Comments from TheatreNeighbor

Showing 1 - 25 of 37 comments

TheatreNeighbor commented about "Preserve Me a Seat" doc to screen in Alaska this week! on Jun 7, 2007 at 12:26 am

Why couldn’t they obey the law like every other ghoul and get their trophies at the village hall? Do the Friends have a birthright to the remains that allows them to trespass and break the law? How typical of this arrogant group to assume that they do.

TheatreNeighbor commented about "Preserve Me a Seat" doc to screen in Alaska this week! on Jun 3, 2007 at 1:09 pm

He ran through our backyards during his attempt to flea the police. As her ran he flung pieces of plaster into the bushes. Not sure how many “treasures” were heisted by the Friends clan, but anyway you shake it they are the gang that couldn’t shoot straight.

TheatreNeighbor commented about "Preserve Me a Seat" doc to screen in Alaska this week! on Jun 1, 2007 at 4:42 pm

What would you like to see built on the theatre property?

TheatreNeighbor commented about "Preserve Me a Seat" doc to screen in Alaska this week! on May 31, 2007 at 6:39 am

I saw the movie too. I cannot believe they actually put Jim Devitt on camera. He is the person that should shoulder the most blame for the theatre’s demise. If the preservationists would have had Dana ready 4 years earlier, the theatre would still be standing. Unfortunately Devitt fumbled the ball with the paperclip deal and now the theatre lies in a landfill.

TheatreNeighbor commented about DuPage Theater meets end on May 13, 2007 at 6:32 pm


With the exception of Brainless Bruce aka True Class, most of the residents living behind the Dup wanted the theatre saved if the development attached to it would have been somewhat within code. Lombard did not need a high density condominium. You should have worked with the crowd that wanted the library there. If you had not been so stubborn you could have joined forces together and had a referendum passed.

TheatreNeighbor commented about DuPage Theater meets end on May 13, 2007 at 1:40 pm

Call Difino if you talk about the egging incidents. I saw the egg on his house firsthand.

As for Mazolini, he must have you fooled. His behavior on election day was illegal and childish. He has taunted readers on these blogs for years.

TheatreNeighbor commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on May 13, 2007 at 8:08 am

Read the police blotter. It should be posted in the next couple of weeks.

TheatreNeighbor commented about DuPage Theater meets end on May 13, 2007 at 6:01 am

Let me add that there were some good people behind the preservation effort, unfortunately they were unable to squelch the behavior of a few radicals.

TheatreNeighbor commented about DuPage Theater meets end on May 13, 2007 at 5:58 am


It was people like Ray Mazzolini that fueled the fire in many of us that supported the demolition. He attacked residents that live adjacent to he theatre property on a local blog. He also is suspected to have been part of an effort to ntimidate those same residents by vandalizing their homes. Just the other evening a group of “preservationists” egged the homes of many who opposed the restoration plan because it included 120 condos and many variations to code. Look no further than Ray Mazzolini if you want to an explanation as to why there is gloating by the pro-demolition crowd. What’s sad is that he (Ray) is not smart enough to realize that if not for the taunting and name calling by his group, many of us would have been neutralized. Instead he fueled our efforts to protect our homes from the condo/preservation plan and united us with other members of the community that supported demolition.

Scott, this was not your typical preservationist effort. This group used Al-Quaeda-like tactics to intimidate those opposed to their ideas. They have gotten what they deserve. Ask Jim Fields if you don’t believe me

TheatreNeighbor commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on May 13, 2007 at 5:30 am

Several of these items have been stored by the VOL and were supposed to be gifted to the Historical Society. Friends of ours that are “Friends” have told us that indeed some of these artifacts have ended up in the possession of key members of their group. Let them have them I say.

This past Saturday evening the demolition site was broken in to by teenagers of known preservationists. Several items to be salvaged by Heneghan and sold were taken out. Multiple homes along Charlotte Street were “egged” by this group as well. The district 2 trustee also had his home vandalized the same evening.

Thank goodness this is over with and Lombard can move on.

TheatreNeighbor commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Apr 5, 2007 at 3:30 pm

New poll done on the entire block of east View from Main to Grace has Janisch 34 votes and Moreau 31. This includes the results from Main Street.

TheatreNeighbor commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Apr 1, 2007 at 12:37 pm

A Straw poll done on the east side of north Main street has Dana Moreau with 15 votes, Brad Janisch 13 votes. This will be a close one folks!

TheatreNeighbor commented about DuPage Theatre Key to Downtown Lombard's Revival on Mar 29, 2007 at 1:49 pm

Preservation at any cost – Preserve no matter how much TIF/Tax dollars are used, no matter how many residents property values are harmed by the variances granted, no matter that the elected officials chosen by the residents through a democratic process voted against the preservation. That my old friend is “Preservation at ANY Cost”. It was an archaeic term that should have died with Doug.

TheatreNeighbor commented about DuPage Theatre Key to Downtown Lombard's Revival on Mar 28, 2007 at 6:41 pm

Please don’t speak for us. For a while there you sounded as though you might have some common sense and logic. Your last few posts have exposed you for a “preservation at any cost” lunatic.

TheatreNeighbor commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 24, 2007 at 6:37 pm

When the lobby and shoppes are hauled away, sensible Lombardians will continue to work hard for Brad Janisch. He is simply the better candidate with better ideas for YOUR district. It’s time to stop the nonsense. We have to live together in a post-theatre Lombard. Will you be able to embrace that change? Or will you be like a dinosaur and disappear? The choice is your’s Ray.

TheatreNeighbor commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 24, 2007 at 4:38 am

Some good reading here.

TheatreNeighbor commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 14, 2007 at 6:21 pm

It was the St. John’s debacle that gave us the wake-up call to defeat this RSC plan. I couldn’t believe the board approved it either. We made damn sure it wouldn’t happen to us. Does this mean I will be running all over town trying to defeat every proposal that requests variances? The answer is no. Residents need to stay involved in what’s happening in their community. That will make Lombard a better place.

Thank goodness district 4 residents had the Sebby as our trustee. Many of us were asleep at the wheel on this TIF heavy, variance infested proposal that you supported. Do me a favor Ray, run next door real quick and Give Steve a hug for all of us that hated your cockamamie agenda.

TheatreNeighbor commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 14, 2007 at 11:07 am

The ONE resident next to Walgreens supported the development AFTER Walgreens coughed up for a cultured masonry wall that he requested.

Are you saying that because we did not attend all of the public hearings in Lombard that we should not be protected by the village code? That logic is so typical of you and your feeble minded arguments.

Please don’t pull a Florey and threaten us with a larger development. It only makes you sound more childish than you are (if that’s possible). With cleared land and an RFP we may even buy the property. And if we do you might even benefit from the development. We may opt to put in a nursing home for warped, frustrated old codgers like you Ray.

TheatreNeighbor commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 14, 2007 at 5:19 am

Should developments that include some sort of preservationist effort be exempt from conforming to village codes? Why do we have codes for the DOWNTOWN BUSINESS DISTRICT if they are not adhered to. Should residents living adjacent to a business district to be treated any differently than those living near a park or a forest preserve? As usual you make no sense and will say anything to defend the theatre….Anything. You people have lost so much credibility in this town its a wonder there are still 28 of you left.

TheatreNeighbor commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 13, 2007 at 7:33 am

And what lies were told by the Charlotte Street people Dude? Name one.

TheatreNeighbor commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 12, 2007 at 5:20 pm

New Lombard,

Your hypocrisy amazes me. You and your group used a free advertisement to attack people through the local rag. This latest method of attacking residents proves only that you are not man (or woman) enough to accept the blame for you failure as the leader of this “grass roots” group.

The threats you have made are at the very least childish and teeter on the edge of criminal. I suggest you take some medication and lie down for a week or so before you do something you regret. All this nonsense will be over in about 12 days. Then and only then will your scabs of anger begin to heal. If time doesn’t heal your wounds, I have a few bricks that didn’t make it to the landfill. You can have them provided you use them to knock some sense back into your head.

TheatreNeighbor commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 12, 2007 at 2:47 pm

you mean Is that the website you are referring to?

TheatreNeighbor commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 11, 2007 at 6:02 pm

New Lombard,

Please don’t make anymore statements alluding to our neighborhood. Kurt Lentsch has never been to any of our meetings nor has he “attached” himself to us. The reason why people (like Giagnorio) want to distance themselves from your group is because you have ZERO credibility. You continue to tell lie after lie in a failed effort to force this horrible plan down the taxpayers throats.

And now you have gotten into the business of threatening residents and elected officials with payback? How low can you go? Is Ken Florey giving you the training in threats and payback?

TheatreNeighbor commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 10, 2007 at 12:13 pm

The village did not put out an RFP over the last few years because they wanted to give the RSC plan its due diligence. The plan sucked and here we are three years later and millions of property tax dollars were lost because the Foundation put the theatre’s fate in the hands of a greedy developer.

You referenced that we were “part of the problem”. What problem is that? The “problem” will be demolished in two weeks.

I had a dream last night of Bob Biddle, Marisa Schoff and Steve Sebby running through the grassy south property hand in hand singing the sound of music……It was wonderful. The hills are alive….with the sound of music! See weez gots culture Dude.

TheatreNeighbor commented about Demolition of DuPage Theatre gets underway on Mar 10, 2007 at 5:19 am

Get a clue. The fact that you have an alternative lifestyle has nothing to do with this issue. You have a right to be homosexual and nobody here is challenging you about it. It is the tax payer funded theatre plan we are arguing about. Are we “thugs” because we choose to speak out against public funding of a decrepid building restoration? Stop making like we are Al-Qaeda.