Comments from mebryan

Showing 8 comments

mebryan commented about 25th Street Theatre on Aug 28, 2006 at 11:37 pm

Save the club! I am the last voice you will ever hear. Dont be alarmed! Tell Rob Bob to get off of his isolated new life and break the silence and say hello. I hope the new hurricanes do not hit him.


mebryan commented about 25th Street Theatre on Nov 12, 2005 at 3:29 pm

Ken thank you for providing the photo. Can you possibly take a photo facing the theater directly in the front, and maybe one from the other side where the print shop was.

mebryan commented about 25th Street Theatre on Nov 11, 2005 at 5:53 pm

Many people handle sorrow in may different ways. Some recoupe faster that others. Richard was a mentor to me and help set the standards on how I would run a club and provide entertainment for different generes of club patrons. As your friend I would like you to know that you are not alone. We are all waiting for your to reach out to us and call. Jake, Big Richard, Chris C., Brent along with many others that I have not talked to miss you dearly and are concerned. I have told what I have known about your status from the hurricans on the chat board. Please do not feel like everone is mad at you for they are not. Robert please give me a call so that I can put you in contact with Jake, Chris, and Brent. I have there phone numbers. I pray that you and your father are both doing well. I will always be a freind and family for you, and the others in this life time. Take care and I will be waiting to hear from you! Love your friend Matt Bryan. 314-803-0357

mebryan commented about 25th Street Theatre on Oct 8, 2004 at 12:47 am

Does anybody read this anymore? Lets get the ball rolling on saving this theater. And not the Demo-Ball.


Tell Thurman I said hey. Is Michale S. still around?

mebryan commented about 25th Street Theatre on Oct 7, 2004 at 5:32 am

1 Mode Electronics 16 Unit sequencer
1 Lite Lab L8000 LGC memory controller
2 30’ x 30’ robotic trusses
2 15’ x 15’ robotic sub trusses
6 Hitachi one-ton hoist
8 500 sub truss hoist
1 Optikinetics 4 channel strobe controller
4 Lightwave Research Robot projectors
1 Marconi RB2 Track ball and Archline AL-2000
1 Coemar Venus controller
1 Coemar Venus 4 Centerpiece
63 rain lights
4 Helicopters
20 Mode Electronics Arclines AL2 chasers
8 Lightwave Reaearch Pulstar strobes
5 Clay Paky Rotazione Oras
4 HiFi BR-7700U video recoeders
1 For a FA400 digital time base corrector
1 TVM 620 Video Tek Monitor
1 Numark PPD DM 1900 audio mixer
1 JVC TM-R14U commercial scan
1 Video Onics video title makers
1 Video Onics video mixer
6 JVC TM-9U color video monitors
1 Kinyo UV 512 cassette rewinder
1 JVC RM-86u Editing control unit
1 Optimus Sta 300 digital received
3 Sony Umatic BVU-920 SP video cassette players
2 Panasonic Video Camcorders

That is all I have listed for what was in 25th Street and Arcadia. Info copied out of DJ Times Sept 1995 issue pg. 57

mebryan commented about 25th Street Theatre on Oct 7, 2004 at 4:46 am

Arcadia Equipment List

1 Rane AC 22 Crossover
1 Furman TX 4 Crossover
1MXR Dual 2/3-oct. EQ
1 Rane RE 14 EQ
1 dbx 3bx III dynamic range expander
1 dbx 120 subharmonic synthesizer
4 GII Syatems 750 amps
1 Cerwin Vega A 400 amp
2 Technics SL1200MK2 turntables
1 Denon DN-2000F CD Player
1 Technics RS BR465 cassette deck
1 Rane MP24 DJ Mixer
1 Rane ME 15 micrographic EG
1 Biamp TC 60 pro amp
1 Technics 1700 reel to reel
4 Cerwin Vega V35D Speakers
8 Cerwin Vega L36P Speakers
1 Innova 7 Watt Argon Coherent (Laser Systems Limited Projector)
1 Laser System Maestro-S8000B Laser Controler
1 32’ Video Screen
1 Pulsar 24 Chanel Touch Panel

More to come

mebryan commented about 25th Street Theatre on Oct 7, 2004 at 4:05 am

Jake this is Matt Bryan from Whitney. Give me a call if you can. 314-803-0357 cell. I live in St. Louis now, but I can try to help. OK x-cellent!


mebryan commented about Waco's 25th Street Theatre Slated for Demolition on Oct 7, 2004 at 3:51 am

Hey Jake, Rob-Bob, Chris,

I am glad to see that someone is trying to save 25th St. I would love to help as well. Please let me know what I can do to help. I bet it would only take a few grand to patch the roof since it is tar. I wished I had the money to buy it. God knows I have enough equipment to use to open it as a nite club again. It would not be on the scale that Richard had but it would be a start. I would just have to figure out on how to get my wife to agree. Good luck right. Well please feel free to contact me and let me know what I can do to help. Start a save the theater campagne? Jake or Rob-Bob give me a call if you can. Shoot me an email so that we can find out what we can do. I still remember I need to send over a list of the equipment that was in Arcadia/ Post 25th street. Thake care,