Comments from alliewayfilms

Showing 1 - 25 of 35 comments

alliewayfilms commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Mar 23, 2008 at 11:28 am

NY Dave ROCKS!!!


alliewayfilms commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Mar 21, 2008 at 7:50 pm

He doesn’t prefer retail. He wants to keep it in tact and use it for my proposed idea. But without anyone to back the idea financially he is under pressure by the commercial realtors to sell as retail for the downstairs. He wants $30,000 a month. I don’t have that. PLUS it has to be made into a performing arts space, electric needs upgrading and the stage needs refurbishing. Not to mention sound system lighting and a new full size screen and digital projection systems to handle mini dv, dvd, beta, etc…We’re talking a lot of money. Plus it has to have money to operate at LEAST for the first year. The local politicians are all for the idea and voted my project in, but where will the money come from???


alliewayfilms commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Mar 15, 2008 at 8:37 am

You know. It’s terrible. The whole time the owner intended to seell. I din’t know why he wasn’t honest from the start. But listen my plan can still be put into action for me and my crew/org to pick up the building and leave it as a theater and an arts center. Plays, indie films, etc…The problem is money. We need to raise it and if we are going to save the ridgewood from retail hell it needs to be fast. The problem is that it’s a large sum. we are not talking 20,000.00 here. We don’t know what ge is selling the building for PLUS it’s going to need things to change over venues as well.
I’d be happy to hear ideas at


alliewayfilms commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Feb 21, 2007 at 7:13 pm

No developments here. Just kept hitting brick walls and no one seemed to wanna help try to raise the funding for my crew to get his thing moving.
Not much else i can do without the financial support.
Any further contact I can be reached at my primary e-mail address


alliewayfilms commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Oct 3, 2006 at 6:53 am

Tonino. An offer they can’t refuse would require financing that I don’t have. (Would be different if I were don corleone)
No one seems interested in helping finance or helping to fundraise to begin the process.
But I am not giving up! Not without some sort of fight. Anyone who owns a business of some sort who can donate their time and efforts into fundraising to help me and my people have some kind of financial leverage would be heavily appreciated. We need to start counting on US (The Community) for that kind of support. We’re talking and I say we should be DOING!!
Anyone who feels that my plan for the business can generate profits, jobs and financial gain to the area and can help financially should contact me. WE SHOULD BE MOVING ON THIS. Not just typing on here! There is lots to be done and plenty we can do to at LEAST have some kind of CHANCE here, to Landmark and try to aquire the space…..
You all have my e-mail and serious inquiries to make some moves, who want to talk via phone or put a meeting here in ridgewood together, should ask Michael for my number!!


alliewayfilms commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Oct 3, 2006 at 4:48 am

You see? These film fests and movie conventions are what I was hoping to bring here to ridgewood utilizing the theater. Most of my filmmaking friends release movies to dvd and theater and use these conventions and fests to promote their release. PLUS, like the chiller convention, they hold them at LEAST twice a year and they sometimes have a seperate room or tent just for the “A” list stars. There is a CHILLER convention on halloween. Check out the site!

These Cons (Conventions) make money for the local businesses including hotels, etc. They usually throw it in a hotel, so the guests can rent rooms and not have far to go.
These are the kinds of things we want to bring to the theater!!!
Either way, I plan to somehow bring my plan to fruitation with or without the theater, but having the theater would be so much better and being able to use it for what it is instead of a CVS……….

nolans' office in Ridgewood is where you need to call by the way.
THEY are all handling the theater thing and are behind me 100%
Everyone call in and have fun!

alliewayfilms commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Sep 27, 2006 at 4:09 am

When I say underhanded sale tonino, I mean by diaz to someone else when he claims not to be selling. I have more than one pol. I have congresswoman valasquez, Assemblywoman Nolan and senator Maltese who has also spoke to me and recieved a letter of support and a copy of the game plan from Nolan. Seed Money is the issue. Getting it off the ground enough to at least say “I want to buy and here is some money”.
Otherwise Mr diaz goes straight to a developer. I say that if any of you live here in Ridgewood You call a meeting during a time and day I can attend and I will tell you more and give you the plans for the theater I have mapped out on paper! I will speak and answer questions, etc. As far as Landmarking, If you can Get'er done, Do so. But I do believe now with the article and everything in the open, the local pols are pushed into doing something. Start calling nolans office, as well and show your support for the plan of landmarking and the theater plan I have. That’ll possibly get the ball rolling on their end as well. Please contact me via e-mail.


alliewayfilms commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Sep 26, 2006 at 9:46 am

Ok I give up on looking for help here! I will have to look elsewhere. Everyone here just talks. ACTION PEOPLE! Let’s do something! My Question my commitment? Dear sir, someone should post the article I was interviewed for in the daily news! My commitment is to save the theater from destruction, ruin, etc by the hands of those who know not what they hold in the palm of their hands. The place can be so much more. If i can raise the funding, maybe if there is an underhanded sale later on, I can at least compete with it!!!

alliewayfilms commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Sep 26, 2006 at 6:51 am

The only thing I see is for my artist friends, etc to start holding some fundraisers, etc. Start raising some money as well for this cause, so my org can have something up front instead of counting on gov’t funding that i cannot get to help me with the purchase. It is time to move on this people. Quick and swiftly.
Anyone who has any products, services, skills, large space, time that they can volunteer, let me know. I will put together a benefit or show and if we can pack it in that would be great. Media attentions, the works!! Public (community) private funders, donations all that we can conjur up. I hate taking no for an answer and I do NOT WANT THE THEATER GOING TO BLAZES!!!!
Contact me directly at

Albert J. Allie

alliewayfilms commented about Ridgewood Theatre on May 18, 2006 at 3:47 pm

Any ideas how I can get this thing rolling are welcome. Need to slow the process of a developer getting hold of the theater and ruining it before we are able to at Least TRY to take it over…………..
Once again Koch…sorry for the misunderstanding LOL AGAIN….


alliewayfilms commented about Ridgewood Theatre on May 18, 2006 at 10:40 am

no no PKOCH I wasn’t talking about YOU!! I was talking about someone who was supposed to help us in negotiating for the theater. I did not mean YOU. When I said SOMEONE i didn’t want to mention who that someone was LOL Turns out they found out about the developer looking to buy and appraising and didnt mention it when they first noted it. Now I am lagging behind a person with millions to whip the theater out from under us and not only screw the whole project up but possibly ruin the building itself……
Sorry for the misunderstanding……………..



alliewayfilms commented about Ridgewood Theatre on May 18, 2006 at 10:38 am

no no PKOCH I wasn’t talking about YOU!! I was talking about someone who was supposed to help us in negotiating for the theater. I did not mean YOU. When I said SOMEONE i didn’t want to mention who that someone was LOL
Sorry for the misunderstanding……………..


alliewayfilms commented about Ridgewood Theatre on May 18, 2006 at 7:53 am

The problem is someone neglected to tell me that they had a conversation with one of the diaz brothers…..A developer has been appraising the theater. Instead of getting a commitment from the owner for US to generate the money through funding for the aquisition, the building was let slip through the cracks. Now with a step forward we were hit with TWO steps back!! They still will not let me appeal to the community or meadia for help because they say it is too premature and someone may move quicker in swiping the theater and possibly our project idea. There is no way to be able to raise the kind of funds they want for the building in such a short time. THEN we STILL have to get the funding to start the project….
Now I am extremely pissed that someone didn’t do their job and because of this, the whole community will suffer by loosing this theater and the possibility of a great project.

alliewayfilms commented about Ridgewood Theatre on May 15, 2006 at 7:27 am

Ok first….I doubt the owner will let us use the theater to hold a fundraiser towards buying it LOL
Also, we plan to restore that live room again, anyway. We need to be able to hold a fundraiser(s) outside of the theater itself. LOL
I am going to see if it’s ok to go public with our idea and then I am going to talk to the papers.
If my organization is going to get a hold of the theater and bring some life into it, we have to do it ASAP. Time to make some noise………….


alliewayfilms commented about Ridgewood Theatre on May 15, 2006 at 5:43 am

The ridgewood theater is still functioning, but God knows for how long. We are working hard on trying to take it over. We already are in the process of starting some of the other programs involved at a seperate location for now. But we are trying to move swiftly. We were thinking as well, to hold a few fundraisers as well, so we have some starting capital to make it more enticing to take it over. Beats waiting for government funding to go through. At least we will know it’s safe. We are trying to figure out how we can get some fundraisers together, but it takes money to make money even for not-for-profit and we just started our for the purpose of saving the theater and taking it over and giving it a way to survive. Our project can do that.
Any ideas are welcome…..We need the community’s backing on this….
Hopefully we will be able to go public soon and I can talk to the papers and that will help out our project on this end….


alliewayfilms commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Apr 21, 2006 at 12:54 pm

I have no problem. The community leaders have already started the process. If you want to make a secondary initiative, that would be great!!
I am just hoping I can give the theater an even better 100th birthday to come!!!!


alliewayfilms commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Apr 20, 2006 at 1:00 pm

Those pull chains were there last I looked. We have great plans for that area up there. There isn’t that much room. Theres two levels, one room per level. About the size of a dance school room. But plenty of room for expansion, if done properly. I’m all excited about this whole thing LOL. Can’t wait to get started. If this happens you’re all coming to opening night hahaha


alliewayfilms commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Apr 20, 2006 at 7:40 am

They don’t bother me, the questions. I just want people to be at ease about the situation. I don’t want it getting out. And this site is used for research for stories by journalists (Hence the recent daily news article.)
We are NOT against landmarking everything. We want that. That is why we discussed it in the meeting with the community leaders and they are going to get someone down there ASAP. We have no intention on further multiplexing by the way. The upstairs will be used for something else. It can be extended up there. How much I won’t know until an architect looks at it. We may keep (A maybe that is) the old feel to it upstairs. They still have the old pull chain toilet flushers on the top above the bowl (damn way before MY TIME haha)
My childhood memories are all in that theater. Saving it (no matter how) is important to me. I just don’t want to be inhibited by any other force coming in to hurt the project.
I think if I can find a place, or discuss it with some of the leaders, I would like to call a meeting once we know everything is in place to discuss the actual plans of the project. But I have to know everything is in place for us to move further. Because once the project is in the open, it’s open season for someone to screw it up without everything being solidified.


alliewayfilms commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Apr 20, 2006 at 6:44 am

The diaz brothers do NOT have the theater listed for sale. I’m not sure why people are under that impression. It isn’t on the market and it wasn’t even a major thought in their heads. WE INITIATED the call about an interest in purchase, so when the thought does cross their minds, the sale isn’t to some roughian, who intends to destroy it. But they did mention an interest in selling if we were interested in buying. (Still doesn’t guarantee they will sell) The fact I am keeping the project idea under wraps is because I don’t need it leaking out to someone and the brothers finding out what’s going on and
A) selling the building before landmark status is established to someone who is going to destroy it and
b) I don’t need someone with the $$$ coming along and swiping our project idea out from under us.
(Me telling you everything I have so far, is more than I wanted to say to begin with.)
People get greedy and will look to just make money. This project is to protect the theater and to bring something viable in the mix, to the community. No big secret or mystery so that I can get the building and ruin it. So be at ease. My intentions are pure. Just protecting my interests as well as the interests of the community and the theater itself……
The theater WILL BE USED AS A THEATER if we can AQUIRE IT…..

The two floors above are totally unusable and practically destroy. They have'nt been used since the 30’s. Floors and walls are warped and falling apart due to water damage from the roof when it was leaking. That will be the major alteration needing to be done. It is UNSAFE to have people walking around up their. WE PLAN TO USE WHAT’S THERE AS FAR AS EVERYTHING ELSE GOES!!! I want to say a few other things but cannot just yet. But believe me, That theater is going to look awesome when we are done with it, if we get the deal to aquire!


alliewayfilms commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Apr 20, 2006 at 6:40 am

The diaz brothers do NOT have the theater listed for sale. I’m not sure why people are under that impression. It isn’t on the market and it wasn’t even a major thought in their heads. WE INITIATED the call about an interest in purchase, so when the thought does cross their minds, the sale isn’t to some roughian, who intends to destroy it. But they did mention an interest in selling if we were interested in buying. (Still doesn’t guarantee they will sell) The fact I am keeping the project idea under wraps is because I don’t need it leaking out to someone and the brothers finding out what’s going on and
A) selling the building before landmark status is established to someone who is going to destroy it and
b) I don’t need someone with the $$$ coming along and swiping our project idea out from under us.
(Me telling you everything I have so far, is more than I wanted to say to begin with.)
People get greedy and will look to just make money. This project is to protect the theater and to bring something viable in the mix, to the community. No big secret or mystery so that I can get the building and ruin it. So be at ease. My intentions are pure. Just protecting my interests as well as the interests of the community and the theater itself……
The theater WILL BE USED AS A THEATER if we can AQUIRE IT…..


alliewayfilms commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Apr 20, 2006 at 6:11 am

By chance if we can get hold of some original older pics of the interior that would be excellent. If we are actually able to aquire the theater for our project, I would like get as close as possible to the old fashioned feel of it!


alliewayfilms commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Apr 19, 2006 at 1:20 pm

That new multiplex is what stands to put the ridgewood out of business. Weather or not the brothers upgraded or whatever. That is why we introduced our idea. One way or the other this theater needs to be saved! The most that will be statused 100% is the exterior. It cannot be torn down or altered. Inside there is not MUCH to the original architecture so not sure how it will work. But God help us all if a damn CVS opens or a rite aide or something. I’m gonna scream!!!!!


alliewayfilms commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Apr 19, 2006 at 11:38 am


no no it’s not the BUYER trying to get it established as a landmark. It’s the community leaders. I had a meeting yesterday and they are going to help get this project started. They are into it. They are gonna get someone to look into the theater to be declared a possible landmark. but on the HUSH, They are going to try to get a commitment for the sale from the owner and I just need to push through my paperwork for not for profit then get a 501 © (3)
The 501 © is what I need help filing for. And it’s a matter of getting the funding together to make it all happen. When it comes down to it, it will be good to know the community RESIDENTS are backing the project, as well. Aside from my team, I can use all the help I can get. So feel free to e-mail me outside of the site.


alliewayfilms commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Apr 18, 2006 at 4:19 pm

you rock native! Let’s save this theater!!!


alliewayfilms commented about Ridgewood Theatre on Apr 18, 2006 at 12:52 pm
