Comments from DavidZornig

Showing 6,351 - 6,375 of 6,450 comments

DavidZornig commented about Gene Siskel Film Center on Nov 4, 2008 at 7:37 pm

This thread reminded me that there is/was some type of professional screening room, in the old Loop Junior College building at 70 E. Lake St. between Wabash & Michigan Ave. Across from the Old Timers restaurant.

After the city renamed Loop Junior College the Harold Washington College, the new college was built across the street on the N/E corner of Wabash & Lake.
The old Loop College building was then presumably sold, but the 10th or 12th floor screening room remained.
I thought too that this facility had something to do with Gene Siskel. Even named after it at one time. Maybe it was the interim site until the State Street site could be built out. Is the Siskel Center in the ABC7/old State Lake Theatre building?

DavidZornig commented about Roxy Theatre on Nov 4, 2008 at 7:11 pm

What an interesting conversion of a space.
How long was the Roxy vacant before the conversion?
Is there any visual evidence still intact from it’s Roxy days?
Was the front or rear of the theatre reconfigured to accomodate fire trucks?

I guess yelling fire in a theatre is a common thing there.

DavidZornig commented about Varsity Theater on Nov 4, 2008 at 6:49 pm

Post, post…Drove by the Varsity today. I saw no type of fire escape on the North elevation of the old Varsity building. There could have been one that was removed, but I couldn’t stop to look closely.
Maybe interior exit/stairwells from the balcony level, fed down to the first floor exits out to the alley back in the day.

DavidZornig commented about Loew's Grand Theatre on Nov 4, 2008 at 6:44 pm

was there ever any news stories on what was the ultimate cause of the 1978 fire?
I’m assuming the Loew’s Grand never reopened after the fire.

How soon after the fire and in what year was it finally torn down?

The irony of a catastrophic fire burning in Atlanta, taking out such a classic building that premiered GWTW not twice but 3 times, is a little spooky.

DavidZornig commented about Severance Theatre on Nov 4, 2008 at 6:31 pm

FYI. I saw on a memoribila website today that the original Severance Theatre premiered the film “Woodstock” on April 20th, 1970.

The date was on an original ticket stub being sold among other Cleveland oriented rock & roll items.

DavidZornig commented about Sheridan Theatre on Nov 3, 2008 at 9:43 pm

Charles1954, sorry it took so long to post back. I must not have checked the “Notify Me” box. Yes Arnolds is on the N/E corner of Irving & Broadway.
I think you are right also about the name Barritz, but it might have also been Biaritz. Which was later an option/name of the fancier model of the Cadillac Eldorado.

It is truly amazing that you mentioned that old juke box at Arnolds.
Those were actually 8mm film juke boxes, and sadly short lived.
Here’s why I know.
My father Chuck Zornig worked at the Seeburg Juke Box Company here in Chicago in the early `60’s. It was located near North Ave. & Clybourn. Where John M. Smyth/Homemakers Furniture was years later.
Across and down the street from the tavern Weeds. The owner of Weeds should still remember Seeburg.

My father was one of three men instrumental in the design of the juke boxes that played an 8mm sound film of the artist singing their song. Done in specially shot, musical vignettes. Sometimes not by the original artist. This was the start up phase, so they needed films. The plan was to go nation wide with those models.

According to my father, Seeburg was constantly analyzing the possible success of it all. If not enough original artists would go along and film their own songs. Plus the potential legal stuff if other artists did them instead.
Which would have been necessary to fill up a juke box in order to sell the idea to a place with a regular juke box.
Supposedly one model was going to have both 45’s & sound films to fill the gap.

Then the powers that be at Seeburg abruptly scrapped the whole thing. Citing that no one was going to stand in front of a juke box to watch a performer sing, in a bar.
In hindsight, it’s possible Seeburg may have also been leery of a certain “organizational involvement” that already had it’s influence in Chicago’s coin-op/juke box distribution at the time.
The juke box itself was clearly ahead of it’s time to say the least. MTV anyone?

As my brother & I played around my father’s office, we’d sometimes screen those small reels on a Bell & Howell projector because they were just like watching cartoons. “Itsy Bitsy Teenie Weenie Yellow Polka Dot Bikini”, stands firmly out in my mind. I wish he/we had saved all of those films.

Actual video juke boxes did make a brief appearance in the late `80’s under another name, but didn’t catch on. Coincidentally a place called Arnie’s Outdoor (now Dublin’s) at State & Maple behind the Carnegie Theatre, had one. I stopped by once and watched “Walk That Dinasour” by the band Was Not Was, on that evening.
The box was gone before I could get my father into Arnie’s to see it.

Sorry if this was all off topic. But whose lookin' up the Sheridan Theatre that often.
Thanks for wakin' up the memories.

DavidZornig commented about Trylon Theater on Nov 2, 2008 at 10:11 am

P.S. In comparing Ed’s recent OHR NATAN photo with that of the Cinema Treasures 2002 one, it appears as if a parking meter was removed, and some type of “Loading Zone” restriction via signs was put in place. Tough to say because the CT one at the page’s top is cropped tighter than Ed’s.

Chicago has that problem big time, with restaurants “buying” up and removing metered spaces for loading zones. And the valets whisking patron’s cars around to other meters down the block that they didn’t pay for.
Chicago does not allow parking in front of any theatres, for fire evacuation purposes.

But even that loading zone action requires city involvement. So the ball really appears to have been dropped by the Trylon’s council person or reps.
Also since most of the discussions on CT about active construction, are dated 2006. So the building’s tenants surely think their work is done by now.
As stated by others before, it says something about their organization if what is there now is acceptable to them. The council person needs to be physically taken to the site, if anything is to be done to rememdy the injustice. Also a peek into the organization’s tax status, would help in determining it’s Function.

DavidZornig commented about Trylon Theater on Nov 2, 2008 at 9:42 am

Hi Ed. I’m sure your question isn’t directed to me. Good thing, cause I don’t have an answer. I looked at the Cinema Treasures “Function” link, and barring specific criteria, I guess “Community Center” is what would apply. That’s what’s they put on the marquee anyway. “Cultural Center” is also an option, but either I think implys somehow that it’s open to the general public. Which I’m going to speculate isn’t quite the the case.
I could be wrong.

I’d also like to apologize if I implied the neighborhood around the Trylon was “crime” affected. I did not mean to imply so.
Roll down doors & gates are not as common place in Chicago, and the Trylon is sandwiched by two. There is certainly nothing wrong with business owners protecting their investments. Doing so asthetically would be something for community involvement.
Don’t get me wrong, Chicago still has some, but not in middle class areas. Every city has board-ups. It also has it’s share of unwanted graffiti. “Graffiti Busters” is a city wide program of chemical trucks that constantly cruise the city spraying off the tagging.

You’d think that if the Trylon remodeling had covered all the permit bases etc., that there would have been an end design or drawing on how the finished facade was supposed to look. One submitted & signed off on by the council person.
And one that didn’t include portions of exposed brick, broken face tiles/old adhesives, differing backrounds behind each poster box, and seemingly no attention paid to the underside of the marquee. Basically it looks as if the minimum was done just to get it sealed up.
Not in any way inviting looking, that’s for sure. And possibly something the preservationists could pressure the city about. Where was the oversight on what was ultimately built, etc. That could force them to fix the marquee, where a truck apparently hit it again.

DavidZornig commented about Trylon Theater on Nov 1, 2008 at 7:46 pm

Wow, I was just reading the many posts about the tragic odyssey of the Trylon Theater. It rivals in length that of our own Uptown Theatre here in Chicago. Minus the religious organization and a city council person who actually seemed involved at all. Though we eclipse the Trylon’s saga by 20 years. And have a happier ending in the works.

Since the Trylon’s last date of operation was 12/31/99, it’s clear to see that fate handed it not one positive day in the new millenium since. I guess it’s fitting then that it’s “Function” in the CT heading still reads: Unknown.

After seeing the most recent photo, it’s clear it would have been better off just torn down, and remembered only in pictures. Unless it could be rebuilt elsewhere like the famous STAX recording studios, from the original blueprints. The only reason it likely wasn’t torn down at all, was due to added demolition costs, and of that to build a new structure in between other buildings. Though the one on the left looks integral to it. Maybe an old after theatre snack shop or something.

Based on everything I read from the initial resistance, evasiveness & rudeness of the realtor’s staff, to the preservationist’s dismissal then flip flop from the council person, I’d think I was at home. And that it seems of probably having been a done deal from the get go. Just needed the time to bureaucratically gestate. The preservation effort was probably an unexpected thorn in the owner/developers side. Much like Chicago, landmark status is a limiting kiss of death to developers.
Probably why the municipal flip/flop took so long. Look Like a saviour after it’s too late.

Judging from the most recent photo that was posted, cosmetic considerations for the existing structure other than to make sure it had a roof, was never an issue.
It’s apparently just a usable, presumably tax free space to the tenant, given it is a religious use.

The developers and certain to be tenants would have been hailed as heroes, if their renovation plan would have not been acrimonius from the start. And they gave at least some appearance of caring that it was previously a theatre, and with a New York World’s Fair history. I’m not sure of the 1939 fair’s theme, but I’ll bet it’s now ironic whatever it was.

They could have at least kept all the classic signage, outer lobby details and just etched or blacked out the window glass. Those wooden doors couldn’t look more out of place. Why leave the derelict empty movie poster boxes? To make it look like you cared? Or was that just another end of project expense that didn’t need to be spent.
Again, it appears the Trylon was taken for granted as just a “space” to whomever.

Developers and/or tenants probably think they did the neighborhood a favor by occupying it at all. I don’t know what the hood is like there. The tagged roll up door indicates crime at some level & time.
At least there’s a liquor store for anyone who wants to go there and further lament in person, what happened and could have been. Sad.

DavidZornig commented about Hill-Top Drive-In on Oct 31, 2008 at 8:59 pm

Wow, this place is haunting. Great location for a film’s climax of some sort.

Does anyone know if the nearby town of Lemont had any movie theatres of it’s own?
I know the old drug store on the main drag near the I&M Canal is still there. Budds or whatever it is.
Along with a few landmark taverns & restaurants.

DavidZornig commented about United Artists Theatre on Oct 31, 2008 at 8:31 pm

The coolest thing about the United Artist’s signage was the timed illumination of the ABC portion.
It lit up sequentially just like the ABC & 7 on TV back in the day.
Like timed, scriptive writing in lights. The whole sign was stunning, but that part sticks out in my mind’s eye.

DavidZornig commented about Woods Theatre on Oct 31, 2008 at 7:59 pm

You are correct Lost Memory. Christine was a 58. My memory is obviously clearly lost. It's been 31 years since I owned mine though. My57 Plaza did indeed have only two headlights, and the parking lights/turn signals were the inner two. Larger sealed beams than on the `58.

The tailights were changed on the 58's too. Just a small lens at the bottom of the fin. Whereas my57 had full triangular lenses in the shape of the fin. Sure wish I’d kept that one.

The makers of “Christine” took some liberties with what they had available back then. Mixing Belvidere cars & parts with Fury’s. Somewhere there’s a Mopar site that points out all the differences. Door pillars, missing mirrors etc. Thanks for the clarification and extra pic!

DavidZornig commented about Holly Theatre on Oct 31, 2008 at 5:51 pm

My grandfather had a motorcycle shop called G.I. Cycle & Sales after returning from WWII, located at 1461 W. Fullerton. He sold & serviced Harley Davidsons.
My mother said he used the money from his G.I. bill to reopen/move his shop from Armitage & California, to across the street from the Holly Theatre.

A couple years ago she & I went back through that area, and stopped in at a picture framing store where his shop once stood. Which would have put the Holly Theatre we thought about where the big tennis club is on the North side of Fullerton. But I guess the Walgreen’s lot is correct.
If anyone has a fresh link to any pictures of the Holly, maybe they could repost them.

DavidZornig commented about Woods Theatre on Oct 31, 2008 at 3:26 pm

P.P.S. In Lost Memory’s 1958 photo posted this past June of the Wood’s marquee, the front car at the curb is a 1957 or 58 Plymouth. The source car for the Steven King book and movie "Christine". Supposedly originally a 4-door in the book, but changed to a 2-door for the film. I had a57 Plymouth Plaza. This one looks from the lower trim to be either that or a Savoy.

DavidZornig commented about Woods Theatre on Oct 31, 2008 at 2:49 pm

Just did some more rereads of past Wood’s posts. In the 1963 photo Bryan Krefft posted in 2005, the one with the Bob Hope film on the marquee, the Hotel Sherman behind it at Randolph & Clark was actually called the Sherman House. But it was indeed a hotel.
My father played trombone and upright bass there inside it’s club.

Frank Sinatra and many other high profile singers & musicians played there over the years. Probably while their own films were playing the Woods and other theatres downtown.
The State of Illinois building is now on the site where the Sherman House once stood.

If only the Woods could have escaped demolition and been the source of a renovation along with the Selwyn/Michael Tood, to build out the new Goodman Theatre.
It’s ironic that there’s a push to call it all the “Theater District”, when that’s what it always was to begin with, until everything was torn down.

DavidZornig commented about Woods Theatre on Oct 31, 2008 at 10:01 am

P.S. Heartland Cafe up North used to rent out a VHS of Stony Island, but that was 20 years ago.

I just reread one of Paul E’s 2005 posts about seeing “The Bubble” at the Woods. It triggered my memory that my parents took me and my brother to that film as well. Quite possibly at the Woods. I had nightmares for weeks, as I was all of about 6 at the time.
Imagine 3D horror at that age. Or taking me for that matter.
I remember the zombie like newsman in the film swinging a newspaper 3D style, and just repeating over & over “Paper…Morning Paper”.

Should have charged my father back years later for all the therapy. Ha!

DavidZornig commented about Woods Theatre on Oct 31, 2008 at 9:39 am

Wow, I never made that connection. Stony Island was great. Somewhere I have a VHS I think I got at Facets.
I know I have the soundtrack LP. Longtime Goodman Theatre/Christmas Carol alum Tom Mula played the undertaker.
Also the father of Bangles singer Susanna Hoffs was somehow involved.
I think a friend of my brothers played bass in it too.
I remember they were able to incorporate some of Richard J. Daley’s funeral into the film. The late Oscar Brown Jr. played an Alderman.

I previously posted on CT’s Sandburg/Playboy Theatre page that I saw Stony Island there then, and Siskel was at the show.

DavidZornig commented about Varsity Theater on Oct 31, 2008 at 9:19 am

Cool. I guess “Booksellers Row” would have implied more than just one store or something. And Bookman’s Alley was quite the quaint place all by itself.

I can’t remember if the Varsity had fire escapes hung over that same alley or not. Or if they were removed or not during the conversion. If so, even if some portions of the Varsity’s old interior are just encapsulated as previous posts imply, ever converting back to some usable theatre space could be hampered. If the balcony exits are no longer usable or up to code. I’ll take a spin by there soon.

DavidZornig commented about Wapa Theatre on Oct 31, 2008 at 9:06 am

I caught a quick glimpse of the Wapa’s classic Americana exterior in an establishing shot in a show on the Oxygen Network called “Snapped”.
So I just had to see if there was a link on Cinema Treasures. CT’s never let me down.
The Wapa Theatre is apparently located in the hometown of the mom/murder suspect whose story was profiled.

I am pleased to read on CT that the Wapa is currently making another go at remaining open. It’s good to read that even during it’s closure that the owner would “keep the building up and open to suggestions”. A far cry from the too many of which we read about, that just fall into complete disrepair after closure and ultimately are destroyed. Since the Wapa is so clearly incorporated into a building of that size, I’m sure it will be maintained properly as it searches for it’s footing once again.

I’m curious if the interior appears as original as the exterior does. Given the classic vibe the still pictures have. Wonder if they’ve tried the arthouse double bills of classic older films as of yet. Or tried to tie in any theatre anniversary promotions.
To remind local folks that it’s still there through special events advertising, etc.

I wish the Wapa many years of continued, consistent success.
Now if I could just figure out why I was ever watching Oxygen in the first place.

DavidZornig commented about Varsity Theater on Oct 30, 2008 at 11:39 pm

I wanted to add that the GAP was not the first retailer to go into the gutted/“remodeled” Varsity space. The first tenant was a chain record/CD store along the lines of Coconuts or Peaches.
It was there as late as 1990 or early `91.
It was right at the time when new CD’s were being sold in that “long box” packaging format that tried to resemble record albums. A wasteful format that the eco-folks and some prominent musicians quickly fought to eliminate.
I think the GAP only went into the former Varsity space, when/after the old “County Seat” store just a bit further North on the same side of Sherman Ave. finally closed.

After the CD store closed, a similar one just as large if not larger, opened across the street where a CVS is now located. There was a giant, bi-level Barnes & Noble too, which has also since closed on the corner across from & just South of the Varsity.

There was also a tiny vintage book store down the alley and across from the Varsity’s side exit doors. I think it was called Booksellers Row or something.

DavidZornig commented about Vic Theatre on Oct 30, 2008 at 10:47 pm

P.S. I like the 1972 CTA picture of the Vic’s back wall in Bryan’s 2004 post. Complete with Hydra swooping in to attack the Southbound train.

I also just remembered that long time Lincoln Ave. hamburger shop Muskies, had their 2nd location in the corner space just North of the Vic. Where Bank of America is now.
Muskies closed after what else, a fire.

DavidZornig commented about New 400 Theaters on Oct 30, 2008 at 10:28 pm

The 400 was another one that in the `80’s had midnight runs of the “Rocky Horror Picture Show”. I heard from a friend that it was pretty much a free for all, where attendees threw their toast and what not with no apparent intervention by management.

I seem to remember they did get a crack at some pretty good 2nd run films at one time. Maybe even first run since the closest theatre still operating in the 90’s was the Adelphi.

The only film I remember seeing at the 400 was some indie action romp, starring John Matusak formerly of Oakland Raiders and “North Dallas Forty” fame. He died not long after the film was released. So maybe 1988 or so.

The Oasis was/is a 4am tavern just across the street on Sheridan. It was pretty much necessary after that.

DavidZornig commented about Regal Webster Place 11 on Oct 30, 2008 at 1:40 pm

I remember seeing “Basic Instinct” at the Webster Place Theatres when it came out. The lines were extremely long. Our goal was to get tickets and go over to Pequods or Flounders until closer to showtime. However the large crowds meant staying there until the next show. Cause they were doing the ropes and head count thing, and not really checking tickets.

There were some protesters on site who were vocally objecting to the film’s depiction of a bisexual female lead played by Sharon Stone, as being prone to violence and a killer.
The heavy press coverage of that distinction likely caused larger crowds to sell out many of the initial showings.
Which in turn caused some of the protestors to essentially be drowned out and basically a non factor to sales, if that was one of their goals.

I’m not sure if Webster had the escalators or not before the remodeling. If so, they were possibly shut off to accomodate the large crowds waiting for the next showings. Because I remember standing for a long period on the stairs. I remember thinking fire code should have an issue with that large of a crowd waiting inside the building, with an already full theatre. And us on the common stairs out.

The last thing I saw recently at Webster Place was “Juno”.
The trick there now is to make sure you park in the correct lot for the theatre, and not the adjacent strip mall lot. Something I did twice, got right, and still don’t know how.
The cost for accidental mall parking was higher than that for the validated theatre parking. A security guard just happened to mention it. The theatre had not. And we again had already secured tickets.

DavidZornig commented about Broadway Playhouse at Water Tower Place on Oct 30, 2008 at 12:48 pm

Thanks CinemarkFan for the confirmation. I was pretty sure Drury Lane/WT is where I saw T2. I lived two blocks from there in `91.

The Drury Lane stage theater in Evergreen Park was in a complex called “The Martinique”. The place with the chapel, banquet hall & giant Vegas style signage. Inside the lobby near the theatre entrance was a small rather low `60’s looking bar. With swiveling, high backed vinyl bar stools that were attached to the floor. Pictures of Debbie Reynolds, Robert Goulet etc. adorned the walls.
It was razed to build a WalMart, but not sure if that ever happened.

In addition to Oakbrook, there is also a Drury Lane North in Lincolnshire.
A “theater in the round” as they say, but really it’s a smallish square stage with ascending seats on all four sides. It’s been active for quite sometime, and is part of a hotel complex itself. The theatre is designed for and only suitable for stage plays. Which is as far off topic as I’ll go.

DavidZornig commented about Carnegie Theatre on Oct 27, 2008 at 7:30 pm

I was just thinking back on how special things were at The Carnegie in the`70’s.
The animated signage I mentioned in a previous post, were actually ornately themed pieces constructed partially over the illuminated portions of the Carnegie’s existing marquee.

For instance during the Chaplin festival’s first film, a giant Chaplin “tramp” character was constructed with electrically moving hips from side to side. Additional spot lights were added to illuminate whatever portions there were made of painted plywood, that didn’t benefit from the existing lighting.
As the film’s changed out, so did the signage designs. Small mobile spotlight trucks seemed almost the norm at times. Making every showing seem as a special event. The oldest advertising gig in the book: Motion turns heads.

The modern glass ticket booth was offset all the way to the left of the entrance, but angled to face slightly Northeast. There was a small office behind it. If I remember correctly, the concession stand was behind the interior side of the ticket booth and accessed by the same office.

Inside the lobby was modern with an orangish decor & possibly brown carpeting. Just inside towards the back of the lobby, there was a sunken lounge area beyond a railing with couches, chairs & lamps. The restrooms were on the North & South sides of that lounge.

The auditorium itself was also sunken to even lower than the lounge level, accessed by long downward ramps at both ends of the lobby as well.
This design allowed it to accomodate the height it needed for one large screen & the audience seating to run upward. Even though the parking garage was directly above, and appeared only one or two short stories up itself from street level out front. The previously mentioned organ was to the left of the screen.

Next door Mister Kelly’s shared facade had round brick windows that housed pictures of the upcoming entertainers. Morey Amsterdam, Mort Sahl, Tim & Tom (Reid & Dreesen), drummer Buddy Rich, other bands, singers etc.

Across Rush street going South from the Bellevue Corner was the original Jay’s, another small bar downstairs in the back, Henry’s florist, the Waterfront restaurant, and the Singapore Room. With a giant vertical sign adorned with climbing, flashing neon monkeys.
This sign could briefly be seen during the open of WGN’s NightBeat newscasts with Marty McNeely, then Jack Taylor.

Then a small parking lot, which seemingly handled a lot more “business” than parking cars. Then was Pat Haran’s (now Jilly’s), the Backroom club (still there), a retail store and of course Rush & Oak corner tenant Burgerville. Which other than “Banquet On A Bun” up the street, was one of the original cheap, late night grease fixes.
At a time when Division Street’s Five Faces was still just an ice cream store.

P.S. Bill Freidkin and William Peterson’s Chicago roots are well documented. So it’s great that they would come back to screen some of their Hollywood projects here first. Hopefully the fairly recent premiere of “The Break Up” here, will reignite that trend.