Brookline Theatre

34 Brookline Boulevard,
Havertown, PA 19083

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dallasmovietheaters on May 7, 2022 at 12:43 pm

The Brookline Theatre appears to have ceased operations as a sub-run discount venue following the June 21, 1981 screening of “9 to 5.” What a way to make a living.

Woodmere on February 21, 2018 at 3:19 pm

The family theater of my youth and “kiddie matinee” Saturdays with the serial “comedy races” & “cliffhangers. During Lent the kiddie matinee was on Sundays. Kids got a ticket number and if the comedy race was won by the contestant with that number a small prize was given. My whole family went there some weeknights. "Havertown” was “Brookline” then but the Postal Service had a Brookline near Pittsburgh so a change was forced. For we “pint-sized” kids—Mighty Mouse was our favorite! Really a pretty ordinary movie house but only our next door neighbor had a TV. He was a TV Engineer for RCA across the Deleware River in Camden, NJ.

bobc316 on September 26, 2012 at 2:45 pm

recently a piece of BROOKLINE THEATRE LORE has come to light i have the one and only ticket found from brookline theatre in 30 years! its time to celebrate this grand moment now the only ticket from brookline rests together with the only movie program from brooklines predaccesors name the boulivard!!! truly history brookline lives

anewnham on July 24, 2012 at 1:14 pm

Hey bob,
I’ll freind your theator facebook the next time I’m on. I have talked to a few of the “civic” crazy folks in town and there would be intrest in reviving the theator in some form if it bacame available.

I still wish your freind the best with the fitness business. The township just entered the fitness game with their new center. YMCA soon. Its getting more competitive not less!

bobc316 on July 1, 2012 at 12:39 pm

if anybody here has a facebook page join my brookline theatre group pleasee thankyou

bobc316 on June 29, 2012 at 11:41 am

i just got a ticket from brookline theatre !!!! yes veryyyy rare. from 1974 the thief who came to dinner starring ryan o'neil. i posted the ticket never thought id find one yeaa

bobc316 on May 19, 2012 at 7:32 pm

the gym may struggle but its family oriented it should do ok but these days you never know plus with ymca moving in on eagle rd near the gym. will see stay tune

anewnham on May 18, 2012 at 8:59 pm

The new YMCA will open in a year, and planet fitness is kicking it up in ardmore. I suspect that this small gym may struggle. (Hate to wish bad things for Bob’s friend) I think it would be really cool to try to re open as a community arts and theater. There is a group making a go of it at St andrews as that old church is being sold. Gas prices are up, kids walk all over town friday and sat. There is the Wolf theater school in town managing in an old church basement at Holy Apostles teaching theator. If anyone would want to have a conversation I’d be interested.

bobc316 on July 30, 2011 at 10:37 am

just received an awesome surprise my friend called me saying he had something else from the brookline. a 1935 movie theatre program. more cinema treasures saved from the brookline. this cherished items need to be saved!!!

bobc316 on May 30, 2011 at 5:15 pm

i uploaded a few pics of brookline theatre some memoralbilia. enjoy the memories lets hear some stories bout the brookline pleaseeee

bobc316 on February 16, 2011 at 9:17 pm

hey john is that plo before yahoo ? contact me at when i sent message it came back as wrong with mailor damen

Johnny62 on February 16, 2011 at 6:22 pm

Hi bobbycon, Contact me at

Mikeoaklandpark on February 16, 2011 at 12:37 pm

Saw Funny Lady here in 1976

bobc316 on February 16, 2011 at 11:52 am

the BROOKLINE theatre was built in 1928 known then as the boulivard owned by 20th century fox, it was the only theatre in havertown 20th century fox sold to the milligram family in the 1940s showing stage shows besides movies, the milligram family then sold to the reece family in the 1950s, in 1973 the colonial theatre donated the kimball organ to the brookline when a flood nearly ruined the beautiful wood piece hence its removal. in 1974 bill reece former projectionist sold to tom thorton richard daily, continuing to showing $1.00 movies and double features on saturday sunday. in 1982 with floods puddles in front stage side with a row of seats leaning against stage the brookline played its last two movies ever_ NINE TO FIVE and ORDIARY PEOPLE. the two posters stayed outdoors for about a year til may 1983 when the theatre was gutted and made into a mini mall. in 1996 i was allowed to investigate the remnants of the projection room i took souvinieres such as boxees of season passes, a movie poster , night light, marquee letter B in 1998 all that remained was the projection room and bathroom they were demolished to make way for more rooms a new bathroom, all that remains is the STAIRWAY which led to the lobby or projection room.

bobc316 on February 14, 2011 at 2:05 pm

hi, i would love to get a photo of the 1983 brookline theatre can someone please help me please thanks

bobc316 on February 11, 2011 at 11:13 am

i made my basement into the brookline theatre, along the stairway i have memoralbilia from there. i used to see in the front row and there was a whole row of seats leaning against the stage

bobc316 on February 8, 2011 at 2:52 am

my friend owns the gym, he allowed me to look around a few years back, the remnants of the projection room was stillthere the bathroom, the fire proof doors the stairway that led to the lobby i found a marquee letter B, a movie poster, season passes an old night light with a yellow lightbulb and a sand papered exit sign . the projection room was since demolished!! all that remains is the STAIRWAY that once proud moviegowers and workers went from the lobby to the bathroom to the projection room!!!

bobc316 on February 7, 2011 at 4:20 pm

the brookline movie theatre was built in 1928. i went here many times and closed in 1982 llast movies were NINE TO 5 ORDINARY PEOPLE

calcynic on October 17, 2010 at 7:34 am

This was a magical theater, at least to me. I took my prom date here about a week before the event in 1968 and we saw Gone With The Wind. Funny, my friends in Olney never heard of the place. I was and am a movie nut and I would drive 100+ miles to sample the ambiance of a previously unvisited theater or Drive In. So many cool places on Rt 30, Rt 3, Rt 309…the list goes on. Multiplexes make me sick…no class or style. No chandoliers (Fern Rock), no velvet (Mayfair & Merben), no balconies…everything stripped down for max profits and screw the dignity of the theater fan.

BigK01 on February 2, 2009 at 6:26 pm

My mother told me about how every kid from her block would go here on Saturday afternoons in the 60’s. A little old lady would take the tickets and run the projector, and a little old man played the organ during the flash Gordan cartoons. Her eyes still light up when she talks about it. Now its a gold gym and very little remains of a theater.