Comments from plasticvengeance

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plasticvengeance commented about Mann Torrence Promenade 6 on Feb 9, 2018 at 4:19 pm

My favorite mall and favorite multiplex of childhood. Saw so much here: Raiders of the Lost Ark, Star Trek the Wrath of Khan, Goonies, Return of the Jedi, etc. etc. I also remember the HUGE marquee out in the parking lot advertising midnight movies like A Clockwork Orange. The mall was a staple of childhood, too, esp. the carousel, the food court (Mama Pisano’s Pizza!) with that gazebo, the Artists' Alley, the lemonade stand near the carousel, and of course Federated Group.

plasticvengeance commented about United Artists Torrance Theatre on Feb 9, 2018 at 3:38 pm

I think I experienced this one toward the end of its run, early 80’s. Distinctly remember seeing lots of movies there though, including Time Bandits, Mr. Mom, Superman III and Romancing the Stone. Also, does anyone remember a western-themed burger place somewhere nearby? I can’t figure out if I imagined that or not!

plasticvengeance commented about Redondo Beach Cinema 3 on Feb 9, 2018 at 3:08 pm

So so many amazing memories here. The screen nearest Hawthorne Blvd. most often, I saw Sixteen Candles, The Karate Kid and more in the 80’s. The twinned house in the middle also showed Rocky Horror and other midnight movies (Dawn of the Dead, Cheech & Chong flicks) on the weekends. And that bowling alley complex was AMAZING, complete with an ice cream parlor, a coffee shop, a bar and an arcade. You could live there. ;)