Comments from sirMAXX

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sirMAXX commented about Pleasant Hill Officials Say Dome Is Out With The Old on Mar 20, 2004 at 4:06 am

there is no way getting rid of the dome is even an option, just thinking it is sacrilege, Martinez already lost a once gorgeous theater in downtown with red velvet interior, balcony, a chandelier and it was just left there to rot. As young as i was and never seeing the theater in Martinez in action myself i still felt i lost something special. The “officials” ones responsible are the kinds of heartless pricks that will do anything for an extra dollar makes me sick and will continue to get away with what is good for them cause jerks just seem to get away with their actions while walking all over the good people with a sh**-eating-grin, think they are invincible on an idea that sounds productive to them and are totally inconsiderate how this impacts the immediate people who are watching and listening to this happening. i grew up watching any worth while movie in the dome and the interior is something to experience and I’m trying to get my girlfriend to take a 300 mile road trip just to see a movie in the dome! now tell me that people who have seen the dome and is willing to travel 300 miles to get their buddies to see it isn’t worth keeping? and Chris is right the dome is a treasure. keep the dome, I’m sure these so called engineers that I’m sure have seen the dome for them selves can boast the dome theater and create an attraction instead of a multi-mega-cheap-piece-of-trash-out-of-a-box-kit that passer-bys already have and have seen in their own home town. its bad enough the majority of public is lead by a media to make superficial xerox copy’s of people for all the kinds of an exploiting commercial industry they believe the market should consume and look like, haven’t you ever realized everyone looks like everyone else? don’t taint what the Bay Area has left to offer of its “I’m not like the rest of you and you wont see me where you are from” pride. My girlfriends home town in the San Luis Obispo County has already been completely stripped for everything it stood for.