Comments from DuPagefiends

Showing 226 - 250 of 300 comments

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 22, 2005 at 3:28 pm

What troubles me is that you guys lie. 100 here, 100 there, you could have 10,000, what good is it doing you. We were told “ALL from Lombard”, now it’s “Not quite all”. How many were your co-workers, or family? We will never know. How much cash did those 4400 contribute. If somebody from another town asks me to sign a petition for something i believe in without it costing any tax dollars I would sign it too. But I like your 4400 number, exactly 10% of our total of 44,000 people. BUT only about 1000 were registered voters, out of over 20,000 registered voters or less than 5%.

Let’s talk about the 100 signs, or the 60 people at the rally. You fail to mention those, liar.

Why don’t you get a spine and take my bet about me and debdupe, before you make any more accusations. Is that all you have left in your bag, accusations???

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 22, 2005 at 11:23 am

Duper/dupage dude (ever notice how they always seem to post one right after another, just minutes apart, like they are running to a different computer) I noticed you did not answer my question, nor did you deny my other FACTS about support, signs, etc.

Would you like to bet some money that me and debdupe are different people. We can prove that fact, but you can’t prove your conspiracy theories, so drop them.

Also, quit the talk about the convention center, apples and oranges.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 22, 2005 at 10:28 am

WRONG duper stuper, scroll up to August 10 and see what the friends said:

“The signatures gathered were from people that either live in Lombard or who were spending their time and money in Lombard.”

I was discovered that at least 100 were gathered from outside the wheaton theatre,….not in Lombard or by people spending money in Lombard.

So there you go preservationists, another mistruth uncovered.

Did anybody else notice how he did NOT answer my question…Duper what is your agenda?

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 22, 2005 at 8:12 am

I made a suggestion, get another group to take charge, but seeing you are a ‘friend’ you would never hear of that plan.

I also suggested saving a portion of the theatre, like the marquee, etc. Instead of destroying the whole building. Again if your group didn’t think of it then you won’t agree to it.

My agenda was to keep the residents informed of what your group was doing, because it is our right to know. In case you forgot the theatre is ours, not the friends. So several years ago I questioned your fundraising tactics and how much $$ the group had. I also spend a lot of time questioning your facts and figures. For instance:

you said 5000 supporters when actually it is more like 200.
you said 1000 supporters signs when actually it is more like 100.
you said 200 people at the rally when actually it was 60.
you said 4500 signatures all from Lombard but some were not.

I can go on, but why bother. You lied, I told the truth. My agenda was to get the truth out there for all to see.

So I told you my agenda, what is you agenda duper? I think your agenda is not to take the blame for your group’s failure(s). You have not had a fundraiser in 11 months so we know that’s not your agenda.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 22, 2005 at 3:44 am

For the 3rd time:

“By the way, DuPagedude is our local Village Idiot…even though he moved out of our Village in a bit of shame…after his political career went down the toilet. Now he has a agenda, and it’s not really the theatre. He just uses it as a pawn….His incoherent ramblings of under the table deals and conspiracy theories are as ridiculous as he is.”

Don’t listen to this guy, he has an agenda and it’s not the theatre. All he wants to do is bring down a trustee.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 21, 2005 at 2:26 pm

About dupagedude (aka JD), read from a previous post:

“By the way, DuPagedude is our local Village Idiot…even though he moved out of our Village in a bit of shame…after his political career went down the toilet. Now he has a agenda, and it’s not really the theatre. He just uses it as a pawn….His incoherent ramblings of under the table deals and conspiracy theories are as ridiculous as he is.”

Now for the hard of reading people (duper), I NEVER said I was against condo’s, just against a 5-story 86 unit one. Read my previous post, I said a more manageable 25-30 condo’s.

And for the 4th or 5th time I do not post under any other alias', unlike dupagedude who jumps on the “other” website all the time as numerous different people. I suggest that you contact the administrators of this site to verify this fact. Until you do that quit making things up.

All you preservationist out there just read their posts, they lie, they make up stories, they bash, they assume, etc.. This has been their game plan the whole time.

Now they are against saving a part of it as I have suggested…hmm does that sound like preservation to you??? No really it’s their “My way or the highway” attitude.

Now they have resorted to threats of lawsuits, how pathetic, and how unoriginal…I predicted they would do that on June 1. That’s been their problem all along…rally’s, pancake breakfast’s, sign.

So they spew out garbage about TIF’s and conspiracy theories, yet we are fast approaching their 1 year anniversary of their last fundraiser. That’s what I call real hard work (that’s a sarcastic remark, not a compliment). Now all they are doing, instead of trying to save the theatre, is look for a fall guy, somebody else to take the blame.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 21, 2005 at 11:08 am

duper, you are wrong again, I am NOT against the theatre. I never said that. I have only questioned the friends tactics and strategies from day 1. They were headed in the wrong direction.

AND I am against tax $$ being used.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 21, 2005 at 4:35 am

WRONG!! What was said was NO TAX DOLLARS would be used. At least the voters have a say in the library proposal.

It’s funny that the friends have taken a stance “since we don’t get the theatre you won’t get the library”.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 21, 2005 at 3:40 am

But weren’t we told (and assured) numerous times that NO TAX DOLLARS WOULD BE USED? I have dozens of articles saved where you guys have quoted that, so don’t deny that it has been ssaid.

Not that it matters, because the TIF district didn’t get extended. So it’s all a moot point.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 20, 2005 at 7:45 am


“Enjoy your Wal*Mart or whatever other thing you will get..” posted by RobertR on Sep 2, 2005 at 9:11am

When I hear “Big Box Store” I think wal-mart, Sears, etc. You said “Big Box Store” RobertR mentioned Wal-Mart.

Whatever the case, do you support “preservation at any cost”?

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 20, 2005 at 3:28 am

Melders, it seems like I have to correct you a lot. Lot is too small for a wal-mart. Most likely a 3-story building with first floor retail and a more manageable numbers of condo’s (25 or 30), with some space saved for commuter parking.

You should come to Lombard and see for yourself before making assumptions. As you can see, you were dead wrong about your assumptions about Marisa.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 19, 2005 at 10:09 am

I don’t think anybody wanted the current building for the Library. I think the plan was to incorporate the facade/marquee. 90% of the outside of the building is just plain old ugly brick, only the 30, or so, feet pictured above is worth saving. It would be cheaper to build a new building that try to fit the library into the old one.

A library is a long shot, at best. Referendums are 4-letter words around here, and that is what will be needed to be passed for a library. BUT the location makes sense, AND we need a new library.

Please note that I am NOT speaking for Marisa, but I think you are making more assumptions melders. I believe she was against their ‘plan’, for the same reasons as the rest of us. She was NOT out to destroy the theatre just for the library (correct me if I am wrong Marisa).

Melders, just scroll up a few and read, where is deb dynako’s apology? She attacked somebody, called them out by name, got caught being wrong, and then signed off.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 19, 2005 at 7:30 am

Melders, I will not speak directly for Marissa, but many people opposed the condo plan for many reasons, here are just a few:

  1. 5-story building does not meet code(s).
  2. Too close to Charlotte St. residents (8 feet off lot-line, I believe).
  3. Too many condo’s (86) in too small a place.
  4. Too many condo’s already downtown, many unsold.
  5. Traffic congestion.
  6. Parking problems.
DuPagefiends commented about Villard Theatre on Sep 15, 2005 at 6:19 am

Yes that is the place. Just next to the old post office. I think it was open until the late 50’s. It is one block from the original Ovaltine factory which was rehabbed to apartment lofts.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 14, 2005 at 4:37 pm

Marisa, that was a great editorial. Very well written and 100% accurate.

Deb, please wipe the egg off your face (again). The friends sure have trouble getting their facts straight. That was very unprofessional to call somebody out by name and then be wrong.

Let’s face it, the ‘friends’ attitude is “My way or the Highway”. They ONLY want their plan, all 20 people of their special interest group.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 14, 2005 at 11:28 am

Please! duper the $1 million was NEVER coming anyway, and the other 300K had so many stipulations it was not even worth it.

I have already answered you question, but I will answer it again. Yes! I think another group would at least stand a chance. Face it your group is done, so let somebody else try.

Again I am waiting for your answer! I will ask again.

Do you think your constant threats, bashing, name-calling, and parade of mindless drones at each Board meeting will get you one vote?

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 14, 2005 at 10:17 am

duper…there you go..more assumptions. I never said they would reverse their decision.

What I said (again) is that your group has burned too many bridges. Perhaps another group of individuals could do a better job. They could stand before the Trustees and present their ideas with professionalism, something you group has lacked from the beginning. Maybe they could work WITH the Village and the Trustee instead of against them. Maybe they could bring harmony to the Village.

All I have seen your group do lately is flood the local paper with your threats and name-calling.

Perhaps another group, one void of any friends, could get the trust of people and the Trustee’s, and maybe get that vote.

Now I answered your question, please answer one from me; Do you think your constant threats, bashing, name-calling, and parade of mindless drones at each Board meeting will get you one vote?

Whose plan sound better now?

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 14, 2005 at 9:04 am

duper, I already answered that so I will again fro the hard of reading:

I sad that a new group of residents given a very short specific time period give it one last go…No ‘friends’ involvement whatsoever. You guys have burned way too many bridges, so maybe a new group with some logical, professional, and mature people might be able to do in 30 days what you guys failed to do in 7 years.

I answered your question, and as I stated this is just an idea I had, so I tossed it out there. BUT as with the big ego’s you guys have if an idea did not come from you then you don’t want to hear it.

It’s better than sitting around waiting for the bulldozers which is all you seem to be doing. All the while you stick with your failed plan.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 14, 2005 at 8:32 am

Blah blah blah…Sorry duper I get you and that other friend dupagedude mixed up…he is the basher you are the whiner. Ask a question and I will answer if I can.

DuPagefiends commented about Villard Theatre on Sep 14, 2005 at 8:24 am

Was this the Place near the old Post Office? Just off of Villa near the Old Ovaltine factory

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 14, 2005 at 7:53 am

duper supporter I only use the ‘favorite’ sites like a bookmark so I can keep up to date on those four theatre’s, they are not necessarily my favorites. You friends like to make a lot of assumptions.

Funny also is how you friends refer to me as an “anti-preservationist” yet, I have been to the other 3 theatre’s numerous times. Again more name-calling and bashing.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 14, 2005 at 5:40 am

Deb, again you are dead wrong. On the other site all we do is snipe with you buddy, devitt. He has been posting under alias' stirring the bees nest for all of 2005. He seems to be the only ‘friend’ who posts on that site, and has a 100% inaccuracy rate.

Nice to know you visit that site often.

I will miss the theatre, but I won’t miss you and your crew crying and whining at every Board meeting.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 13, 2005 at 11:44 am

Deb, “nafarious” nice choice of words :)

You comment about the goalpost was good too. I’ll give you credit that perhaps hard work and long hours were put in. But your battle was an uphill battle from the beginning. I just did not agree with the direction your group took. Disagree with me all you want, but what do the ‘friends’ have to show for it??? A date with the wrecking ball?

You also say I am “not involved with the process,” I say you are very wrong. The Theatre is as much mine as it is yours. The theatre does not belong to the ‘friends’, it belongs to all of Lombard. Which means we all get a say in it. In my book that is an egotistical comment.

I offered an alternative solution, to form a new panel. I just thought of the idea the other day. If it stinks, then so be it, but your group has not had any alternatives. Quit wasting time because the clock is ticking.

And Deb, I have not “won” anything, and that is not my goal. I am not gloating. I offered an opinion.

( p.s duper supporter I do not respond to your whining.)

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 13, 2005 at 7:52 am

I don’t go to the Board meetings. Out of fear from getting trashed by you and your ‘friends’ group. All one has to do is read other post here by ‘friends’ such as yourself.

I am not talking about giving the ‘friends’ another chance, I am talking about giving the Theatre another chance. That’s the funny thing about your group, you think it is YOUR theatre, even though it belongs to the Village, and its residents. That is the problem with your egotistical group, you want all the glory, but won’t take any of the blame.

The resolution to demolish the Theatre was not MINE, it belonged to the Trustees and was voted on by them. I think you have me mistaken for somebody else.

What is this “CHANGE OF HEART” you keep talking about? I, for one, have questioned the ‘friends’ from the beginning. The ‘friends’ should disband, and let another group of residents give it one last crack. You failed miserably. Accept it, but you won’t. Instead you will whine and cry at this week’s Board meeting, and then there will be some stupid last attempt by your group to save it, perhaps chaining yourselves to the Theatre to stop the bulldozers. That is your only alternative at this point.

DuPagefiends commented about DuPage Theater on Sep 13, 2005 at 6:33 am

No gloating here duper supporter, the theatre is on life support and the plug is about to be pulled. The Village is taking demolition bids and the bulldozers are weeks away.

I am giving you an alternative, the ‘friends’ failed. Look around the business world, or the sports world, if the leaders in charge fails then it’s time for new leaders. All the ‘friends’ have done the past couple months is:
1. Tout useless statistics about signatures and signs, and then lie about their numbers.
2. Attack anybody who is against it.
3. Resort to name-calling.
4. Threaten local politicians and their careers.
5. Fill the local newspaper with opinions and mistruths.
6. and bring the same 18 people to each Board meeting to ramble, cry, and whine about the same issue over and over again.

If this were a football team they would have finished the season 2-14…a couple small victories but a failed season. After 7 years with the same regime in charge maybe it’s time for fresh ideas.