Comments from BabyBoomer

Showing 24 comments

BabyBoomer commented about Meserole Theatre on Feb 3, 2011 at 8:03 am

John……Thanks for the great link.The family enjoyed the pix of the ol'e neighborhood

BabyBoomer commented about Meserole Theatre on Jan 18, 2011 at 2:07 pm

In regard to these old theatres has anyone gone to the Brooklyn Eagle archives web site maintained by the Brooklyn Public Library? You can either type in the search box a name or go to a specific date and get the whole newspaper. They have two sites one from 1841 to 1902 which is easy to navigate and the other from 1902 to 1955 which I haven’t yet figured out.

John…….If you type in the date July 29 1896 you will see an article entitled “Two New Polish Parishes” which describes the cost and construction of St.Stan’s.

BabyBoomer commented about Century's 110-Drive-In on Jan 1, 2011 at 6:59 pm

Joe Vogel…I have to agree with you about the 110 opening date. I remember going there with my folks about when I was 10 years old and that would have been 1957.We went after a day at Sunken Meadow and my brother and I enjoyed the rides before the movie.We would usually be asleep by the end of the movie in the back seat.

BabyBoomer commented about Winthrop Theater on Jan 1, 2011 at 6:44 pm

John…….Just one more mention of a Greenpoint bar and I won’t stray from the movie house thread anymore.

Do you remember a bar on the corner of Diamond and Driggs(it’s now a closed down pizza place)? Thirty six years ago on my wedding day my bestman and myself got to St.Stans early and stopped in this bar for a bracer to get through the events.The bartender knew we weren’t from the neighborhood and asked what we were doing in the neighborhood …in suits no less.After the ceremony we met him at the door of the church wanting to kiss the bride.

BabyBoomer commented about Winthrop Theater on Dec 21, 2010 at 12:48 pm

John……..On an unrelated note to the Winthrop but has to do with movies.Going one block away on the corner of Nassau and Russel(I believe it’s Russell)There is one of the few bars left in Greenpoint that Pop is always telling us they do a lot of filming in.It has that old bar look and Pop tells of attending parties in the rear of the bar.

BabyBoomer commented about Meserole Theatre on Dec 21, 2010 at 12:22 pm

@Bway……….I think you hit it on the nose. The one down by Cayler was once a Duane Reade.Thanks for the pix.

@John………..It sounds like the only one on Driggs Ave. Pop remembers is the one where the Met food is now.I’m only a Greenpointer by marriage(born and raised in Woodhaven Queens)and just passing along his stories that I think might interest the readers who lived in Greenpoint and attended St.Stans.Thanks for the link to the old Winthrop. I do enjoy reading the history and memories of others who lived there before me however.

BabyBoomer commented about Cinema Treasures Reaches 30,000 Theaters on Dec 14, 2010 at 7:31 pm

A warm thank you and congratulations to Ross,Ken,Patrick and the crew for all the hard work you put into this site and providing us with 10 years of great memories.

With deepest appreciation… BabyBoomer

BabyBoomer commented about Meserole Theatre on Dec 14, 2010 at 7:11 pm

John………My wife talked with her Dad this evening about what you asked.Pop told her there were houses on the convent and school corner before they were built.She said there was a movie house where Met foods is now on the corner of Humboldt and Driggs across from the park……..Take care Bob

BabyBoomer commented about Meserole Theatre on Dec 13, 2010 at 8:00 pm

If I remember right the years on the corner stone of the school and convent were quite a few years apart.I’ll ask Pop when I call him tomorrow night and get back to you.

BabyBoomer commented about Meserole Theatre on Dec 13, 2010 at 2:42 pm

There are two Rite-Aids with-in blocks of each other(one at the ol'e Meserole and the other on Manhattan Ave.near Cayler Ave.)so I can see them closing down one of them. However I can’t imagine anyone putting money into re-building the Meserole. A one screen movie house today just won’t bring in money and thats about all the space thats available at the current location.

BabyBoomer commented about Meserole Theatre on Dec 13, 2010 at 2:22 pm

John……..I was talking to Pop and he said he remembers when he was a boy they were asking 10 cents from each kid in order to buy one brick to build St. Stan’s school.He was born in 1917 and didn’t remember the exact year so I went to the school and the corner stone says 1928 so Pop would have been 12 years old.We can walk through the neighborhood and he would point out what places were when he was growing up.Like right off the corner of Diamond and Norman(on Diamond St.)he said there was a stable where people who had horse drawn wagons would keep the horeses at night.For 93 he has some memory.
All the best and Merry Christmas to all.

BabyBoomer commented about Meserole Theatre on Mar 15, 2010 at 4:45 pm

John…..I just got off the phone with Dad and sorry to say but he doesn’t remember any Post Office by the Garden theatre.He really enjoyed the members of this site bringing back memories and hearing the names of the old movies houses such as the Public Palace which he remembered.

Going off topic here he told me a story which I would like to pass along.It seems St.Stans school when he was young closed down for 1 week in February to conserve fuel. Now St. Stans is the last one to being running a school and all the other parishes schools in Greenpoint are closed due to expences.

Thanks again for the memories…….BabyBoomer
(I grew up in Woodhaven Queens)

BabyBoomer commented about Meserole Theatre on Mar 15, 2010 at 12:36 pm

John….As I said the name Cinema Warsaw was determined through my research and not Dads memory. Not knowing what the locations history was in the past(it opened in 1914)and seeing a possibility of a movie front on the Flicker web site picture inclusion might be the safest direction to take.
I’ll be talking to Dad tonight and will let you know more.

BabyBoomer commented about Fox Event Center on Mar 14, 2010 at 6:56 pm

I was stationed at Norton Air Force Base from September 1967-September 1968 and I would take the base bus on my days off to Redlands and enjoyed walking around town all day and going to the Fox movie house at night.Growing up in New York City I loved the small town feeling and was awed by the palm trees lining the main street.I have two questions however.First is it possible I remember the marquee in front of the theatre at that time being the same one as the 1928 picture above on the Cinema Treasures site? Second I came across an old post card which seems to have been made around the 1920’s of Redlands.It was taken looking from the other end of town down the main street (Cajon St.???)and says it is looking toward the YMCA. I know this goes back further than some of you but do any of you remember a YMCA being in town?

One time during my visits to town the high school was showing the movie “Endless Summer” as a fund raiser for one of the teams if I remember right.It was a very pleasent walk and evening and I have many wonderful memories of Redlands.

BabyBoomer commented about Meserole Theatre on Mar 14, 2010 at 4:59 pm

John…….Upon further research(his leaving open names had me wondering now)I’ve come up with the Cinema Warsaw located on 261 Driggs (between Eckford and Leonard)which is one block away from where dad said it would be.When you google Cinema Warsaw you get a current picture that says it once was the Polish National Hall.You could definatly see the possibility for the front of a movie house however.I believe you can find Cinema Warsaw on this site also.
I’ll ask Pop about that Post Office tomorrow when we talk to him…………..Take Care… Babyboomer

BabyBoomer commented about Meserole Theatre on Mar 14, 2010 at 2:17 pm

I just got done talking to my father in law who is 92 years old,lived his entire life in Greenpoint and is still very sharp.

He remembers the Meserole being called the Fox before it became the Meserole as mentioned in one of the prior post. He also remembers a theatre directly across from the Meserole(between Meserole and Norman Ave.) but can’t remember the name of it.Reading John D’s post it probably was the one known as the “Garden”. And he confirms the Chopin was formally known as the American.
He remembers a theatre named the “Eagle” which was on Manhattan Ave.and Eagle Street.He mentioned that the site of the Princess Manor was a theatre called the “Nassau” theatre.
Heading toward St. Stans church he remembers a movie house named the “Driggs” on the corner of Graham Ave, and Driggs Ave.And there was a movie theatre on the corner of Driggs Ave.and Russell St.which is now the Met food store. again the name escapes him.

BabyBoomer commented about Haven Theatre on Dec 11, 2008 at 11:08 am

Peter R and anyone else interested……………If you go to yahoo groups and type in woodhaven_nyc you will reach a group which is composed of old and current residents from around the country.You must become a member to view the postings but you can choose between having them sent to your “E” mail or visiting the site yourself and reading them when you want.There are over 200 members and they talk about memories of growing up in Woodhaven and whats happening there now.We have a few members who post videos and old photo’s and if you are wondering what ever happened to an old friend we have a few members who probably know where they are now also.Give us a try we’re family friendly and you might find someone you hung out with.

BabyBoomer commented about Haven Theatre on Dec 11, 2008 at 5:14 am

Robert R..I also am looking forward to seeing those photos.
Peter K..Oh well it was a long shot thanks anyway.

BabyBoomer commented about Haven Theatre on Dec 10, 2008 at 10:53 am

Peter K ……….Did you live up by Forest Park and Play football for the Warriors during the 60’s?
Don’t bother asking The Leader Observer (this was the local paper)for and information or pictures. They were bought up by a large paper business and I was told they have no archive.

BabyBoomer commented about Loew's Willard Theatre on Oct 22, 2007 at 5:58 pm

Funny Robert R. mentioned that someone he knew saw Seven Brides for Seven Brothers at the Willard because that is one of the movies that stick in my mind.I remember that I didn’t go to see that movie but it was the second feature and the dance number at the barn raising stayed with me.About 35 years later it was playing at one of those revival movie theatres in Manhattan and I talked my wife into seeing it (for her first time)and she was knocked over by it.
The only other movie I remember seeing there is a movie where Spencer Tracy was a priest and he was trying to get off an island a volcano was erupting on with the help of a convict played by Frank Sinatra.(The Left Hand of the Devil?)

BabyBoomer commented about Roosevelt Theatre on Oct 22, 2007 at 5:36 pm

Back in the 1950’s I remember the local Woodhaven stores (and I’m told St. Thomas)gave away cards approx.4"x14" which showed the upcoming Saturday Matinee.The Roosevelt usually had 2 movies,4 or 5 cartoons and previews.The gimmerick was if you had the same color card they had in the box office window you got in for free.Of course we put the 25 cents saved to good use at the candy counter.And yes I did have the right color card once.!!!
The two movies that stick in my mind seeing at the Roosevelt was one of the Davy Crockett movies with Fess Parker and Vincent Price in House on Haunted Hill.(not on the same billing)

BabyBoomer commented about Loew's Willard Theatre on Oct 20, 2007 at 7:46 pm

Anyone who wants to find old friends,meet new friends or just remember what it was like growing up in Woodhaven we started a family friendly web site.You must join to get in however you can choose to have the messages sent to you or just access them from the site when you want.Simply go to the Yahoo home page and click on groups. Then type in “woodhaven-nyc” and you will access our group.If there isn’t anyone you know chances are someone will know where your friends are today.Check us out and Enjoy !!!

BabyBoomer commented about Haven Theatre on Oct 20, 2007 at 7:36 pm

Anyone who wants to find old friends,meet new friends or remember what it was like growing up in Woodhaven we started a family friendly group on Yahoo.Although you must join to access the group you can choose to have the messages sent to you or just read them when you want from the site.Simply go to the Yahoo home page and click on groups. Then type in “woodhaven-nyc"and you will get to or site.Check us out….If there isn’t anyone you know chances are someone knows where your friends are today and you can share your memories of growing up in the best neighborhood in New York……Enjoy !!!

BabyBoomer commented about Roosevelt Theatre on Oct 20, 2007 at 7:28 pm

Anyone who grew up in Woodhaven and wants to get in touch with old friends,meet new friends and remember what it was like growing up in Woodhaven we started a family friendly group on the Yahoo site.Although you need to join to get on the site you can choose to get the messages sent to your “E” mail or just read them when you want to from the site.Just go to the Yahoo home page and click on groups.Then type in woodhaven-nyc and you will get to our group.If you don’t find anyone you know chances are someone knows where your friends are today……..Welcome and enjoy!!!