Comments from carolgrau

Showing 151 - 175 of 263 comments

carolgrau commented about A father's pride. on Sep 22, 2006 at 12:54 pm

It was Rapp & Rapp & Lamb in a former life getting the groundwork ready for the future. Children today are so wonderful, and are like little sponges, just soaking up everything. Great story.

carolgrau commented about Hollywood Theater in Pittsburgh, PA to reopen on Sep 22, 2006 at 12:46 pm

Hey Rick, how long has the South Hills been closed? I left Pittsburgh in 1984, I always thought it was a really beautiful theatre. I remember John one of the projectionist killed himself in the booth, and the business agent Marty sent me there to run the movie because I used to work in a funeral home. Can`t for the life of me remember what movie it was.
Have a good one my friend.

carolgrau commented about Hollywood Theater in Pittsburgh, PA to reopen on Sep 22, 2006 at 12:38 pm

Great news is right, was always one of my favorite jobs to work . A single theatre with a platter, was like heaven. The last movie I ran there was night shift, with Keaton & Winkler. I am glad for my hometown.

carolgrau commented about Uptown Theatre on Sep 12, 2006 at 12:46 pm

Jesus Steve this is so depressing to read. I just got out of the hospital, and was catching up on things and I read this. I just had another heart attack and had triple bypass this time. You are right, I remember when we worked there it was fun to go to work and run perfect shows. Even though I messed with you allot I always said you were a great projectionist, and a damn good tech. Say hi to all for me, I miss you all allot.

My e-mail is

carolgrau commented about Harford Drive-In on Aug 11, 2006 at 12:41 pm

I remember my dad when he had his drive-in`s, the fog would roll in and dad would roll out the exit with all the money and leave me with a handfull of passes to give out. People would get so pissed. One idiot even said he knew foe certain that they made an infrared lense that would shoot through the fog. I told him we had 2 on order.

carolgrau commented about Bradley Symphony Center on Aug 11, 2006 at 12:32 pm

Ken mc: great photo, we are supposed to play in that area real soon. I will have to check this out. Thanks again.

carolgrau commented about Drive-ins to go digital? on Aug 1, 2006 at 3:29 pm

I have learned the new digital shit, don`t like it one bit, but like you say live with it. My brother & I are talking about opening a twin when my recording money comes through. You can bet your bottom dollar it will be film and not this garbage. Film is much more reliable.

carolgrau commented about Drive-ins to go digital? on Jul 28, 2006 at 2:54 pm

Fat chance, I am not going anywhere, I am to dam good.
1. I have been doing this for 50 years.
2. There is not a projector or lamp I have not run, or rebuilt at one time or another.
3. I have done many instalations, as well as equalizing sond in theatre`s, running wires, hooking them up, and everything, to get a booth up and running, as well as putting up screens.
Time will work out as you both said above. Besides there are no unions left that I could go to anyway.
Have a nice day.

carolgrau commented about Drive-ins to go digital? on Jul 14, 2006 at 3:04 pm

So much for digital, ha ha, what a joke. I have been running movies for Vanderbilt childrens hospital, once or twice a month. They got a huge gym, auditorium setting witch can also do 35mm movies. They recently went digital for Harry Potters Goblet of fire. Midway through the showing a storm hits and knocks out the stupid system. So many kids were heartbroken, but not as much as Vandys executive board when they found out it would cost thousands of dollars to repair. I get a call to come in this weekend to reinstall the good old X-L`s since they decided to go back to film, and scruff the digital sh-t as they call it. What a great day, all theatres should do likewise.

carolgrau commented about Drive-ins to go digital? on Jul 11, 2006 at 12:56 pm

I was a union projectionist for years, did not always agree on everthing they did, but look now, companies can hire you for next to nothing, treat you like garbage, no paid vacation, no holidays paid, and lets not forget health care that we used to get. Greed is the downfall of unions, as well as theatre owners alike. When they took people out of the booth to save money was the end of good showings. Sure the union cost more but I remember when union men would go to different theatres to check on thier comrads, and if you had scratched prints, hot spots, or missed changeovers your ass was hauled before the executive board and you were fined and suspended. We used to try and run perfect movies at all times, because we cared. Then came manager operators, and the scratching and all else began.

carolgrau commented about Drive-ins to go digital? on Jul 5, 2006 at 1:08 pm

Projectionist have done allot for theatre owners in the past, my dad was a theatre owner. Myself and others we hired all did our share. You want perfect picture, at the cost of peoples jobs. why don`t you join that asshole in 1600 PA. AVE. I can except change, but not when it hurts others all for the love of a dollar.

carolgrau commented about Drive-ins to go digital? on Jul 1, 2006 at 5:22 pm

Just another way to put projectionist, out of work, there is nothing like running a movie the old way.

carolgrau commented about AMC fires (then rehires) veteran ticket-taker with tattoos on Jun 1, 2006 at 1:56 pm

you are right GC, & UA, were very good in thier day. I was a union projectionist for both of them, and since I was in the business a long time they would listen to me. Unlike Later years when you had to just not say anything, because you were a UNION projectionist, and in thier eyes you knew nothing. Even though I was already in the business since birth. Only thier stupid 18 & 19 year old managers really had a clue, so they thoughtyou on the other hand knew nothing. Had this poor 80 year old been an illegal alien, he would have had no problem at all, but he has a problem, he is American, an enemy of the corperate world.

carolgrau commented about Help with pro forma on cinema/drafthouse on May 26, 2006 at 4:11 pm

Good luck, with todays laws cops will be wauting outside to harrass the hell out of your customers, driving them away.

carolgrau commented about How to start a discount movie theater? on May 26, 2006 at 4:05 pm

In todays market $5.00 is a great price, plus sell your own food.

carolgrau commented about How to start a discount movie theater? on May 26, 2006 at 4:04 pm

In todays market $5.00 is a great price, plus sell your own food.

carolgrau commented about Cinema on May 15, 2006 at 2:19 pm

The cinema had 2 of the nicest Norelco AAIIs I ever saw,They were very well kept, untill managment started running them. I was the last projectionist at the Jennifer, and te norelco we had in theatre #1, ended up behind the screen of the cinema. It was placed there upside down on the floor by the stupid people Cineplex Odeon had hired to put it there. Broke my heart to see such a beautiful, projector that I took care of be treated that way.I had my first heart attack in the booth of the Jennifer on April 13th, 1993, the asst.mngr. did not want to let the ambulance crew up to the booth to take me away, because she thought they were just trying to see a free movie. They had the gurney and all. When they did get me out she stood between the rear of the ambulance and the gurney saying I dont know how to shut the switches off. The hell with me, she just worried about the theatre, and her job. Another great example of big theatre chains and thier managment, and thier attitude towards Union projectionist. Let them die just keep the movie on the screen.

carolgrau commented about Grand Venues buys Paramount Theater on May 12, 2006 at 10:25 am

Speak now people of Youngstown. say NO to these idiots, and save yourselves from being ripped off. Gand Venues means grand ripoffs.

carolgrau commented about Senate Theater on May 12, 2006 at 10:06 am

What a nice theatre it was, it was the first theatre I ever worked that had 3 projectors. Simplex xls, peerless magnarc lamps, 2 generators, and the old time rca sound system. E.Richard Bennett, who was the business agent for local #488, had worked there for years.The reels were 4000 ft.capasity,inside 6000. ft. magazines. The projection staff was Bennett, Zinn, and Cover. One night Zinn left and left the center projector #2 on all night. When Mr. Bennett came in the next day almost the whole reel was chopped into little pieces. That was the end of Zinn. My Uncle Walt Finch took over for Zinn, as his first Union job. I got to work there part time off and on when I was in the area. Harrisburg, Pa. had some beautifull theatres. Right aroound the corner from the Senate was the Colonial, and 3 blocks up 2nd, st.on one of the side streets was the State theatre, witch was a beautifull theatre in its own right. Winding marble stairs,in a marble lobby, a hexagon boxoffice. The only theatre that out did the State in the area was the Hershey community theatre. John see what you can come up with on any of these. There is allot of theatre history there.

carolgrau commented about Forum Theater on May 11, 2006 at 5:08 pm

Maybe someone like Ron can help you out. You can look up his post on Cinema Treasures, I know one is under old theatres in Pittsburgh.

carolgrau commented about Hampton Theater on May 11, 2006 at 5:03 pm

Old Henry Link who worked the Fulton for years, used to talk about this theatre with allot of fondness. It was one of his favorites. He said in its heyday it was a really nice theatre for movies, as well as live theatre.

carolgrau commented about Arsenal Theatre on May 11, 2006 at 4:49 pm

A long time projectionist who worked there, and lived in Etna, used to tell me they called it the Terminal. He said the lamps had an exhaust leak, with out much air flow in the booth, was hotter than the hinges to the gates of hell he would say. Always hated when the Business agent asked him to work there.

carolgrau commented about Looking for info on past Pittsburgh Theaters on May 11, 2006 at 3:22 am

Ron, thanks pal, I just read your post above and went back in time. I left Pittsburgh, in 84 or 83, cant really recall, but one of my jobs for local # 171 was running screenings at Cinnemettes office that was in the building beside the Fulton theatre on 6th, Ave. I would be requested by Ed Blank to be his projectionist. He used to say I was the only one who could run perfect movies for him. I think he was lying, but was nice of him. He & I would sit and talk after the movie and trade thoughts on the movie, sometimes for more than an hour. Brought allot of good memories back to me.
Thanks Again.

carolgrau commented about Oaks Theater on May 11, 2006 at 2:59 am

I hope the first thing they did was gget rid of the stupid sword projection system the theatre had.Steve was the only one who ever liked the damn thing. The rest of us hated it.

carolgrau commented about Bellevue Cinemas on May 11, 2006 at 2:52 am

Had worked this theatre five or so times, sad to see this or any other theatre go.