything at the top you have to go to the About Us/ Contact Us area. If you want a picture in the heading I don’t know how. If you want it in the text area you just right click on the original source and paste it in.

robboehm commented about Apollo Theatre on Aug 9, 2010 at 6:22 pm

Seems as tho' theatres change names as often as banks.

robboehm commented about Bellerose Theater on Aug 5, 2010 at 7:45 pm

Kitnoir – sometime back you indicated you had blueprints for the theatre and would check for the architect’s name. I see no update above. At that time I also asked you to please check and verify that my childhood memories of the original bathrooms being located in the basement with access to the left of the lobby. Were they?

robboehm commented about Gables Theatre on Jul 31, 2010 at 10:27 pm

Vito, the two worst theatres I was ever in were the Gables and the Westbury. Both were dumps. The Westbury had character but the Gables was just a box. If you look at the postings you’ll see that it was next to the Prudential office and movies were previewed there. What does this tell you about Prudential.

robboehm commented about Crystal Theatre on Jul 23, 2010 at 10:43 pm

The Freeport Library has scanned a picture of Brooklyn Av, at Grove, showing the Crystal to the left of Brooklyn Hall and an ad they placed in the 1914 Alumni Record as part of the digitalization of Long Island Memories (.org) which I’ll try to link.

robboehm commented about Empire Theater on Jul 9, 2010 at 8:25 am

Apology accepted. Sometimes, depending upon the locale, old phone books can be a help to at least give a time span on when a space was open. But when you go after some of the real oldies, they didn’t even have the actual “house” number. You have to be really creative and no two municipalities seem to have the same bureacracy. Once in a while you can get lucky if the local fire department issues certificates of occupancy. Then you get the address and the capacity.

robboehm commented about Empire Theater on Jul 8, 2010 at 9:09 pm

Panhandle – I questioned Don about the background of the theatre because all he put up (with two other individuals) was the name of the theatre, the city and state. I never had the postcard which he was then able to add after he established the theatre. Fine, good sequence of events. But, it is apparent that, since he had the postcard, he, at least, had the street on which the theatre was located, if not the actual address at the time the theatre was added. If I had seen a street name I wouldn’t have made any comment. I don’t see that as a cause for name calling.

robboehm commented about Steinway Theatre on Jun 30, 2010 at 8:46 pm

Tinseltoes can you tell if any of the old theatre facade is still there? I think it was removed when Lerner’s moved in some 50 years ago.

robboehm commented about Empire Theater on Jun 29, 2010 at 9:42 pm

My point would be if there are three people I would have hoped they had more than a name, a city and a state. How did you come to know about it, if it were personal you and your compadres should have first hand info. There are a number of sites which were established with just about the same basic information but the following blurb gave a little more insight into it. Then they say more info is needed. In my opinion more info was needed before this was established. For example, in my memory there was a theatre in an east end community. I’m 100% of this but until I have some confirmation I’m not going to put it up. I’m going to the library, old newspapers, the historical society or whatever until I have one tangible piece of corroborating evidence.

There is an outdoor theatre called the Casino listed as being on Shelter Island, NY listed on CT. I have been trying to nail this one down but the historical society and the library have no knowledge of it. So where did the idea for the original posting come from since the theatre was supposed to have been destroyed in a hurricane almost 70 years ago and CT has only been around for a relatively short period of time. The legal term would be heresay.

robboehm commented about Granada Theatre on Jun 27, 2010 at 4:30 pm

When you look at the theatre situation there are a lot of sections of the island that are no longer serviced. When I lived further west there were still art house venues in Huntington and Malverne. The other art houses disappeared a long time ago. I rely on the Westhampton Performing Arts Center and the Hampton Arts theatres for my independent experience. They are a lot closer to me than Patchogue. Sag Harbor often has an odd ball but that’s a haul. They were going to try something like that in Riverhead but that never came off. The Suffolk Theatre still sits there, more than 75% of the storefronts are empty as are the apartments over them. But there are several art groups, one of which I do portrait modeling for, and the Blues Festival which is a big draw. Vail-Levitt is still plugging along but is not a real force in the community. The towns have changed so much over the years and so have people. There is no sense of committment. Witness the diminishing sizes and graying of church choirs and all the community chorales and orchestras that have disappeared due to lack of membership and community support. You’re going to have a haul. Since WHB is flourishing maybe you should network with them.

robboehm commented about Granada Theatre on Jun 27, 2010 at 1:48 pm

Possibilities- Hans and his wife confirmed that the only post theatre use of the space was as Two Guys (perhaps they were named Jack and Jerry). In Hans' books the Granada doesn’t get the attention of the Patchogue and the Rivoli. He does have clippings from the newspaper with additional details on it which I have quoted above. There is also a photo of the grand opening which I’ll have to scan and get somewhere where I can provide a link to CT.

Also in our last conversation he said his records show the marquee being removed in 1965 not 1967 as above. He also said the theatre closed in 1947 due to lack of business even though they tried to get a new audience by showing foreign films. His research is more general so there maybe more on that. I stop by the Patchogue Library one day and, hopefully, they have an index for data in the advance, rather than my going through the whole year 1947. When I was trying to get more info on the Center Cinema in Center Moriches I was fortunate that there was an index for the local paper. I would never have found the information otherwise since several years were involved. When I was trying to create the Rocky Point Cinema I had some first hand info pointing me to a time frame and then poured over microfiche just to get skeletal info. Without the pointer it would have been impossible.

robboehm commented about Henry Miller's Theatre on Jun 27, 2010 at 1:33 pm

And don’t forget the successful revival of Cabaret originated there when it was the Kit Kat Club. Then a piece of something from the levelling of the surrounding buildings crashed through the roof and the show transferred to Studio 54 (which began it’s life as the Gallo Opera House).

robboehm commented about Henry Miller's Theatre on Jun 27, 2010 at 6:37 am

Hopefully it will do better under the Sondheim name. It’s career as the Miller was checkered. It’s ironic that one of it’s biggest hits in recent years was Urinetown when the theatre was due to be levelled.

robboehm commented about Granada Theatre on Jun 27, 2010 at 6:33 am

Lost Memory just disapeared from CT never to be heard from again.