Comments from Theaterat

Showing 251 - 275 of 335 comments

Theaterat commented about Kings Theatre on May 1, 2005 at 7:22 pm

Bruce, Gustavelifting….I have been told that a local Flatbush civic and business group may be interested. There is also another Brooklyn based group that may be of help.I was also told to have a statement of “intent"that is a statement on just exactly what purposes the theater will be used for.We also heed a name with a letterhead to show that we are serious and for credibility purposes.We also need a name for our group, if it ever gets off the ground.I was told that before it goes any further, a core group needs to be formed, and a meeting schedule needs to be worked out. Also, it will not hurt to inform local historic societies such as the Broojklyn Historic Society of our efforts.In the near future, corporation papers can be filed.Please inform me by E mail if a meeting schedule can be arranged. You are right, its time to get off the "talking” stage and start the “action” stage. I live in Brooklyn, and you have all my support.

Theaterat commented about Loew's Jersey Theatre on May 1, 2005 at 12:35 pm

Irv….Good point!When this not too chatty middle aged guy goes to the movies, I try to talk as low as I can if there is something to say.I am NOT an elitist snob, but I feel that people who go to a great theayer to experience classic films have a bit more class than teenagers or young adults have when they go to a multiplex to see a movie like"Spiderman? or “The Matrix”.

Theaterat commented about Alpine Cinema on Apr 30, 2005 at 10:29 pm

Bklyn Rob….You ain"t missing anything!

Theaterat commented about Windsor Theater on Apr 29, 2005 at 12:43 pm

This seems to be an unusual location for a theater, as the nearest “business” area would be one block over on 16th, Av.From what I saw in the picture from “Brooklyn- The Way It Was”{, it seems to be in an art deco style from the outdide that sort of resembled the Claridge(QV) on Ave P.Maybe when this theater was built, 15th Ave had a business area.Today condo apartments stand where the theater would have been. It will be a fools errand to try to look for a theater-like structure there today. The location of this theater makes it fascinating.Can anyboby tell me more about it?

Theaterat commented about Loew's Oriental Theatre on Apr 28, 2005 at 2:46 pm

Yankee Mike…. Would love to see that picture posted! Seems you were there the same night as I.

Theaterat commented about Alpine Cinema on Apr 28, 2005 at 2:41 pm

Box Office Bill…..Gilda was rather sophisticated fare for a 4 year old, though the stage show sounded like fun! I was not weaned off Disney until I was 8 years old!

Theaterat commented about Loew's 46th Street Theatre on Apr 28, 2005 at 2:21 pm

Went back to the yesterday.(4 27) The manager was nowhere to be found, but the person I spoke to said quote-“the manager is tired of wierdos and cultists trying to see what is left of the theater It is closed, and that is that”. He did let me look around, but the area that is closed to the public was off limits to me. I tried.

Theaterat commented about Kings Theatre on Apr 25, 2005 at 7:44 pm

Warren…. Thats the 64dollar question!

Theaterat commented about Marboro Theatre on Apr 25, 2005 at 5:58 pm

10 years ago when the Oriental(QV)closed, there were a few homeless people living in there, but they had a system of letting people in and out, and they treated the theater nicely by setting up garbage bags and keeping it clean! I saw that open door at the Marboro recently, but I was afraid to go in!

Theaterat commented about Kings Theatre on Apr 25, 2005 at 5:36 pm

TGustavelifting… Has anybody ACTUALLY formed a group to look into the possibilities of actually doing something. Bruce 1 right. Everybody seems to have a sugestion,If anybody can actually figure out the 1st step, prehaps that will lead up to something. Lets not forget the tremendous ammount of money this project will require. It still will be a lot less costly than building a stadium over the West Side railyards, and besides the theater is already built.A friend of mine says that I am dreaming. I would like to prove him wrong.

Theaterat commented about Kings Theatre on Apr 25, 2005 at 11:45 am

Bruce 1…. You have Not offended me! I know that sometimes a lot of ideas get kicked around. Some are good, some are not too good, but they are ideas that are worth looking at. The filing of the so-called 501 c3 form may be a start. I got no response from the Jersey yet. This Saturday April 50th, I will be at a ship modelers conference and show in Conn. One our members is a lawyer. I WILL ask him about what will be necessary to get the ball rolling. Also, if a group does ever get started, what will they {we) call ourselves? Does anybody have a design for a letterhead? If we do get a group together, where can we meet? Etc etc etc.Jim Rankin does raise several points to condsider in his April 21th entry. It will not be easy. By the way, when can I catch your shows? I do not have cable.

Theaterat commented about Loew's Oriental Theatre on Apr 23, 2005 at 1:12 pm

One night, back in early December 1997, a friend of mine called me after super. He told me the Oriental was open and was showing a movie!I met him and we got in my Oldsmobile and without even warming it up, we drove to the theater and parked. The stores appeared to be open and had items in the windows. The marquee advertised a movie called “Innocence Lost Forever”. As we approached the theater, we stopped to look. A huge guy in a black jacket and a shaved head told us to move along. When we asked him what was going on, he replied in an easygoing voice that belied his rough looks that it was a movie shoot.It was all an illusion. The movie being shot(no pun intended)was an HBO movie about Sammy “The Bull” Gravano. Never did get to see it, but for one brief almost shining moment, we almost thought our favorite theater was re opened.

Theaterat commented about Claridge Theater on Apr 22, 2005 at 1:55 pm

Always remember seeing this theater while it was a catering hall. Even though I never went to it in any of its incarnations, the movie house like structure with its tan and reddish brown deco style design clearly was a theater at one time. About a year ago, there was a rumor that it would re open as a multiplex, but stories in the local Brooklyn papers quickly dashed that hope.It was completely leveled about 5 months ago. Quess they will build more cookie cutter style houses(or another medical center) there.when I asked some of the Russian speaking residents about it, they just looked at me like I had 3 heads.

Theaterat commented about Alpine Cinema on Apr 22, 2005 at 11:54 am

Box Office Bill… Yes, there were excellent Norsk delis, but only 3 or 4 remain. There even was a good restaurant called the Trondheim not too far away from the Park on 5th. Av. They had great herring and meatballs, not to mention the fresh cheese and breads. It too is history.There also was a great hobby shop called Stanleys on 4th.av near Remember going there with my friends, and building those great Aurora and Revell ship and plane models.

Theaterat commented about Kings Theatre on Apr 22, 2005 at 11:38 am

C Connolly…Interesting group of former theaters in web entry. Enjoyed seeing them. Maybe someday{when I figure out how to use my digital camera) I’ll post mine. Thanks

Theaterat commented about Fortway Theatre on Apr 21, 2005 at 1:52 pm

The Fortway was a fairly nice theater in the mid to late 60s. It featured Roman style columns against the side walls and a domed celing withstars on a blue background. There was also some tile work in the lobby and a fountain-not a drinking one, but a display one. I never saw it work. I remember seeing the Sunshine Boys here in 1976 with a full house, bur I went back several years later when it was “plexed”. I went to see ET The Extraterrestial. I know I am going to take a lot of heat for my comment, but I actually HATED this film.I found it to be a pretentious and very saccharine little movie, obviously aimed at a juvenile audience.Never understood all the hype over it. Anyway, I went several times more to see films like Sophies Choice, The Return of the Jedi,Ghostbusters,Die Hard,and others. This plexjob was absolutely awful and now ranks with the Alpine as one of the worst theaters I have ever been to.The theater is onlyn open at nights now, bur they open in the afternoon on Saturday and Sunday.I understand it has been sold to a developer, and new housing or a medical center will be built.The unofficial nickname of this theater is the “Fartway”.

Theaterat commented about Kings Theatre on Apr 21, 2005 at 11:53 am

Gustevelifting, Bruce 1, andJim Rankin…..Lets try to find a list of prominent stars who came from Brooklyn it should not be too hard and inform them on the interest that seems to be growing on the Kings.If stars do sell, what can be a better way to get the idea across that a group that cares wants to preserve a bit of theater and Brooklyn history?Hard to believe that the 4th largest city in America has less than 12 operating theaters with the Fortway about to close soon.

Theaterat commented about Alpine Cinema on Apr 20, 2005 at 5:33 pm

Error Above…. The Park was not demolished ,the inside was gutted. The building still stands, and is a supermarket now.

Theaterat commented about Alpine Cinema on Apr 20, 2005 at 1:53 pm

Thany you Box Office Bill! You are a wealth of infomation. I remember the Park, even though I never went there. I remember being in that neighborhood probably in Oct 1965 with a friend. His grandmother(wno was Norwegian) lived in the Sunset Park area.The theater was about to be torn down. We asked the workers if we could go inside and take a look. They told us to be careful.I remember a mid size house with 3 blocks opf seats and a small balcony.Another friend who currently lives on 48th. st off 5th av lived in this area in the late 40s. The theater on 3rd av was called the Alben- not to be confused with the RKO Albee. It was a hole in the wall and showed last run fare. Another friend of mine who calls himself PhilPhil{he does not have a computer, so I post his entries under my screen name}recently described the Ratz..sorry, ment the Ritz on 8th. av and Qv. Another nabe. He also recalls the Berkshire on and 8th.av wich is now a Muslim mosque, and the Center…never heard of it…on 6th av and I wish I had a time machine so I could go back and experience some of these long forgotten theaters , who knows, maybe someday.

Theaterat commented about Benson Twins on Apr 20, 2005 at 1:31 pm

Larry King has a good commentary on the Benson in his book"When you are from Brooklyn, Everything Else is Tokyo"

Theaterat commented about Ritz Theatre on Apr 19, 2005 at 2:30 pm

Posted by Theaterat for PhilPhil. The Ritz theater on th Av and 46th st. was hardky ritzy! This was a long and narrow theater with 2 blocks of seats seperated by three aisles. The theater kind of resembled the Harbor inside, but with no balcony or deco features.t was a dirty last run house that generally showed 2 movies. My aunt lived around the corner on 46th st. between 8th and 9 th. aves, so that is how I got to know this theater. There usually was a rowdy crowd, and a noisy one too. I went there a few times, but I nevet really liked to go there. Local residents used to call this theater “the Ratz”. Posted by Theaterat for PhilPhil

Theaterat commented about Senate Theatre on Apr 19, 2005 at 12:53 pm

Posted for PhilPhil by Theaterat. The Senate was not an old theater when it closed in 1957.It was a fairly spacious house with three blocks of seats seperater by four aisles. The interior was done in light green and white and featured columns and decorative plasterwork throughout the interior. There wetre also plaster reliefs of American type eagles as a decorative touch. There was a seperate entrance from the lobby to the orchestra, and the screen was large.The theater also had a domed celing. Even though it opened in the early 1930s, some older local residents claimed that silent films were shown from time to time.This theater was 10 blocks away from the more opulent Walker and 9 blocks away from the dumpy Colony. it was also close to the little but neat Hollywood and the majestic Oriental. This theater had air conditioning and a sign over the entrance said “cooled by refrigeration”.I remember going there with my father on a very hot and humid summer night, probably in 1956 to see 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea….the great movie based on the Jules Verne classic. We were totally blown away by it! It is still one of my favorites, but the small screen does not do it justice.That was the last time I went to the Senate. It became a catering hall called the Cotillion Terrace. Each time I went to an affair there, I always thought about the theater that once occupied that space.

Theaterat commented about Brook Theatre on Apr 19, 2005 at 11:32 am

Gustavelifting…. I did not think so at the time!

Theaterat commented about New Boro Park Theatre on Apr 18, 2005 at 10:21 pm

Bway… I believe that fine work “When Brooklyn Was The World” has a piurure of the Boro Parks marquee. It is from the early 1920s.

Theaterat commented about Brook Theatre on Apr 18, 2005 at 6:14 pm

TYPOS Above. Nor did I ever go back to the Brook!