Comments from craigcahill

Showing 2 comments

craigcahill commented about Capitol Theatre on Nov 9, 2014 at 5:53 am

9th November 2014: Over the last 12 months ( 2014) the Capitols famous ceiling has been completely rewired and relamped -that’s 4000 globes! New dimmers were also installed. The foyer has been recarpetted, seats were replaced a few years ago,and RMIT has undertaken much repair work including repair of plasterwork and repainting of the auditorium. In short the auditorium is looking wonderful. The Melbourne International film festival used the Capitol during it’s festival in July/August of this year. Unfortunately, the cinema has now CLOSED on a semi permanent basis as RMIT has relocated all the lectures to a new building and the theatre is no longer available for hire. Rumours are that it is up for sale. More to come .

craigcahill commented about Capitol Theatre on Feb 26, 2013 at 12:47 am

RMIT University who own the Capitol are currently undertaking repair rewiring and relighting of the auditorium ceiling. Will be fully operational by end of March 2013.