Comments from vokoban

Showing 176 - 200 of 859 comments

vokoban commented about Carthay Circle Theatre on May 23, 2008 at 12:21 pm

I wish I could afford this negative…I’m sure the price will go up fast at the last minute. Beautiful photo of this theater:

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vokoban commented about Linda Lea Theatre on May 16, 2008 at 8:05 pm

Their ‘modus operandi’ is actually to destroy an historic theater and rebuild it as a Logan’s Run whorehouse looking thing:

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vokoban commented about Gaiety Theatre on May 4, 2008 at 10:22 am

The theater south of the Subway Terminal building is probably the College Theater. Ken’s url probably expired…he usually posts a new link if you mention it, so check back soon. Here’s the link to the College /theaters/10581/

vokoban commented about Hippodrome Theater on Apr 25, 2008 at 8:23 pm

From that photo I’m almost certain that it is the same gym featured in The Street With No Name.

vokoban commented about Tower Theatre on Mar 26, 2008 at 7:16 pm

I noticed today that somebody spray painted graffiti on the north side of the Tower over the weekend or yesterday…..I hope they clean it off soon.

vokoban commented about Vogue Theatre on Mar 25, 2008 at 8:49 pm

Joe, I went to a restaurant in Bangkok once called Bed where you sit on a bed and eat your dinner while strange performers walk around and do their thing. Very strange place but good food. From some of the descriptions above, they better wash down the Vogue with lots of Lysol before they start serving food in there.

vokoban commented about Vogue Theatre on Mar 24, 2008 at 10:36 pm

Supper club….hmmmm

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vokoban commented about Tower Theatre on Mar 24, 2008 at 6:48 am

I was looking at the Tower the other day and thinking I’m glad they’ve cleaned the building but I hope they can somehow preserve the faded signs.

vokoban commented about Regent Theatre on Mar 23, 2008 at 9:52 am

Does it happen on any article or just one specific article. That’s very strange. I don’t know what browser you use, but try it in Firefox or another browser to make sure its not just a bug in the browser. I looked up things on there yesterday and it worked fine in Firefox. Maybe the library was doing maintenance on the site when it happened to you.

vokoban commented about Regent Theatre on Mar 22, 2008 at 1:31 am

I always right click and open in a new window…let me know if that works for you

vokoban commented about Capitol Theatre on Mar 21, 2008 at 12:43 pm

I don’t know if this is the correct theater for this news story although it says also known as Orpheum at the top of the page…..

(Feb. 7, 1931) LA Times

SALT LAKE CITY, Feb. 6. (AP)—— Grant Pemberton, 34-year-old manager of the R.-K.-O-Orpheum Theater here, died today from injuries suffered two days ago when he slipped from the roof of the theater and plunged three stories to the pavement. Pemberton was supervising hanging of a sign from the roof when workmen said he apparently became dizzy and fell as he attempted to descend a ladder.

vokoban commented about Los Angeles Theatre on Mar 21, 2008 at 12:28 pm

This is an interesting editorial from the opening of the Los Angeles:

(Feb. 2, 1931) LA Times

It is a moot question whether some better regulations will not have to be adopted to meet the occasions when premiere pictures are programmed and popular movie stars are on parade. In the case of the first showing of the Charlie Chaplin picture at the opening of the Los Angeles Theater the whole traffic on the chief downtown thoroughfares for a mile on either side of the theater was at a complete standstill for more than two hours, store windows were broken, clothes were torn, windshields in cars were smashed and many women fainted in the milling multitudes gathered to make a movie holiday.

Los Angeles is too large a city and the freedom of the streets is too vital for such conditions to be countenanced as recurrent accompaniments of every new high-powered picture production. In the capital of filmdom such scenes are bound to occur when the kings and queens of the screen are advertised to be on parade, unless the police authorities take the same precautions for handling the crowds as is done in other large cities in similar circumstances. Apparently a the opening of the Los Angeles Theater the authorities left everything to chance.

There is no reason why a premiere parade should be allowed to degenerate into a preview pandemonium. The people who assemble for a glimpse of their favorite actors and actresses are in the main a cheerful, good-natured, happy-go-lucky, if somewhat boisterous, crowd of sightseers. It would be a pity if such demonstrations had to be discontinued for lack of preparedness on the part of the officials hired to attend to these civic duties. Premiere parades are a distinctive feature of Los Angeles life and under proper control a good advertisement of thhe city no less than for the motion-picture industry.

At the opening of the Los Angeles Theater they were not under proper control. Police, motion-picture people and citizens in general cannot afford to permit a repetition of these bear-garden festivities.

The occasion for the super-excitement on Broadway was, of course, an unusual one. The Los Angeles Theater is the very last word in what constitutes a modern playhouse, in appointments, conveniences and equipments. The Chaplin picture was in a way epochal and its inception had drawn the attention of the whole film world. That the people of Los Angeles should assemble in extraordinary numbers to show their pride and delight at this double event was a thing to be expected.

vokoban commented about Los Angeles Theatre on Mar 21, 2008 at 9:37 am

LOL….nothing else required.

vokoban commented about Los Angeles Theatre on Mar 21, 2008 at 7:57 am

It would be nice if you’d spend more time posting interesting things that relate to theaters instead of this incessant complaining, kvetching, moaning and groaning from the Citizens Auxiliary Police. I wish you would take Ken on Judge Judy so I could see her scream at you. YOU HAVE NO DAMAGES! Let the people who took the precious photos go after the vile thieves. I think I’ll start referring to you as Jay Santos.

vokoban commented about Los Angeles Theatre on Mar 20, 2008 at 9:26 am

Are you planning to report him to someone? Maybe you should contact Photobucket. While you’re at it you can contact the LA Times every time I quote from an article from the past. It’s nothing personally against you, but ken mc posting photos or having them in his Photobucket account seems highly innocuous when there is a deluge of internet media theft occurring right now that actually hurts people and destroys businesses. In my opinion, its similar to giving the jaywalker a ticket as an army of drunk drivers pass by freely.

vokoban commented about Los Angeles Theatre on Mar 20, 2008 at 6:48 am

Lost Memory…..if it IS a copyrighted photo ken might be comfortable with taking the very low chance that he will get sued. If anyone other than you cared about posting one photo from a book where no one is making a profit (for educational and illustrative one time use), they would most likely just ask him to remove the link…cease and desist. Yes, he could just state the source and say that if you go buy this book and look on page so and so you can see a photo of the ceiling of the theater, if the book is still even in print, but ultimately its the individual’s choice. It’s not your choice…..unless you’re some type of Copyright Keystone Cop. I deal with photo copyright all day long at work and this issue is small potatoes.

vokoban commented about RKO Hillstreet Theatre on Mar 17, 2008 at 9:59 pm

That’s funny…because of the sepia color from the scanning I thought they were from an old out of print book. I already own the new IA book…it’s great.

vokoban commented about RKO Hillstreet Theatre on Mar 17, 2008 at 9:12 pm

Ken, the photos look as though they are from a book and I’d like to find a copy. Will you tell the title?

vokoban commented about RKO Hillstreet Theatre on Mar 17, 2008 at 8:33 pm

ken, where are you getting these photos?

vokoban commented about Tower Theatre on Mar 12, 2008 at 8:28 pm

Nick, if you go up this page to january 7, 2006 you can read my little tirade about this issue….I also quoted the obituary you speak of.

vokoban commented about Rialto Theatre on Mar 12, 2008 at 6:58 am

Well, he made a movie that was released on Nov. 1, 1930 called TODAY. I think that’s what it says in the the upper right hand corner of the front of the marquee. It might also say ‘today’ as something that was going on that actual day…I can’t see it that well.

vokoban commented about Astro Theatre on Mar 7, 2008 at 10:40 am

I guess they do read their email. Here is a response to my inquiry. I won’t publicly post the name of the person who responded. If you’d like it, email me and I’ll send it. This doesn’t totally negate any possibility of the AC Martin connection, but its probably unlikely:

Dear Jeff,

Albert C. Martin was the designer for the Million Dollar Theater located
at 317 S. Broadway, however, I don’t find any records for the Cozy
Theater located at 320 S. Broadway. Good luck in your search.

Best regards,

vokoban commented about Astro Theatre on Mar 6, 2008 at 8:56 pm

Well, they might not even respond….but its worth a try! The first movie listing I can find so far for this theater is in 1937…has anyone seen earlier listings?

vokoban commented about Astro Theatre on Mar 6, 2008 at 8:33 pm

I wrote a letter to AC Martin Partners inquiring about the architect of this address. If they respond, I’ll post it.

vokoban commented about Regent Theatre on Mar 6, 2008 at 4:30 pm

You can clearly see on this overlay that the Banner was a few doors south of the Regent where the parking lot is located now. Both say ‘moving pictures’.

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