Sioux City Orpheum

520 Pierce Street,
Sioux City, IA 51104

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davidcoppock on December 25, 2018 at 4:30 am

This theatre building looks like a department store or office building from the outside(besides the theatre sign)!!

davidcoppock on December 25, 2018 at 4:28 am

Opened with on screen 1 with “Grease 2” and on screen 2 with “Bambi”.

rivest266 on October 13, 2017 at 7:24 pm

2 screens opening on June 18th, 1982. Ad in the photo section.

dhaefstheatre on January 31, 2013 at 2:45 pm

PaulWolter the first Orpheum was the Victory Theatre or originally named: Lyric Theatre.

sgtbrooks on November 21, 2012 at 1:03 pm

The Orpheum Theater at the corner of 6th & Pierce is actually the third theatre in Sioux City. The second building was known as The Capitol and was remodled by Rapp & Rapp after the building of the present day Orpheum. They did not design the theatre on Nebraska Street, only the theatre on Pierce. I worked at the Orheum from the early 1960’s to the 1970’s and writing a book.

kencmcintyre on November 30, 2008 at 5:39 pm

Here is a 1966 photo from Life Magazine:

rsalters (Ron Salters)
rsalters (Ron Salters) on August 3, 2008 at 1:23 pm

The Fall 2008 issue of Classic Trains Magazine has a neat color photo taken in May 1948 of two Sioux City Service Co. trolley cars meeting at Turner and Villa streets. One car has on its front a poster ad for the Orpheum Theatre. Movies are Frank Sinatra in “The Miracle of the Bells” plus “co-hit” “My Dog Rusty”.

PaulWolter on April 15, 2007 at 8:15 pm

Does anyone have any information on the old Orpheum Theatre in Sioux City? Apparently Rapp & Rapp designed a theatre in Sioux City around 1917.

kathy2trips on November 29, 2006 at 7:44 pm

An excellent article with background information can be found on this link from Architecture Week: View link

JimRankin on June 10, 2005 at 12:39 pm

Recent color photos of this theatre can be found on the site: “America’s Stunning Theatres” by photographer and stagehand Noah Kern at: Comments and information may be left there without registration; such can be public view or only to Mr. Kern. Scroll down the page to find the name, and then click on the sample image above it to be taken to the page of photos of it.

SteveBlenderman on March 26, 2003 at 12:54 pm

The beautifully restored and magnificent Sioux City Orpheum Theatre is not Art Nouveau in style. It would be much closer to baroque as far as the interior is concerned although on tours of the building it has been called French Renaissance.

jhenjes on March 16, 2002 at 11:32 am

A list of Sioux City Orpheum events is available at:

jhenjes on February 27, 2002 at 6:42 pm

Visit the site of the architectural firm in charge of the engineering and reconstruction of this magnificent theater: View link Before & after pictures as well as a stunning picture of the restored auditorium and new chandelier. This theater did $300K it’s first month of operation and has hosted stars like Bill Cosby, Bob Dylan, Willie Nelson & George Carlin and will soon have shows with BB King, Ray Charles and David Copperfield.

streck on December 8, 2001 at 6:18 pm

I wrote along time ago for a list of upcoming attractions at the Orpheum in Sioux City and I did not receive an answer

streck on November 23, 2001 at 8:29 am

Could you email me a list of upcoming attractions or the web address where I may keep updated.

LucasStock on September 5, 2001 at 3:57 pm

Could you mail me the current seating chart for the theatre?

Thank You.

Lucas Christian Stock

lhudson on August 29, 2001 at 12:42 pm

Could you e-mail me the seating chart/arrangement?


Larry Hudson

jhenjes on July 20, 2001 at 1:38 pm

The picture for the Sioux City Orpheum is actually the 1st Orpheum Sioux City had, a much smaller one than is currently being renovated. Here is what the future outside of the theater building will look like: View link

The actual site to watch the progress (when the cam isn’t covered or shut off to facilitate construction) is the is the original publicity site for the theater, it hasn’t been updated in ages.