Comments from ThomasWolf

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ThomasWolf commented about Strand-Capitol Performing Arts Centre on Nov 9, 2015 at 1:25 am

I worked at the Strand and sometimes sent to the Capitol in 1968. It was RKO Stanley Warner Theatre. The manager’s name was Sidney Poppay (not sure of spelling) I was 16. Before I got my license to drive Mr Poppay would take me home in the evenings after the Theatre closed. He lived in East York close to my parents house on Russell Street. The theatre was beautiful but was in hard times. He used to show me pictures of what it was like in it’s hayday. It was a spectacular theatre. I would say it was the most beautiful in the county. The ceiling and upper walls were heavily decorated . Origionally the mens room had a lot of facilities for men to make themselves more presentable during the days when you went to the movies in Sunday attire!. He showed me through the theatre back stage where it was amazing to see how the dressing rooms went up two spiral staircases. The AC unit was in the basement and was a huge piston machine. It kept the theatre very comfortable. The pay was 75cents and hour. No money but I loved it there. Sol Kesslers had a Magavox Stereo in the long lobby that we played WGAL FM easy listening music very low which created ambiance when strolling the long lobby past the Candy,Popcorn stand. Mrs Ruth operated the stand. The stairs to the right of the lobby took VIPs to the Loge. There were only few seats up there. Red drapes were around the Loge opening looking down on the main auditorium. I’m so glad it’s still there. Oh, Mr. Poppay also showed me plans that when the Strand was built, they could add a balcony like the Capitol had. The marquee was fabulous out front. I used to change the bulbs. The neon was wonderful and blinking lights greeted the guests. It was York’s leading showplace. I feel very fortunate I worked there and had a very memorable time. It’s a great treasure!!

ThomasWolf commented about Holiday Theatre on Nov 9, 2015 at 12:57 am

I worked for my father in York in the 60’s and 70’s. I was a service person for my father’s Whirlpool Store. Anyway. I remember going east on Market street and seeing all the action at the RR crossing which was next to the building which housed a H & L 5 and dime store, a sewing factory on the second floor and The Holiday Theatre at the buildings far end. My understand is that several RR cars had broke loose and made their way down the tracks at a good rate of speed and there was a curve at the buildings location and the cars derailed and hit the building. The side of the building facing west was demolished and, if I remember correctly, there were people hurt that worked in the sewing factory. It is probably in old news clippings of the York dispatch or Gazette and Daily papers of that time. It was sad but that is what caused the demise of the Holiday (York) Theatre. It was a beautiful Theatre and I had a lot of fun there as a child. It played all family movies. Also, many don’t know this but the White Rose Skating Rink was behind the Theatre but burned years earlier. The Rink was located between the Holiday Theatre and the A&P Store on East Phila Street at the RR Tracks. The RR company was Western Maryland RR. York used to be a city of wonder. It was great there as a child.