Comments from gpswenson

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gpswenson commented about Mayflower Theatre on Feb 26, 2023 at 9:32 am

This theater was located across the street from the frat house where they filmed much of “Animal House.” I watched “Animal House” at the Mayflower! The Delta House was torn down in 1986 but I think the other 11th Avenue fraternity buildings are still standing.

gpswenson commented about Fox Theatre on Oct 21, 2013 at 10:26 pm

I remember the beautiful neon Fox sign that jutted out over the street in the 1960s and up until the Eugene sign code banned all the big signs. Seems like when the sign came down, that was about the time the name changed. I don’t think there was ever one of those generic tiny signs for The Fox. Would be really surprised if it had been renamed the Fox again as the caption says, in the end, and also the address of the theater is next door to where that athletic club is now. Fox was not on the corner it was (as another comment mentioned here) at 969 Willamette. I think that was a shoe store on the corner. And, as I mentioned, the theater did not have it’s “final days” in the 1960s. I was back briefly in Eugene in about 1985, and I think it was still open then (as The National). The last movie I saw there was in 1981.