Cinema Astor
5 Rua da Ajuda,
Salvador Bahia
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This is located in Salvador de Bahia (Brazil) and it is an old cinema. The address is Rua da Ajuda (Ajuda Street) near the Elevador Lacerda (Lacerda lift). I think it has been a porno cinema since 1975. The films showing are hetero and they most of the time show two films per day. It starts at 13:00 and closes at 19:30. The best time is from 16:00 to 19:00.
It is not a high class cinema, the cost is now (in 2010) 5 Reals about 2 euros or 3 dollars. There you find female and male prostitutes, transvestites and heteros. I do advise you all to take as little money as possible. Any problem go to the ticket man and tell him. He will take care of it immediately.
Directions are to go by bus to "Praça da Sè" and stop at the last stop. You will be 200 meters away from the Cinema Astor.
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I’ve seen this advertised as Cine Astor as well. The street number is 5 on Rua de Ajuda, which would be Help Street in English, I think.