Comments from Escott O. Norton

Showing 76 - 83 of 83 comments

Escott O. Norton
Escott O. Norton commented about TCL Chinese Theatre on Jun 18, 2013 at 7:06 am

CT, Thanks for the monitoring! This seems in line with the work they described to us during the final backstage tours by the Los Angeles Historic Theatre Foundation. Since they are lowering the front rows to increase the rake, this would be mostly concrete. The metal might be from the framing for the screen that will be replaced.I have some photos of the backstage and basement pre renovation that I will try to post soon. As I remember they were planning to keep the lobby open for tours during the remodel so it makes sense that they are directing the mess out through the parking structure.
I’m not expecting anything, but if you do see anything suspicious please email me at and I will pass it on to the LAHTF folks!

Escott O. Norton
Escott O. Norton commented about TCL Chinese Theatre on Jun 17, 2013 at 8:15 pm

I agree that 3d is totally a gimmick, not worth it for me personally, but if the audience is buying it then I understand the studio’s mentality. My understanding of how they do it is by manipulating the 2d image digitally, isolating key foreground and background objects and shifting them left or right. I used to do it with stills, I assume computer have made it a lot easier for motion pictures. Stick a few techs in front of a computer and do the adaptation, then make a big deal of it and see if people come. It’s certainly cheaper for them than making a new movie! Getting people out of their livingrooms and into theaters to see old movies is a win-win, in my opinion. People get exposed to the oldies, and theaters get used! Greed, yes, but that is the system we live in. And if people don’t go to theaters to see these adapted oldies, they will not continue to do it.

Escott O. Norton
Escott O. Norton commented about TCL Chinese Theatre on May 3, 2013 at 9:29 pm

Folks, I propose a little more tolerance and a little less nit-picking (sp?) Let’s stay on subject here, which is the Chinese. I have my settings so I get notified if people post here, but it is a waste of my time to read petty spelling and word choices. I can find that on any chat on the internet! We should be able to rise above this on CT, since we have so much in common!

Speaking of the Chinese, for those in the Hollywood area, the Chinese is offering Hard Hat tours during construction. I have no idea what parts of the theatre will be on the tour, and it will probably change as the process continues, but it might be of interest! You can buy tickets at the link at the bottom of this page:

Escott O. Norton
Escott O. Norton commented about Music Hall on May 3, 2013 at 5:26 pm

I just noticed there were few photos of the Music Hall so I added some that I took in 2011. Marvelous story of being saved from the wrecking ball, and how the theatre’s reopening revitalized the area.

Escott O. Norton
Escott O. Norton commented about TCL Chinese Theatre on May 3, 2013 at 7:23 am

That’s correct. They are making the audience slightly steeper, lowering the front into part of the basement (the orchestra pit was removed long ago, and the screen already has taken most of the original stage area). They are also raising the back rows up to where they used to be. Originally the back rows were at the same level as the lobby, then it sloped down to the orchestra pit. At some point the seating area was leveled, so you had to go down a flight of steps before getting to the back row. So in a sense the new seating will more closely reflect the original! It will be a HUGE screen, I’m sure it will be bright and high rez since the whole point of this renovation is to make it once again the state of-the-art, best place to see a movie!

Escott O. Norton
Escott O. Norton commented about TCL Chinese Theatre on Apr 23, 2013 at 7:38 am

I was one of the docents for the LAHTF tour, and have been going to the Chinese since I was a kid. LOTS of great memories, and the day spent learning about the theater and sharing it with people is now one of them. My first thought was like most: “Don’t change my Chinese Theatre!” But The LA Historic Theatre Foundation has developed a good relationship with the new owners. From what I have been told and seen in plans the renovation is going to be good for the theater, and for the audience. I agree with the writer above who remembers seeing full houses in the Chinese, and I think this renovation will help bring that back. For those interested, I recommend connecting with LAHTF. You will get the latest info from people who know and care, and who are working very hard for the Chinese and al of the Los Angeles area movie palaces.

Escott O. Norton
Escott O. Norton commented about El Sereno Theatre on Jun 7, 2012 at 11:45 am

Looks like it has been used for some years as a meeting hall / concert venue / rental space. The family that has owned it for decades is trying to raise money to make it a community center. Click this link for info on donating and to see a little movie of the interior and exterior:

Escott O. Norton
Escott O. Norton commented about Rialto Theatre on Dec 21, 2011 at 7:52 pm

Hi All! Great to see all of the interest and information being shared here! There is momentum in the community to restore the Rialto and reopen it! I’m forming a non-profit advocacy group: to open a dialogue with all interested parties with the ultimate goal of bringing the old girl back to LIFE! Whether it is working with the current owners, or future buyers, or gaining a controlling interest as a non-profit, our goal is to restore and open the Rialto up once again, AND respect and preserve the historic theatre. If you want to stay informed, join us on Facebook at: