St. George Theatre

25 Hyatt Street,
Staten Island, NY 10301

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Showing 201 - 225 of 245 comments

Mike (saps)
Mike (saps) on August 30, 2004 at 1:38 pm

Vito, the ball is in your court! Let’s do it!

owneroftheatre on August 30, 2004 at 1:23 pm

Your assuming we do not have an interest at all in showing films. If your more than willing to sponsor and promote a classic movie film, please call.
You never contacted us regarding this matter. Expressing your thoughts on this sight is not the right way to approach us.
I wish you would contact us directly at the theatre. (718)442-2900.

Vito on August 30, 2004 at 12:41 am

Once again no mention of movies has been made. I worked for months getting the old projection booth up and running, donating my time and materials so that the big silver screen could once again thrill those who may have never watched a movie in this grand venue.
The people running things at the time had some very questionable ethics so I bowed out. Now the new owners seem to have no interset at all in showing films. What a shame, because I am sure thousands of Staten Island residents would love to come to the St George to watch classic films in this magnificent theatre. I believe it is very short sighted of the new owners not to recognise that. Running classic films is a very inexpensive undertaking and would fill the time when the theatre might overwise be dark very nicely.

owneroftheatre on August 29, 2004 at 3:30 pm

We are pleased to inform you of a new and exciting adventure in theatre for you and your entire family. We are confident that our SI community will share the enthusiasm and embrace all that this magnificent theatre has to offer.
Upcoming events include:
Gospel Concert with Yolanda Adams on 9/17 – 8:00pm
Musical Ellis Island – Gateway to a Dream on 11/5 – 9:45am, 12:00pm, and 8:00 performances
Howie Mandel on 11/12 – 9:00pm performance (inquire about our VIP Red Carpet Room Pre-Party and the After-Party)
Russian American Kids Circus on Stage on 11/27 – 2:00pm and 6:30pm performances. Fun for the entire family…where age is timeless.
Blues Clues Live – Blues Birthday Party on 12/14 – 6:30pm and 12/15 -10:00am and 6:30pm performances.
Christmas Spectacular runs from 12/18 to 12/22 with 2:00pm & 8:00pm performances.
To purchase tickets or more info: 718.442.2900 or visit us at the box office located at 35 Hyatt Street.
We’re looking for volunteers to help us distribute posters and flyers for our upcoming events. Contact Mrs. Rosemary, Doreen Cugno, or Luanne Sorrentino.

Garth on August 17, 2004 at 9:06 am

thanks to ms.rosemary and family

Mike (saps)
Mike (saps) on August 2, 2004 at 6:45 am

Nice website. I just joined their mailing list and look forward to seeing something here.

Jean on August 2, 2004 at 4:06 am

I have not forgotten about the organ. I am still working on it. As a matter of fact I was JUST in to the theatre early this week and spoke to your mom about it. I have forwarded your message on to those at the GSTOS.


Vito on August 1, 2004 at 9:44 pm


I would be interested in helping in any way I can to bring movies back to the theatre. I spent a good deal of time recently, updated and repairing the projection systrem in the booth. However the previous tenant (I think you know of whom I speak)and I had issues and I walked away. Most of the work was completed and very liitle remains to be done to be able to show movies. If intested in contacting me please do so.I think many people would like to see classic films shown in a movie palace from time to time
Please contact me at: .com

owneroftheatre on August 1, 2004 at 2:04 pm

You mentioned about getting the organ for us. Will we have the organ for December? The St. George Theatre will be presenting a “Christmas Spectacular” show from December 18th to 22nd and wouldn’t it be great to have the organ installed by then. Please keep us updated. Thanks,

Doreen Cugno
St. George Theatre
VP of Theatre Production

P.S. (auditions begin Monday for dancers/singers — for more information, call the theatre 718.442.2900 and ask for Mrs. Rosemary or Luanne)

Jean on July 28, 2004 at 7:39 am

What a coincidence. Today’s Staten Island Advance ( letter to the editor ) reads the following:

“Mr. McQuade is correct in stating that some architectural firm designed the building that houses the theater and the basic form of the theater itself. However, the development of the theater interiors, particularly in the gilded age of the 1920’s and 1930’s, was such a specialty that their design was frequently subcontracted to companies renowned for that line of artistic work. Mr. Castro was the art director for such a company, the Libman-Spanjer Corporation,
one that designed the interiors ( not "decorations”) for many of the theaters in the Time Square area. He was placed in charge of the interior design of the St. George Theater. Now, exactly where the architect’s role ended with the finish of the bare walls, columns and ceilings, and the interior designer’s role began, is not known to me, but I am certain that the majority of what is visible to the theater patrons, except perhaps for certain murals and statues, is the result of Mr. Castro’s artistic contributions…"

Alex J. Castro

The above letter (in part ) to the editor, was written by Nestor Castro’s son.

Jean on July 28, 2004 at 12:46 am

You could be right, Warren, though I will quote the SI Advance of Dec. 3, 1929….

“James Whitford, who was associate architect in the planning and building of the St. George Theatre, which opens tomorrow has built the Ritz, Liberty and Victory Theatres in this boroughs ( sic ). These houses which are now overshadowed by the borough’s largest theatre, gave the local architect the experience needed in building his latest achievement.” Could be I am unclear, or the paragraph is a tad confusing.

Then Borough President John A. Lynch stated “No finer theatre exists in the Greater City of New York and that means that surely there is none greater in the entire United States.”

If I can be of further assistance, please feel free to e-mail me.

Jean on July 27, 2004 at 11:42 pm

Warren, I am taking the information DIRECTLY from the Staten Island Advance of the day the theatre opened. ( I have a copy )Is it possible THAT information is incorrect?

Jean on July 27, 2004 at 11:12 pm

Welcome everyone,

I am in the process of trying to obtain an organ for the theatre. If it works out to the satisfaction of the St. George Theatre owners and the GSTOS, the St. George will “sing” once again. We will make sure that the organ is of the same “style” that was originally installed in 1929.

I think it would be wonderful to open the 75th anniversary show with the film “SO THIS IS COLLEGE”, but I leave that up to the owners. That film was shown at the theatre’s opening.

Additional information is that the theatre was built by James Whitford, architect. He built the Staten Island Liberty, Ritz, and Victory, as well as numerous other structures on the island. The theatre was owned by the Isle Theatre Corp., which was under the leadershp of Sol Brill.

“Just tell them they’re welcome-after all, it’s their house!” So said Sol Brill.

We welcome Ms. Rosemary and her family as proud new owners of the wonderful St. George Theatre, “jewel” of Staten Island. Miracles DO happen.

owneroftheatre on July 27, 2004 at 12:08 pm

hello to all (again),

I noticed an error in the above message.
The 322 seats in the front mezzanine have been repaired and reupolstered (I wrote orchestra—oops).
If you have any questions, please call us directly or visit us in person.


owneroftheatre on July 27, 2004 at 11:55 am

Hello to all…

The theatre is owned and being operated by Mrs. Rosemary and her daughters, Doreen Cugno, Luanne Sorrentino, and Rosemary Hillers.

My name is Doreen and I will give you heads up to what we’ve been doing.

A new roof has been installed.(should of been done years ago to prevent damage). The restrooms were not in working condition besided the fact all the ceilings completely collapsed in all the restrooms. The restrooms on the orchestra level and mezzanine level have all been restored and repaired and are absolutely beautiful. Coastal Plumbing donated all the sinks, toilets, and fixtures in the restrooms. 80% of the interior structure of the theatre has been painted and repaired. Overall plumbling and electrical work has been completed. Carpeting has been installed in the center orchestra which was ripped out. The cinder block wall has been repaired with a new mantelwas installed. New stage lights and lighting board was purachased and installed (unfortunately, all stage lights were removed from the stage leaving us with nothing). All the dressing rooms were repaired, painted and beautifully decorated and furnished. Rigging will be updated for our incoming shows. The orchestra pit will be repaired too. All 322 seats in the front orchestra were repaired and reupolstered due to the damage from (we guess) vandalism. Every seat was slit and stuffing was pulled out.
There were 200 seats in the rear mezzanine that were repaired and reupolstered. The entire interior of the theatre has been thoroughly cleaned. The front lobby was painted, floor repaired, box office repaired and spruced up. I could go on and on with all the work we have completed and thinking back, boy, did we get alot done!We are greatful to all the professionals who we contracted. They all did a magnificent job.

Capital campaign is now under way to help with the installation and design of air-conditioning, new marque, restore restroom in lower level, up grade electricity for air-condition, restore the orchestra pit, install new theatre seats in front orchestra, the list goes on… December 4th marks the 75th anniversary of our “jewel of a theatre” and we certainly plan on celebrating in grand fashion. Comittee has been asigned and plans will soon be announced for this grand evening.

Upcoming events include Gospel show w/ Yolanda Adams. (tickets now on sale at box office or by telephone 718.442.2900. A musical called “Ellis Island” for November 5th is scheduled. Howie Mandel for November 12th, the national tour of Blues Clues for December 14th and 15th, Holiday Gospel Show for December 17th, Christmas Spectacular Show featuring the “Richmondettes” will run from December 18th to 23rd.

We just sent out our first mailing, if you are not on our list, please call the theatre and leave us your name and address for contact.

Please visit our web-site at
I hope this information is helpful and if you have any questions please call the theatre and ask for Mrs. Rosemary, Doreen, or Luanne and we will be happy to give you the facts.

With best regards…

Doreen Cugno
VP of Theatre Production
St. George Theatre
ph. 718.442-2900
fax 718-447-7667

Jean on June 10, 2004 at 10:54 am

Go to the theatre’s web site at

I am sure you can rent the space for such functions. I know someone who does just that. If you want, you can email me.

debr on June 10, 2004 at 10:50 am

I was interested in bringing independent films to Staten Island. There is no forum for that genre. I don’t mind going into the City to see the indie films, but it sure would be nice to be able to do so in my own borough.

VincentParisi on June 10, 2004 at 6:32 am

This theater is magnificent. I had no idea. And in Staten Island of all places(only kidding.)
Let’s hope they have classic movie nights.

Jean on June 10, 2004 at 5:40 am

Once you disembark from the ferry, it is just a 3 minute walk up to the top of Hyatt St. Once at the top of the hill you won’t be able to miss the theatre. ENJOY!

VincentParisi on June 10, 2004 at 4:01 am

Can one visit this theater and how does one get there from NY or NJ?

YMike on June 10, 2004 at 3:59 am

Any chance when the restoration is finished that they would consider showing classic films?

debr on June 1, 2004 at 1:58 am

Great News! I live in the neighborhood and often walk by the theater. I have been wondering whether any real restoration would ever happen. Thanks for the update!

Vito on June 1, 2004 at 1:31 am

…..and a new a/c unit is coming, they have to fly it in and install it by helicopter, can not use a crane.
I talked with Rosemary, the new owner, and will meet up with her this week. Update to follow. Meanwhile anyone interested in helping out should call Rosemary at 718 979 1900

Jean on June 1, 2004 at 1:05 am

“Blues Clues” is slated for an opening at the theatre in December. Seats are being recovered. The roof is being repaired and the bathrooms are being redone. A local plumbing supply company has volunteered its' services. The interior MAY be used in the NEW production of the film version of “The Producers.”

There IS hope yet! YAY!