Comments from screenfx

Showing 2 comments

screenfx commented about Center for Living Arts on Oct 23, 2014 at 7:56 pm

When I worked here one day a truck making deliveries backed up under this Marquee and had just enough clearance to take out all the light bulb without damaging the sign. I spent all day replacing bulbs.

screenfx commented about Center for Living Arts on Oct 23, 2014 at 7:50 pm

I used to work there in the mid 70’s when it was a second run theatre. It was a dumping ground for parent that didn’t want to watch their kids on the weekends. I remember one night they ran a X rated movie starring Farrah Fawcette but it was only X rated because of some cursing. Really ticked off people hoping to see her naked. That was a weird night.